Reverse Engineering a Collective Experience

Looking at a Bigger Picture

Looking back now, there is so much more beyond what we thought was happening on this fateful day, some things we still may not understand yet. The reality is there was more than just the planes that struck the towers, regardless of who planned and/or executed the people.

The above video was sent to me by Rudolph Bosniak, from Herzegovina, a few days afterward. It’s had so much counter-intuitive responses of being a fly or a bird or something other than what it truly appears to be if one takes off the rose-colored glasses and just observes. It happens in only a few seconds, a UAP/UFO spirals out of ‘nowhere,’ flies in between that towers at the moment of impact of the second plane, then disappears in the same spiraling fashion.

This event brought the shift in American citizenry that had been long-planned, from what we’ve been able to gather since. The care and compassion for others was countered by a systematic counter-intelligence program that manipulated the entire world into a prescribed path crafted by a few who had the ways and means to challenge the status quo with immeasurable effect. The world changed in just a few days and the ‘war on terror’ got its budget increase.

Now for Something Completely Different

gaia-fest las pulgas canyonIn a canyon in Pacific Palisades began another story simultaneously, perhaps a gift from Las Pulgas. My first introduction to the canyon was just before going to Chile for a month. Upon my return I took up residence there and, a few weeks later we put on an event called Gaia-Fest, termed Love Fest in the local paper the following week.

On this fateful morning, though, I was awakened rather harshly with a flow of imagery that was astounding. Hundreds of symbols, ancient and both recognizable and unrecognizable as they seemed, flowed in a torrent of imagery for a few moments before I could even open my eyes. I was locked in the view; mesmerizing to say the least. I had no idea what was happening on the other side of the country.

My ‘bedroom’ was a large cement slab left over from a previous highway department building, the third tier of what was now a private residence below. The 37-acre canyon was just south of Sunset Boulevard off the Pacific Coast Highway. I slept on an air mattress with a sleeping bag and pillow that was perfect for the time of year; sounds of frogs, crickets and the surf as my nightly lullaby and the screech of hawks and ravens my alarm clock. It was paradise.

I suppose the torrent lasted only a couple of minutes or less, though seemed a very long time in viewing, yet a blink when the liminal space becomes present in consciousness. In that liminal space, worlds merge for moments of ineffable details and delivery. I’d had some practice at just being still and observing when these things happen. Thinking yanks one out of the experience, usually, and the awe of the view left no desire to think; just to observe.

I’d seen some pretty wild stuff in my life’s tenure to date, yet nothing like this as it had the sense of extreme importance for some kind of purpose. It just felt deeply significant, beyond anything I’d experienced. After the flow subsided, I laid there for several more minutes wondering why and what they meant. I heard others beginning to stir with unusual fervor.

I got up to walk down to the house to inquire of their morning so far. The house had a converted office in the storage area below the glass enclosed area that looked down the drive to the ocean. On the way, a woman who was living in a small trailer on a lower tier was frantically preparing to leave, upset and frightened. I asked her what was happening.

She informed me that a passenger plane had struck one of the Twin Towers and perhaps we were under attack. In the few moments I just listened without attachment. Her fear was out of control and she could barely speak through her emotionally traumatized personal state of being. I got enough to realize something very wrong was happening.

Synchronistic Synergy

CNN and AP photos unretouched - priest and king?

Images appearing for what reason?

I walked on down to our makeshift office and as I opened the door, the phone rang. It was a friend who was up and watching the news. As soon as I answered she had no hesitation, and was also frantic in her fear, in telling me to turn on the radio and TV to see the events unfolding. The second plane had just struck the other tower minutes before her call. I did neither as requested. There was no impulse to do so.

She told me she was on her way to see her best friend, a FOX newscaster, to find out more. I thanked her for the call, encouraged her to be safe and trust that everything would all work out. Something inside me felt that listen to radio or watching TV was not the path for me today. In this moment I felt detached and dynamically focused on something much deeper. I soon knew why.

Strangely, my emotions weren’t affected. I was completely still and unaffected by the events. In that stillness came the prompting to wake the others in the house, three roommates that shared it. I left the office and went to the front door a few feet away. As it turned out only one and his girlfriend where there, though they were the most metaphysically inclined of the group.

