Tag Archives: Anomalous experiences

Do ETs have a Master Plan for Humanity?

Do the ETs have a “master plan” for contact with Earth civilization?

burkesTwenty years ago I was having a crisis in self-confidence concerning my lack of psychic ability. I had been the Los Angeles CSETI Working Group Coordinator for less than a year and felt inadequate to the task for a few reasons, most notably in the psi area. I “sent out to the universe” that if I was going to continue to serve as a coordinator in Dr. Greer’s campaign, then I was going to need to get some assistance.

Help arrived in a series of channeling type of experiences in which I “met” a number of alleged ET beings who told me “their version” of what it was all about. The information was “downloaded” into my consciousness as series of encounters while in an “awake dream” like state. These anomalous experiences in my mind’s eye took place mostly while on board ET craft where my “instructors” explained complex ideas in detail.

I was led to believe their “mission” to our planet was unfolding over centuries, that highly trained ETs interacted with us according to detailed plans and that they would assist our civilization to peacefully evolve to a point where we could join a larger community of star peoples. This is the standard fair for many contactees.

Do I believe what “they” (whoever they might be) “told” me is true? Well I guess the answer is both yes and no. Yes, in the sense that I have an emotional need to believe that a positive outcome is possible from my involvement in this campaign, otherwise I might have chosen a more popular doctors’ hobby like golf these past two decades. Kidding aside, as a general principle I have to question the veracity of this type of highly subjective communication. It is thrilling to get such narratives via mind, but since the “lessons” were in my opinion co-created by me and the so-called ETs, I can’t help wonder how much of what I experienced was a reflection of my inner desires and not necessarily the presentation of any “master plan” by benevolent star folk.

So is there an ET master plan? And if so, how do we find out what it is?
How do we know whether it is really “their plan” or just our wishful thinking? For argument’s sake let’s assume a “master plan” really does exist .Why should experiencers bother to consider following it? Or should we revise it for our needs? And how can we reasonably expect to explain such strange notions as a “master plan,” to the rest of the UFO subculture let alone to the larger society?

I understand that these questions are highly subjective and speculative in the extreme. Nevertheless UFO enthusiasts in general, experiencers in particular and especially contact movement activists, those whom I like to call “contact workers,” in my opinion need to become more self aware of the unseen forces that are at play in the contact drama that is unfolding all around us.

UFO intelligence in my experience interacts with us at a number of levels, conscious in terms of sightings, and unconscious in terms of the strange surfacing of memories of contact experiences, or a strange sudden desire to learn about UFOs that quickly becomes so passionate that it is labeled an “obsession” by family and friends who would just rather not think about such ‘foolish” things.

Increased understanding of our psychological motivations while interacting with non-human intelligence will help us explain to others our strange passion to investigate the UFO mystery. It is a phenomenon that in my opinion triggers a kind of “manic denial,” not only in the control groups who should know better, but also in the larger society that finds contact superficially exciting as a sci-fi fantasy but also deeply disturbing because of its tremendous import that the world’s people are just beginning to recognize.

A response

ZenGardenImho, the questions you ask are of the highest import in order for us, whether contact worker or layman, to get to the core of the experience and make some sense common. Evidently this was rippling through the thoughtmosphere as I woke up this morning with these very questions on my mind. I’ve had a variety of experiences that has left an indelibly and indeclinable notion in the depths of my being. What you note is that we have the question: “What do we do with this?” as currently under consideration.

Not only are there psychological considerations, but I also believe there are physiological considerations as well. The ‘downloads’ not only affect the mind. They often sensitize the body in ways that are uncomfortable at best in the beginning. The PSI factor goes deeper into the consciousness of both body and mind as an inseparable unit which it is already, we just tend to treat it separately. The intelligence that is interacting with us is already in a holistic system framework, something that humans are still grappling with from the onset of systems thinking in the 1990s. So what of the mind/body/spirit complex and the multiple levels of interaction? It is important to view the levels as both distinct and yet symbiotic.

From a project planning perspective regarding the ‘master plan’ it’s obvious there is much more to the roll-out of any plan. What are the goals? Within those goals, what are the objectives for individual or group achievement? What are the skill sets needed for the work to get done? Who is involved? What skill set do they bring? What is their level of commitment? Who can act as Translational Leaders? Translational Leaders are those adept at connecting, mediation, teaching, behavioral economies and social engineering. They demonstrate an uncanny ability to knit together different constituencies and institutions , brokering relationships and transactions across different levels of political, economic and social organization.

One of my experiences demonstrated the depth and width of the efforts across consciousness, industries and social architecture. To be offered that kind of view is mind-boggling enough, let alone attempting to articulate the experience without sounding like an obsessive town crier. Joe’s comment on ‘manic denial’ is not the case here. In fact the ‘view’ is consistent with any strategic plan carried out on a large scale. Most of us just don’t consider the magnitude of the ‘big picture’ because we are too busy attempting to understand on individual experiences. It’s similar to walking down the street and noticing that most people will not establish eye contact because they are busy looking down for whatever reason. What happens when we begin to look up?

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