Category Archives: UFO Journalists

Contact in the Desert recap

Alien.317The second Contact in the Desert event at the Joshua Tree Retreat Center was held this last weekend. Attendance grew to well over a thousand people in spite of the sweltering heat. When asked about possible date changes the event organizer, Paul Andrews, stated that the reason Perseid Meteor showers are most visible then. I’m not quite sure what that has to do with ‘contact’ but suffice it to say the dates will probably remain the same for next year.

Speakers presented on a varied of topics and you can research that on the Contact website.Since I know most of the presenters and am very familiar with their work, I spent most of my time among the participants to get a feel for the ‘common man’s’ observations and reflections on the subject at hand. From the queries I made, there is a vast array of perspectives and revelations (so to speak) being promoted, but not much is being done to query the crowd or seek out the experiences of real contactees. There is a lot of talk about consciousness, but no opportunities ti explore aside from the limited number of devices provided by a few of the vendors.

There was a surprise visit by one of the wayshowers of the consciousness movement, IMG_0703Barbara Marx-Hubbard, who happened to walk in and sit a few feet away, just before a small cadre of folks gathered around her for a short discussion. it was obvious that she was unfamiliar with advanced non-human intelligence, but she spoke of the need for a collective gathering around the possibility of open communication. Later in another short chat she mentioned spoke of a woman who had a large following in Canada and claimed to be a mouthpiece for the universal feminine principle many, many years ago and she thought it was a cult. The individual was part of a mass abduction in 1973.

The point regarding the latter is that expanded or cosmic consciousness can present itself through a variety of forms and sources, from crop circles to ‘channels’ that perform specific tasks for communicating information humans may not quite understand yet. I found it interesting the Ms. Hubbard could not see the significance of her own cult, but it was not my job to propose that view. Regardless, the worlds are bridging and the fact that she was at this event shows that walls are coming down and people are beginning to recognize the significance of non-human interactions. Many of the attendees I spoke with reflected the same and were frustrated that more focus is not on the communications that have been taking place.

alienanimation19In all fairness the groups that were assembled for the purpose of sharing experiences were littered with stories that would have taken a master coagulator to find the common thread in them. Most of them were related from a very human-centered and fear-based perspective. The obvious reflection was we fear what we do not understand and the interpretation of experiences is through a very linear lens. More experienced contactees argue the point that no fear is necessary and our view through that lens is extremely skewed and simply incorrect. The simple notion that everyone I spoke to agreed upon was that we are cosmic consciousness condensed into form becoming aware of the fact.

The expansion of that simple notion spans myriad places, spaces and realms of consciousness across the entire electromagnetic spectrum. The scientific discoveries that back up the notion of multiple dimensions and attending bodies (part of our multidimensional self) are beginning to bleed over from astrophysics and quantum physics. Questions and theories viewed through linear lenses seem to skew the view intended by the above-human intelligence. There seems to be a general consensus, though, that non-linear and non-local experience is necessary in order to have a better view of the big picture, incapable of being seen let alone understood by those who have not entered the non-linear and/or non-local worlds of consciousness. We need ways to create opportunities, safely, for folks to have experiences. We also need to have better conversations about them

In an effort to continue the growth of UfologyPRSS Blog I reached out to several noted authorities and old friends and invited them to write for us. Many agreed to provide material and to review existing material, written and video, that is on the Web at time. We’ve assembled a huge variety of feeds from around the world and many seem to have conflicting stories or present skewed views through very human lenses. We hope these new additions will help to develop better discernment tools for the material. Not everyone has a pure agenda for getting at the truth and whenever profits are involved you can be sure there will be controversy and withholding of truth. Our job is to share what we find.

In the future we look for open conversations that focus on the development of situational protocols that include tools to discern how the experiencer is interpreting their experience in order to get a more objective and clear perspective or the purpose. Apparently information from trusted sources indicates that human ‘spiritual’ awareness still isn’t congruent with cosmic consciousness (soul) in that we think we have a choice in our experiential timeline. Abductees complain about being taken against their will but give no credence to the possibility that there is another timeline they have no knowledge of, one they agree to participate in before incarnating here on Earth.

What do you think? Please respond below.

The Truth is Out There…

ChangedPrioritiesXSmallEye to eye contact is a big thing for me. When I’m speaking to someone, especially at this level, I open up and allow my full attention and awareness to become present. As much as I try to eliminate expectations, I have them regarding reciprocal participation in conversation, especially among so-called pundits.