We stood outside, as it was an absolutely gorgeous southern California morning. Before I could explain my impressions as to what to do, another guy who’d been sleeping on a lower tier of the old remnants walked up with an intensely inquisitive look. He’d heard my earlier discussion with the woman. He, too, felt there was something for us to do beyond the normal responses.

The Pitch for Possibility

In a flash, the impression to open a portal for the ‘dead’ to ascend was replete with methodology and opportunity. I shared with the three that I had no idea if this would work or not, though the notion was to gather in prayer and offer our service in collaboration with a portal I had opened in the back of the canyon before traveling to Chile in late June.

Now, I’m sure you are wondering, “What portal?” I’d opened it to help two trapped spirits leave. Lyndsey Wagoner had lived in the house prior and was well aware of their presence. A couple had been murdered in the house decades ago, and had never left. She’d tried multiple methods to no avail and finally invited our host to take over the rental. He’d built a number of pieces of furniture for her over the years and seemed the ‘right’ one to offer the opportunity.

Explaining the entire process would diminish the purpose of this writing, though you can read more about it here. Suffice it to say that there was a perfect string of events that facilitated the opportunity we were presented with on this day in history. Our story wasn’t widely known, nor did we talk about it a lot. It was so mysterious and expressive of phenomena that none of us truly understood well enough to articulate its understanding beyond a cursory level.

The Process of Perception

I’m sure droves of folks have attempted to explain events that happen in what many refer to as the ‘liminal’ space between dimensions or even the non-linear or non-local events most, if not all, experiencers of interdimensional communication reflect as ineffable. How do we make the ineffable effable? What reflects sensemaking in such situations?

In this case, there are at least two obviously connected events. One, the entrance and exit of what appears to be a hyperdimensional craft moving in and out of ‘somewhere else.’ Although we watch and pretend to explore the possibilities of the materialist views, we know there is much more interconnectedness in the event. We have to admit we simply do not know, though we do know there is an answer ‘somewhere.’

In just comparing the two ‘narratives’ there is a cross-over of purpose, perhaps. We know that ETs are not a danger, though they may indeed be so much more functional in the realms beyond the physical that we can hardly surmise. One such possibility is the suspension of trauma and/or transition as ‘volunteers’ for such a seemingly horrific act. We don’t have video of the first plane so there is no way to know if a similar event took place as well.

Knowing a more expanded view of reality and the capacity for interaction within it, there could possibly be a joint effort that spans that liminal realm and creates a collaborative action across space and time. Perhaps the ‘volunteers’ were whisked away at the moment of impact and into a suspended space, just waiting for the ground crew to take actions like the canyon performance.

The Canyon Performance – Just Flies on the Wall

The previously mentioned portal was in the back of the canyon, about a quarter-mile walk from the house. It was about 6:30 when we departed to the portal. On the way, we all remained fairly quiet and in reverence for what we perceived to be a sacred duty we were called to perform. There was a deep sense of commitment to truth, to service and to the unknown results being just perfect.

Arriving at the spot, we sat in a circle, held hands and I began to invoke the many worlds with a prayerful beseeching of their help for our intended purpose. The purpose was to simply assist in the flow of the transition of souls from this world to the next with as little trauma as possible. Our attention was on returning them to Source after such a valiant mission. We never considered the event not to be their choice and destiny, even though it may not have been in their conscious awareness.

Events happen with people who have previously volunteer and/or were directed from an inner truth looking place few know exists. We know there are other realms; just not experienceable to the major of humans at this time. This may change in the very near future as we move further into the Age of Aquarius. There appears to be a lot of new science that is also validating this, including a Russian Academian’s dissertation from April of 2020.

After calling on all the kingdoms, from the elemental to the cosmic alliances, and impeccably timed I suddenly had a different point of view, even with my eyes closed. I was perhaps 100 feet above our location, slightly to the side and observing our circle of four, hand-in-hand with eyes closed, I could see a brilliant shaft of light within our circle and watched as it expanded around us. Then I found myself looking from perhaps several miles up as I could see southern California, Arizona and Nevada from my vantage point.

