Category Archives: Events

2015 IUFOC – from a patron


Jim Dilettoso, Zen, Liz Alpert, Clifford Mahooty

A moment in time…

Many years ago the gentleman on the far left in photo, Jim Dilettoso, along with Ret. Col. Wendelle Stevens (RIP) organized the first International UFO Congress in Tucson, AZ. I was quite fortunate to have been able to be there, arriving in a limousine owned by a mutual friend, Roy Haddix (RIP), along with the future mother of Jim’s awesome daughter.. now a teenager. Some really amazing things have happened over the years.

The event today brings people from all over the world. Mine is a personal experience of connecting with others and sharing what we’ve found in our personal direct experiences and relationships forged from internal and external perspectives, something that is not particularly shared on stage by the presenters. Most of that information is perhaps more linear and, quite honestly, polarized in one perspective or another. Below is a series of interviews I did at an event in Sedona in 1992, which includes Jim Dilettoso and others. It’s a veritable synopsis of what is and has been going on for decades.

This year was probably the most profound shift I’ve noticed in the willingness of people to share openly, mostly patrons rather than actual presenters. The shift has been in their ability to question and the willingness to see things from an inner perspective, free of polarization. This demonstrates the growth in awareness and consciousness among the collective of experiencers. The morning and evening gatherings of experiencers in a facilitated session by Yvonne Smith brought out the fact that many are still grappling with the intense juxtaposition of fear and freedom in experiencing non-linear and non-local events of their own.


Rey Hernandez, Rev Zen, Richard Dolan

There is a new organization called FREE (Foundation for Research of Extraterrestrial Encounters) that has taken the environment to a new level of investigation. Rey Hernandez and I shared a table during the event and got to know each other well, another unexpected joy for me particularly. FREE’s work, began by folks like John Mack (RIP) some years ago, is bring an opportunity for contactees to share their experiences and study the commonality. Academic studies of the phenomena of long been plagued by the reluctance of the scientific community to explore.

Today, the work of FREE is forging a new path in the acceptance and corroboration of a common theme in the awareness of experiencers, that of a congruent understanding of the helpfulness garnered toward the actualization of an openness toward our Star Families, revealing the potential of many who have found their lives to be integrated with a massive movement toward evolving consciousness. Dr. Edgar Mitchell and Dr. Rudy Schild are co-founders of FREE. Dr. Mitchell and I had conversations about this possibility when we met at the Prophets Conference in Phoenix in 1997.

Travis-ZenThe common perception among nearly all the folks I was able to meet and speak with for any length of time over the 5-day event was that we are learning how to move beyond our internal fears prompted by the induction of various philosophies and religions, Travis’ recent shift is one of the most notable. Of course there are those who still seek to polarize the public for personal and profitable reasons. The great thing is that the discussion of personal discernment is growing and the suspension of old, worn out belief systems is occurring throughout this environment. Some folks are still gullible and want to believe what they are hearing from these proponents of polarity. Indeed the conduit is closing, though, as the seekers of truth are reflecting their awareness more openly.

Perhaps there is a desire for harmony among people and planet, promoted by the majority of contactees, that is encouraging those who’ve felt like they were ‘abducted’ to look at their experience from a larger view, one of an expanded consciousness that is being offered by our extraterrestrial neighbors. The natural process of chaos to order is certainly being recognized.

Contact in the Desert

Your Chance to Win Tickets!

Now in its third year amidst the desert background in the Joshua Tree area, Contact in the Desert is moving the the end of May. Patrons are getting their wish as the previous August dates, even with the Perseid meteor showers, was challenging to heat-sensitive folks. It’s a beautiful venue, though.

Contact in the Desert New Dates

Joshua Tree Retreat Center is the oldest and largest retreat center in the Western United States; a unique architectural landmark on a sacred site. Their mission is to support the education and nourishment of the infinite human potential. The atmosphere is certainly conducive, especially with the new dates for the 2015 Contact in the Desert event.