I’ve been told that my gaze can be quite intimidating and I know from experience if someone is not clear – authentic, honest and open – they tend to see me as an invader. Over the years I came to realize what the expression ‘eyes of fire’ truly meant. Still, I adhere to the notion that the eyes are the gateway to the soul and one can see deeply if/when knows how to look.

When you have nothing to hide and you know that Source flows through you, it tends to burn right through the bullshit that others tend to carry. It took me years to get to that place, but it doesn’t mean I know everything. Most of the time I know nothing, I’m just open. There is a lot of disinformation and misdirection in Ufology, and for many reasons. You can speculate on those reasons, but I won’t waste words here now.

I don’t intend to be invasive, although I have to admit that it could seem so. I know I can get pretty intense when I’m looking for the nature of truth within another. Whether they are able to reveal it or not is another story. I believe we all have the capability of this ‘view’ but very rarely do we choose to be so bold. Like Goethe says, ‘boldness has genius, power and magic in it.’

At any rate, in noticing whether eye contact is consistent or even made is a big indicator for truth telling. When we purposely lower the head to look into his eyes of another it makes us wonder what’s going on inside the other. Of course there are many reasons one may not be present in the conversation and we often don’t take the time to literally ask someone to be present when it is obvious they are not. That tends to seem confrontational.

I had met someone who many hold in high regard that channels and writes books and monthly updates about the Galactic Federation’s activity. I’d asked to meet this gentleman some years before and the opportunity finally arrived. It was so well-orchestrated that he came to a friend’s bookstore to speak. She let me know he was coming so that I could arrive early and have time for a chat. It’s great to have wonderful friends.

During our conversation he stared at my chest mostly and as much as I tried not to, it felt like he was avoiding my gaze on purpose, possibly because he did not want me to ‘see’ something he was trying to hide. I kept hoping he would at least look me in the eyes for lingering moment, but all I got was occasional glimpses. I knew he had advanced degrees, one of them in communication, so he was aware of conversational protocols. Maybe he thought I wasn’t, but I chose not to speak up about my concerns.

I have to say I did not specifically ask him why, so at best I’m speculating as to the reason he could or would not look me in the eyes. However, it led me to believe there was something out of integrity within him that he did not want me to see. I’m concerned that folks like this often garner a following who want to believe everything and hinge on their every word, whether out of their mouth or in writing. I cringe at the lack of discernment I see at times.

So it is within the Ufology movement now, there are many who have been dragging people along for years who may or may not hold their truths to be self-evident but they sure want to make people believe so. I’m sure it seems like I may be of that ilk at times. However, truth will prove itself as long as we learn how to test it appropriately. In the realms of Ufology there are plenty of experiencers who have little proof of their experiences; non-linear and non-local events are hard to prove without corroboration and/or witnesses who validate them.

We have a hard enough time with physical reality. Entering Ufology is a trip down a rabbit hole that offers potential bridges between inner and outer worlds, other dimensions of time and space as well as on- and off-planet relationships with a plethora of races and technology. Some get caught up in the fear of invasion. Others propose there is no intent of invasion, only the request to learn how to get along so they can visit openly. Still others contend there is a sinister plan that engages shadow governments and alien technology.

Bottom line is the folks need a system for discernment, for understanding of how to interpret these notions for themselves. The truth is often far different than early perceptions with little facts to back up the conjecture. Humans tend to look for enemies around every corner as we’ve been inducted into a kind of militaristic politic of self-protective notions that may or may not serve the greater good. Should we question authority? Absolutely! We need to learn the best questions to do so, revealing the truth for all in individuated fashion.

Individuated fashion? We all perceive things differently based on our history, intelligence and world view. Can this all change in a moment’s notice? Sure, but we rarely do. What I’m suggesting is that there needs to be a kind of adhocracy that encourages considerate yet direct conversations with those who seek to share information. Pertinent and poignant questions can be developed, much like the early abduction/contact or starseed questionnaires.  I think it’s time for the field to evolve. Don’t you?

The real voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but having new eyes. The Ashtar Command and Galactic Federation promote universal law and understanding of reality as ONE fabric with many threads, like our  indigenous planetary residents. There are other indigenous residents that have the ability to interact with plants without harming anyet-disc-binary of the cell structure. The increase of communication reflects yet another attempt to unify humanity toward harmony with a greater consciousness.

The binary disc decoded: “Beware of the bearer’s of gifts and the broken promises. Much pain but still time. Believe there is good out there. We oppose the deceivers. The conduit is closing.”

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