I went higher in a nanosecond and saw the entire northern continent. I witnessed another shaft of light that began on the east coast, arched over the country, and connected with the shaft of light engulfing us, just above our physical bodies. There was a distinct flow from the east to the shaft and up into the cosmos. It was such an awe-inspiring view. The notion of some sci-fi moving revealing the exquisitely crafted visuals were nothing in comparison to the direct experience of this event. Still, it wasn’t about any of us. It was about surrendering to service.

As I watched, the arc of light expanded to engulf the entire planet for a few seconds, then returned to the arc shape and, finally, was absorbed into the shaft and disappeared. I knew as I was watching that my body, along with the others, was still in the intentional state of surrender to All That Is and the functionality of what needed to happen beyond any of our imaginations. The shaft remained for a few moments and then my attention was suddenly back in my body.

Even writing about it now brings back the sense of the sublime and surreal activity and experience we all had that day. There was more, though this portion may already be too much to digest. It wasn’t just the experience of one, it was a shared experience. That is profound in the sense of sensibility and sensemaking. It is my sense we are capable of so much more, though it is facilitated through vulnerability and willingness, not sheer will as many might think.

Now, the potential of the interaction may have been a sequenced suspension of their (volunteers) travels for just a few moments. In that space, time disappears during the first few hours and perhaps days for some during normal transitions. I’ve had enough discussions with those who’ve passed to know there are many aspects of the transition we cannot fathom, yet do occur. It’s not too far fetched to perceive the potential presented in ‘What Dreams May Come’ that starred Robin Williams.

Truth truly is stranger than fiction in this case. I happened to be a participant and yet able to articulate at least a partial observation of the process and its results. Apparently we were successful and ‘someone’ else was watching, too. I wish I still had the copy of the channeling that went around the web a few weeks later, describing exactly what we had done and the location (canyon in California reference but no name) from which it was done.

The Underwhelming UAP Report that Deepens the Mystery

RE: UAP Report Nonsence (all 9 pages)

Shared this because it coincides with the UAP nonsense just released by our illustrious purveyors of preposterous notions… though they may actually be true.

Not hard to predict the cluelessness when history repeats itself in the fractals of contrived information and real absence of actual material.

Communications (originally established in the 1950s) were cut off when the MIC proved to be untrustworthy.

Not sure they are lying, as many believe… the MIC don’t have a clue because they’re going at [it] the wrong way. They see [them] as separate and not a part of the natural world, like us. Truly the point of perspection (inner/outer) cannot see what it has not experienced.

The sense of threat needs to go away in order to see them clearer and understand their technology… hundreds if not thousands of years ahead of our own. How could we possibly know anything without the proper tools to understand?

Space… the final frontier… Well, here’s a crash course on the rectilinear concept. We’ve got to begin to understand where we are in the scheme of things… our reality. Conceive…. consider… conceptualize.

___________________________________ ~ from The New Science (memoirs of Wilbert Smith – Project Magnet)

As a first consideration let us consider what space appears to be to us. We have no doubts about its volumetric nature although we have no senses by which we can observe this condition. We conclude that space is volumetric by the nature of things which we find in it. What would it be like if everything were removed from space? Would we even have space?

Can we conceive of a space structure completely devoid of matter or energy in any form; real empty space? What would such space be like? If we were disembodied entities located in such a space, how could we identify our position or describe where or how we were? What sort of yardstick could we use? These and many more similar questions must be faced squarely by those seeking understanding.

When one has satisfied himself by actually doing it that he can conceive of space with absolutely nothing in it, and is not too terrified of his creation, he is then in a position to take the next step, namely to find his way about in it. An arbitrary decision can be made to refer all concepts to where the investigator conceives himself to be, thereby establishing a point. [This ‘point,’ literally, is critical for the observation of awareness and reality, the I/eye of our being.]

He can next conceive of an adjacent point, thereby establishing a line. By turning in various directions he can establish the concepts of surfaces and volumes. But no matter what he does after that, the investigator cannot add more concepts to the space itself. He therefore concludes that what he instinctively felt soon after he first conceived the empty space, that it was volumetric, and nothing more, is correct.

The foregoing is actually an exercise in mental gymnastics, but as physical exercise is necessary for body-building, so are these exercises necessary for the building of understanding. It is absolutely necessary to satisfy oneself on these points before going on to the next concept.