You can enter to win two free passes for the weekend, too. Click on this link. It’s time sensitive. Make sure you look up our Curator, Zen Benefiel, at the event. He’ll be staying in the Rose Cottage and will undoubtedly be hosting some great after-hours discussions. Keep your eyes and the skies and your head in the silence within… that’s where you’ll find the most interesting conversations.

Contact in the Desert – New Dates

CONACT 2015Contact in the Desert New Dates

Now in its third year amidst the desert background in the Joshua Tree area, Contact in the Desert is moving the the end of May. Patrons are getting their wish as the previous August dates, even with the Perseid meteor showers, was challenging to heat-sensitive folks. It’s a beautiful venue, though.

Joshua Tree Retreat Center is the oldest and largest retreat center in the Western United States; a unique architectural landmark on a sacred site. Their mission is to support the education and nourishment of the infinite human potential. The atmosphere is certainly conducive, especially with the new dates for the 2015 Contact in the Desert event.

New Date: May 29 – 31

This year will bring many of the same speakers and vendors as the previous years. The event grew tremendously from 2012 to 2013 and this year is anticipated to be even larger. The schedule has not been released as of yet, but it is anticipated within by the end of January. If you are going to stay onsite, it would be a good idea to get your accommodates soon as they will fill up quickly.

There are some hotels in the area, but none within a reasonable walking distance from the event site at 59700 Twentynine Palms Highway, Joshua Tree, CA 92252. Weekend conference passes have included meals at the onsite cafeteria. The staff and volunteers are helpful and ut in a lot of hard work to make this event a success. Keep an eye on the Contact in the Desert InMemoriamwebsite for updated information to appear soon.

There are several gathering places onsite as well, for meet and greets and general conversation. The Rose Cottage will also host after-hours gatherings for patrons and special guests attending the conference as well. Our UfologyPRSS curator will be attending, too.

There have been contests for free tickets in the past, so hopefully this year will be no different. We’ll keep you updated as things progress. Make sure you sign up for our newsletter. Look forward to seeing you there.


First Contact Imminent

First Contact Imminent

The binary disc decoded: "Beware of the bearer's of gifts and the broken promises. Much pain but still time. Believe there is good out there. We oppose the deceivers. The conduit is closing." The window: 1987-2037; the 'shift' between Piscean & Aquarian ages.

The binary disc decoded: “Beware of the bearer’s of gifts and the broken promises. Much pain but still time. Believe there is good out there. We oppose the deceivers. The conduit is closing.” The window: 1987-2037; the ‘shift’ between Piscean & Aquarian ages.

It was February 13, 2001 sometime around midnight in Phoenix, Arizona. I’d just gotten horizontal after an evening of chatting with folks on SpiritWeb about the Ashtar Command and what the ‘contactee’ experience was like for me. It had been going on for decades, since childhood, with no sense of malevolence whatsoever.

I found that many were still caught up in mixed emotions and concern for ‘negative’ ETs that seemed to get in the way of their development. Fear is just not a factor in the thin worlds. It simply does not exist. That may sound very confusing to those with ‘abduction’ experiences that have left an indelible mark. I have an entire book about that, Alien Agendas and Anal Probes. But I digress…

Lying there in quiet contemplation, all of a sudden I felt the transition between worlds that has become so familiar over the years. It’s like being freed from one world to enter another accompanied by a definite shift in the sensation of vibration. I’m sure its subtle, but inside it feels dramatic. There is a sound that is beyond hearing that accompanies the shift. It feels like a wind at my back, catapulting my relation-ship beyond the ocean of emotion.

This one was a bit different, though. My focus seemed to expand and contract simultaneously. I was fully conscious and it felt really strange. The practice of ‘seeing’ is much like scrying with a mirror or looking at an image that has a 3-D effect, gazing without looking intentionally. Years later in DMT – The Spirit Molecule I read accounts of folks who tried to explain their experience and they seemed to draw upon the same kind of explanations for their non-linear experiences.

I found myself in front of a large group of folks that looked they came from across the galaxy; so many varieties I was taken by surprise for a moment, but I have to say it felt quite natural and normal. Then my consciousness shifted again, into the ‘performance mode’ where I was able to observe yet another part of me was in charge. I was performing as a facilitator for the meeting, feeling like I was in complete charge.