The next step is to conceive of a way of getting about in this empty space, and to realize that one has done so when the operation is complete. The concept of an adjacent position, or point, is a good approach, and here again the operation becomes one of mental gymnastics, and a lot of manipulation and practice is necessary to get the feel of the situation.

As one gains in understanding of the properties of space, the various geometries become evident, and it becomes increasingly obvious that a wide variety can be made to work, if certain basic parameters are admitted. However, since our concern is primarily with our space and our universe, we will want to select the geometry that best fits our experience.

Ordinary Euclidean or rectilinear geometry is quite familiar and comprehensible to us, and we can understand easily how it can be applied to space as we conceive it. We can understand a sideways, forwards-backwards, up-down concept, or expressed mathematically, and x, y and z axis. Also, we experience no great difficulty in conceiving of these three axes as converging at right angles to a single point and extending outward therefrom to enormous distances. We can even introduce the idea of infinity in any direction as being somewhat beyond the farthest distance in which we have any interest.

In our rectilinear concept we can conceive of such a thing as a straight line, although we might be hard put to define it, since the concept is in itself axiomatic. However, if we understand what a straight line actually is in our concept and we are sure that others with whom we communicate also have the same understanding, we can use it as a real datum point in our appreciation of our universe. This point is of particular significance in what is to follow, as it is one of the few solid anchors we have on which to fasten our understanding. Let us never lose sight of this concept of a straight line, as entirely distinct from the behavior of matter or energy.

Our rectilinear concept at once validates our Euclidean geometry. Furthermore, it removes any limitations which might be imposed on it by either great or small distances. It provides us with a clear-cut framework within which we can think our way about in space. We should satisfy ourselves that this concept actually is a necessary and sufficient condition for this purpose, although we remember that its selection was arbitrary and that other geometries probably would work just as well.

However, since we have made our decision to use the rectilinear concept, we must be prepared to stick to our decision unless and until proved wrong. As a matter of fact, any geometry can be used, and will work within the limiting parameters of its definitions. It is only when extended beyond these limits that corrections become necessary, but even with the corrections the geometry itself does not become invalid, only the things we expect it to do.

Another older resource from an interview with George Van Tassel

What we still have yet to reveal within ourselves is the notion that what has been stated in both scientific and spiritual perspectives, albeit slightly differently, is that all things are connected. We’d be fools to ignore the evidence of experiencers and their awareness that indeed this is so. We consider categorization and nomenclature as a kind of separation into different aspects of reality and yet modern science is proving that this practice is simply folly.

For example, there are many resources that essentially cross-reference the reality of interconnectedness. Neppe and Close posit that consciousness, space and time are tethered across nine dimensions; Mironova (Russian Academenian) offers a dissertation on recent scientific discoveries on the mutations of our specie. William Swygard discovered a method to explore other-dimensional consciousness across nine planes (perhaps a direct experience of the TDVP model of Neppe and Close.

How we explore these realms will determine the revealing of their congruence and continuity with what the ancient calendars have offered regarding the period of time we are currently in, the transition between ages, from the Piscean (patriarchal) to the Aquarian (matriarchal) and another admonition Smith shares from his conversations with ‘people from elsewhere’ – that we ought to direct our questions to Mother Earth. The Gaia Hypothesis has been around for a while now, though we haven’t really considered the implication of being able to communicate directly with her. It’s a concept far too fringy for the fray…

Challenges of Experience and Inquiry with UFOs

Background Brief – Challenges 

Challenges of being both an experiencer and behind the scenes researcher over my lifetime, with events I’m challenged with and find hard to believe, yet I was part of it, and so an experience system began replacing beliefs that no longer fit. I write about them and, to date, have never been taken seriously by the ‘experts’ in ufology.

I totally get why folks remain aloof and apart from the madding crowd. It’s often disappointing and discouraging to witness the inability of folks to be open-minded or advance their own intelligence base. There’s a new living awareness available to those who emerge fearlessly from the challenges of fallacious narratives.

Most of my life (40+ years) I’ve been an outlier because of my experience and willingness to be vulnerable enough to share. Risking revealing a life of integrative activity still brings concern, yet if I don’t then I’m not walking my talk and am no use to anyone. With a robust professional career and successful transformational coaching practice I have to be an example of what I hope to inspire in clients and personal relationships – a new view of quantum entanglement.

I’ve been blessed to have some conversations that matter with others over the years, perhaps offering some corroboration and/or inspiration and guidance for others on the path who are struggling with the notion of being a co-creator in the process of the great awakening we’re experiencing at this time. We’ve been anticipating it, though participation in practical and pragmatic ways has been somewhat illusive. Articulating the understanding has been a challenge, though I’ve had a lot of fun developing it. Here’s a sampling: if interested.

Challenges… And then there are others

jim diletosso, zen benefielOthers have intimate encounters, conversations about the nature of the ‘people from elsewhere’ and their reasons for making a larger showing of UAP events. They aren’t to create military concern as they are no threat. Their messages are about the care and concern for humanity and our Mother Earth. Our level of thinking cannot fathom such advanced races that are aware and engage universal laws (physics we do not understand).

It’s been a challenge in the experience addressing hoaxers that seem to be of two categories – disinformation and attention seekers. Because of our lack of critical thinking skills, these folks run amuck and distract the gullible and naïve who are simply afraid of anything they cannot explain or want to believe in sci-fi fantasy beyond any technology we actually have to date. I’ve experienced bi-location and teleportation so I know they are possible, yet they are driven by psycho-spiritual technology, not material technology as some report.

The folks at Village Labs in Tempe, AZ, Jim Diletosso and Michael Tanner (RIP), held interviews with the witnesses of the Phoenix Lights in 1997. Lynne Kitei used many of those witnesses for her film. The challenges of Francis Emma Barwood, who pushed the investigation with the City of Phoenix and Fife Symington, I sure were daunting. She had been a guest on my show prior to the event and remained at least an acquaintance, if not friend over the years. We heard dozens of accounts of the event, revealing not one, two craft that had made their way down from the north along I-17 and Scottsdale Road. The second one never gets mentioned.

I’d known Jim for almost a decade prior and, available and curious as I was, I spent a lot of time at Village Labs. Jim was also a go-to-guy for photo and video analysis and had appeared on TV shows. I got to know a lot of folks from around the world as a result. Some seemed legit while others seemed more interested in fame and fortune. Tim Beckley held the New Age and Alien Agenda expos in the early 90s in Phoenix, which brought folks like Darrel Sims, who I had some heated conversations with because of his position on abductions.

Jim recommended me to the Axiom Group (promoters) as the event manager for the Prophets Conference, which gave me the opportunity to have even more conversations with those supposedly in the know. Challenges for logistical needs were few, as I had contacts from other events. One such opportunity with Dr. Edgar Mitchell involved several conversations about our shared interest and life events. He confided in me about their encounter with a metallic silver cylinder spiraling around the LEM on the descent to the surface of the Moon. He also asked me not to share it until after his death, for obvious reasons, and I kept my promise.

Pyramidal Pundits Proffering Proof

One of the newcomers who co-founded FREE and shared a video as proof that Edgar lent his name to the group, which seemed more like informing him of his intentions and Edgar just acquiescing out of politeness, took a personal stance and called me out as a liar because Edgar had not told him about the event. This same individual had stories of incredulous events he expected everyone to believe, and that he’d had an ‘awakening’ around 2012 that led him to his interest.

I’d made the effort to introduce him to many at his first IUFOC in 2015, informed Jeff Mishlove of FREE during my interview and did a lot of promotion for the organization and got repaid with self-righteous indignation. As if there were some fear of some kind, or perhaps envy, the distance turned into outright dismissal and rejection from the group he formed on Facebook. I find that typical of folks who reveal themselves over time to be less than ethical and perhaps have a moral compass that’s slightly off.

Speaking of Jeff Mishlove and the challenges of Earth, he mentioned one of his cohorts, who communicates with Non-Human Intelligence regularly, that ‘they’ see Earth as a series of pyramidal structures with alpha males at the top vying for dominance over people and planet while competing for territory. Our current situation with the pandemic is yet another example of the fallacious attempts to control populations, only it’s at a global scale now. This, too, shall pass.

I don’t have any investment in being known or having a following or selling books or any of the nonsense that seems to accompany those who want to dominate the field, let alone promote openness toward the subject beyond their passion for disclosure. We know they are there – now what? What’s next? Are we even thinking about it? Seems we cannot think our way through a system built on vibration – even the communication methods are frequency-based, so we need to sense the scene, right?