As my focus developed and dissipated, I could tell I was on board a ship of substantial size. Sounds like a paradox, huh? Developed and dissipated… but that is how it seemed. I was in a large meeting room that reminded me of a lecture hall from college, with several hundred in the audience. This audience was not your standard student body though; far from it. I had simultaneous questions as I was ‘performing’ the emcee function.

There were dozens of different races represented in the group, too many to recall them all, but there was a sense of unity amongst them that felt familiar for some reason. I felt confident in the plethora of participants and the myriads of systems they represented, all members of the Galactic Federation. I understood the latter without question. Although there was no obvious announcement of their affiliation, the sense of unity was profound and complete.

The exact details are too cumbersome to elucidate here now, but the focus of the meeting was to go over the agreed upon processes, protocols, rules and responsibilities of ‘First Contact’ on Earth. It was apparent the process had been going on for some time; no exact date for establishing a ‘time and place’ event. Truth be known, it started millennia ago while humans were just beginning to evolve on their own.

It was time to begin the strategic actions to bring consciousness among humanity to a new level. They had advanced to a point of priority for planetary survival. It would become necessary for many kinds of open contact to occur. Humans were still too projective with the energy and they had not learned how to listen, so many methods and options were to be discussed. The 2012 Winter Solstice was one of the points of order under discussion, when the awareness of humans would reach a ‘tipping point’ in the process.

That may seem like a simple concept, listening, but the depth of the listening is what enables the interdimensional travel beyond the linear frameworks that humans have developed. You might recall a line in one of the favorite books among humankind stating, ‘for those who have the ears to hear and the eyes to see.’ When consciousness shifts, so does one’s ability to become aware and perceive.

One of the ways this was to be accomplished was the voluntary incarnation of some of the members of the Federation, developing as normal humans within the population yet being able to accelerate the advancement of consciousness along with the natural development of the human system. I knew that to be true for myself, but I longed for others like me to join the party. Most of the time the ‘incarnates’ are unaware of their true identity for many years, following their passion and purpose like an internal road map.

WheelCoCreationOnly after a decade of holding this within and, although I’ve been quite outspoken about my experiences, this one has not had the ears to hear until now. I have witnessed the growth of listening and as we approached the tipping point, (Winter Solstice of 2012) where consciousness has been expanding globally to understand the shift.

The next 25 years are focused on implementing the garnered awareness into existing systems, across the spectrum. The Co-Creators wheel that Thrive and The Shift Network use is an example.

Now since Jose Arguelles is gone, it seems time to share and take my chances. He wrote a wonderful reflection in an event journal I kept during the Prophets Conference in Phoenix back in 1997, perhaps the beginning of ‘Zen of the Clean Wave Form’ he referenced in his work later. We had many conversations about the transition of the ages and the wisdom necessary to negotiate the change into the New Time.

I’ve had a few conversations with others over the years, but their self-importance and conspiratorial positions simply do not support the Galactic Federation’s agenda as I know it. It is a New Time where consciousness is key and collaboration imperative. Pointing fingers and sharing disturbing references, true or not, only serves to maintain separative notions. In my humble opinion, that kind of behavior is subversive and treasonous to the spirit of Truth.

Another example of Galactic Federation workers’ results, no doubt some aware of their roles in the development, is the ISO 26000 Social Responsibility Standards. This is an example of how representatives from over 90 countries came together with a single goal in mind and created a document that can be used for moving humanity forward expeditiously. However, it is an ‘intentional’ document, one that employees of major corporations can use to encourage their leadership to be better planetary citizens. It is practical and pragmatic.

Stay tuned for more. Look for me at the Contact in the Desert event coming up in August. I won’t be on the schedule, but I will be there. Here’s a review of last year’s event for me. A point of perspection dances in the balance of the seer’s vision. One does not need to be an atheist or religious to find meaning for oneself in life and meaning for life in oneself. I share much more in the book Zendor the Contrarian.

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