Challenge: How Can We Emerge?

IMHO, the subject is far beyond sightings and encounters. We generally only take a cursory view, using faulty belief systems as our guide, and never explore the depths of the interdimensional interactions these intelligences and craft exhibit. If I recall some of what I’ve heard about the 1950s events, which Smith validates ‘they’ let governments know they were here, is that appearances and agreements were made initially with world governments. Those agreements were violated across the board… technology turned into weaponry… and so the withdrawal of direct contact and Plan B began… the systematic personal contact agenda and the elevation of consciousness from a grass roots level, so to speak.

I have to say I was pleasantly surprised with Romanek got his well-deserved reward. I’d had several conversations with him, with little eye contact and avoidance of direct questions that would have offered some validation to his experience. I determined then it was all a hoax and his unsuspecting wife got caught in the middle of it. The political correctness and lack of critical questions and conversations seem to hinder our progress as well. Folks who get flustered with critical questions tend to reveal their stories as being concoctions rather than reality. We should love critical thinking questions developed with the intention of sincere inquiry.

Luis spoke of the nature of the military interest in his 60 Minutes interview – “What is it? What is its intentions? What are its capabilities?” Those are great questions, yet they are still at a cursory level, imho, and the real challenges aren’t being addressed. Have interactions for a lifetime, those questions seem like more disinformation. We know what they are, were informed of their intentions back in the 1950s, and have reverse-engineered at least some technology from downed craft so we know some capabilities.

What we don’t know is the level of consciousness they possess and the understanding of how they can manipulate reality so easily. It appears that as one studies and/or practices deep spiritual practices, some of the answers begin to bubble up through experience rather than the intellectual investigation. Our ability to co-create (manipulate reality) emerges as well. It seems preposterous to consider ‘them’ a threat, which fuels that polarity between Elizondo and Greer.

Coming of Age – Challenges of Awareness

We all have the ability of ‘sensing’ and using that ‘sense’ to determine the resonance of virtually any soliloquy or conversational bits of data or even media. Instead of drilling down through the information and why we sense certain things, we dismiss our feelings and acquiesce to some nebulous notions presented by others as being ‘true’ when, in fact, it is not. We hear, “I believe you believe that it is true for you, but I’m not buying it.” Those statements usually come from ignorance and an unwillingness to explore an unknown with the curiosity of a child free of belief systems or preconceptions.

What is obvious to the most casual observer willing to step back and view a larger picture is that the communication from ‘elsewhere’ is nearly identical to the instruction of spiritual development that’s been around for millennia. Makes one wonder where those instructions came from in the first place. Seems the global or universal view is congruent, so the only threat is of belief systems crumbling as we become more aware of the need for harmony with self, others and Nature. It’s a natural evolutionary process for planetary civilizations.

Honorable Paul Hellyer – Message to Congress (each one)

Perhaps there is hope.

Dear American Friends,

This complementary book entitled Liberation! The Economics of Hope, and accompanying letter, are sent to assist you in an unprecedented situation. Your lives and the continued existence of your country are both in peril. The threat does not come from a foreign power, but from within. The bottom line is that U.S. Republicans and Democrats absolutely must work together arm-in-arm to thwart the evil plans of the enemy. On December 7, 2020 Professor Haim Eshed, former head of Israel’s space program, broke the 74 year-old secrecy code. The time has come for Full Disclosure of post-World War II history and its incredible implications for millions or perhaps billions of lives.

The story begins at the end of World War II when the U.S. decided to recruit Nazi scientists to assist in the Cold War with the Soviets. The Nazis were given new CVs and new names before being appointed to important jobs – both civil and military. It was called Operation Paperclip and can be found on Google. It wasn’t long before the German Nazis, in cooperation with like-minded Americans, were in control of important segments of the U.S. military to begin a story that makes science fiction look tame. Their first big break came on Tuesday, July 8, 1947, at 11:00 a.m. Mountain Time (MT), when Roswell Army Air Field commanding officer Colonel William Blanchard announced (in a press release) the recovery of a flying disc.

THAT WAS THE TRUTH! Later that same day, at approximately 4:30 p.m. Central Standard Time (CST), Brigadier General Roger Ramey, the commander of the Eighth Air Force, and Blanchard’s supervising officer, presented to the press an alternate story. He claimed the army had recovered a rawin target device suspended by a Neoprene rubber balloon. THAT WAS A LIE!
It was not only a lie, it became the cornerstone of a gigantic structure of lies and deceit spanning more than 70 years during which the American press and Congress were deliberately uninformed and systematically misinformed about the subject of the Extraterrestrial (ET) presence on and around our planet, but also the extent to which their vastly superior technology has been replicated for military and industrial use. The truth, when revealed, will blow your minds. Meanwhile it is all wrapped in the impervious National Security Act, 1947.

A hint of what became known as the “shadow government” came from the late Senator from Hawaii, Daniel K. Inouye who said: “There exists a shadowy government with its own air force, its own navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own idea of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.” This group joined with the Cabal I describe in my book to build the most formidable space fleet in recorded history, and to endorse the idea of a New World Order (NWO) comprising a fascist world government, committed to a genocide of the majority of the world’s population. It now has the power to strike at will, so you will have to adopt massive new measures at once.

Defunding is your only weapon. You should cut the defense budget by 50% at once, but it has to be directed. It should include the entire space fleet, or fleets. It should include the CIA in its totality, as it has been most involved in the Nazi agenda. DARPA should be shut down until you can discern directly, and from Elana Freeland’s two books including Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth, some of the various devices that are being prepared to kill us. And the National Security Agency should be shut down in its entirety to provide a level playing field. It spies on everyone, even the president. So if it were to continue in operation while you are trying to discern who is loyal to the Republic and who is backing the NWO it would provide the Nazis with a critical advantage. Read pages 1-18 of Liberation! to get the picture.

The First Plague, arbitrarily labelled the Fourth Reich is the most urgent. It is not a conspiracy theory. It is a conspiracy! More precisely it is a decades-old plan to establish a world without borders, dramatically de-populated for the exclusive benefit of the “superior race” and its alien allies. In his book The Secret History of Extraterrestrials, Len Kasten traces the cooperation of Hitler and the primary species of extraterrestrials that is part of the NWO. You will have no trouble getting whistleblowers to confirm the facts. Dr. Steven Greer, who should be given the nation’s highest honor for giving up his medical practice to work full time trying to alert the
American people, can give you a list to start with. But you will have to grant immunity under the National Security Act so that whistleblowers of all stripes will feel comfortable speaking the truth.

Each Plague needs its own bipartisan committee with the exception of money and banking. It is evil to the core. And at this very minute new evil is being planned. The monopoly has to be attacked frontally and fundamentally. The entire Federal Reserve System has to be nationalized without compensation because its assets are U.S. debts squeezed from the blood and sweat of U.S. workers. A new 100% publicly owned Bank of the United States must be established. The first Governor has to be a complete outsider, someone like Catherine Austin Fitts who could establish a formula for sharing the money-creation function between the government and private banks.

Perhaps a fifth committee could be omnibus and look at problems of all kinds. For example, the Coronavirus Pandemic has created more speculation than I have ever seen on any subject. Was the University of North Carolina involved in any way in cooperation with the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China? Was the virus developed for military use? Are there others in the line? Former director of NASA, Scott Hubbard, has warned that the Next Killer Supervirus could be alien in nature. Where did he get that information?

There are many other problem areas. Recent decades have seen a cartelization of many industries that should be broken up such as big banking, big pharma, big news outlets. In a second book, Daniel Estulin, the author of The True Story of the Bilderberg Group, shows that every major English language news outlet, both print and electronic, is either owned or controlled by a Bilderberger. That is not a free press which is fundamental to democracy. And, of course, allowing the cartelization of the food industry is a capital offense against the poor people of the world.

Even worse is to use food for population control. You must read Seeds of Destruction: Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation by F. William Engdahl. This is what Global Research has to say about it: “This skilfully researched book focuses on how a small socio-political American elite seeks to establish control over the very basis of human survival: the provision of our daily bread. ‘Control the food and you control the people.’ The author cogently reveals a diabolical world of profit-driven political intrigue, government corruption and coercion, where genetic manipulation and the patenting of life forms are used to gain worldwide control over food production. If the book often reads as a crime story, that should come as no surprise. For that is what it is.”

The America you are charged to examine sounds like one that has been heavily influenced by Lucifer, aka Satan, or the Evil One. Lack of spirituality is the root cause of nearly all the big problems. America will never be really great again until it undergoes a Spiritual Revolution. My book Hope Restored proclaims that God is alive and well and everywhere. The Cosmos, comprising all particulate matter, is His body. We, too, are all God’s children and made in His image. That doesn’t mean we look like Him, but that we are part of Him, and He is part of us. Neither the color of our skin, nor our race, sexual preference or beliefs denies the fact that we are siblings and that He loves us all and unequivocally. That is the kind of true love we must emulate because it is the glue that holds the Cosmos together.

Respectfully submitted,
Hon. Paul Hellyer
Former Minister of Defense for Canada

Conversation with God – Is There a ‘Perfected’ Form, Fit and Function?

Coming of Age

I’m not anyone special, though my experience is unique and weird. It started with a voice inside, advanced to trips to an orange cigar-shaped cloud a few years later and culminated in an NDE in college that presented a profound path to follow; it was like a conversation with ‘God,’ beginning with the mention of helping to facilitate a ‘new world order’ in my lifetime. Well, that’s enough to turn folks off right away.

A few years ago I had the opportunity to discuss what that [new world order] really means from my perspective and understanding. I was invited by Dr. Jeffery Mishlove, an honor and 28-year process of completion. I was hosting a new show, One World, back in 1990 and hoped someday I’d be worthy of an interview with one of the icons I hoped to emulate, Bill Moyers or Jeffrey Mishlove.

This has been a focus of my attention for over 40 years, sometimes obsessively so, attempting to correlate my experiences and others across the spectrum in order to understand my own form, fit and function in the world. I haven’t found any conversations with ‘God’ that dives as deep as the journey I’ve been on for most of my life. It’s a crazy one, though I wouldn’t change a thing.

From what I can tell, it isn’t a simulation; it is a collective experience, individuated to the extent of choice and free will, though the ‘holistic system’ (people and planet) is driven by the collective awareness, the planetary consciousness. Right now, obviously, the collective human level is low and it enjoys a fear-based reality for the most part; a dystopian reality of some sort most are afraid is coming to fruition.

Old Paradigms Need Shifting for a New Order to Emerge

Belief and projection aren’t all that different, imho, producing undesirable results around the world today. Most of it is still unconscious participation. It seems we’ve nearly lost our compassion and kindness toward each other from fear of infection, perceived differences and the narrative that’s indoctrinated a huge part of our society through the dominance of corporations and governments.

As with any statistical curve, the standard deviations are likely to apply, resulting in some with growing self-awareness that has led to awareness of a greater reality and some, not so much. Even though conversations about consciousness and non-human intelligence interacting have begun, we still tend to carry bias, imho, and it gets in the way of open communication. We’re rather attached to our own POV, not realizing it may be the same as another’s only the language is different so it is misunderstood.

Here’s an example:

Wilbert Smith’s book, The New Science, sheds some light on ‘their’ view of things. ‘Their’ meaning people from elsewhere. Apparently we do not understand ‘nothingness’ as a primary factor in the manifestation of everything, and that the materialization has to do with ‘spin’ design (an intelligence beyond our current understanding) that begins in a single point (Iikely of consciousness). In our history, some would have thought his experience was a conversation with God.

The level of interaction across inner and outer realms is astronomical when one considers the conversation with God to include creation itself; if we could only perceive it better. I shared that perspective in a recent video, from an ‘aha’ moment triggered by considering Smith’s information and how it validated some things for me. That is the notion that the point of light referenced above could also contain another aspect we missed. Through experiences of being in the ‘light’ and in the ‘void’ the sensations were nearly identical, individuated yet connected to everything somehow.

I don’t know, though I get the sense that we’re designed to become aware of it all as part of our evolution of consciousness, including the mind/brain interface, for lack of a better. We’ve got the equipment on board, in our brain/body/spirit/soul complex (from RA material model), and perhaps it is a matter of where we are looking to or from; dismantling with intellect or assembling through experience and observation, what Lex Neale’s diagram calls the Self-Aware Witness. Pretty cool stuff…