Tag Archives: Cognitive science

Bigger Questions w Ron James and Zen Benefiel

Time Dilation?

The timing of our efforts and expectation of results don’t necessarily coincide with the intentions and process of unfolding information. Gaps happen, right? Non-linear and non-local activity have to be taken into consideration now. Timelines aren’t our own. The interview at the end of this article was recorded in 2015 for Bigger Questions. I drove to LA with the excitement of sharing some long-suffering that offered a new world of experience on just about every level you can think, yet it wasn’t time yet.

Seems newcomers to the scene express their passion and purpose with some overblown self-importance that does more to obfuscate the truth and create diminished returns than they realize. Their obsessions cause miscommunication and responses from immaturity and insecurity rather than vulnerability and wisdom, resulting in projections of arrogance and self-righteous behavior that only reveals they are the creators of it. It isn’t their fault. They are young  in the field and inexperienced.

It’s a very small view in the eyes of a bigger questions and a bigger picture; feeling important. Pushing and pulling energy is not ‘the way.’ Personally and professionally I have a piece of advice I give to my clients and cohorts. Do something bigger than you are and share it. Be part of the big picture, not the community market. That’s what my ‘contacts’ are most disturbed by – lack of action, initiative and understanding of why it is necessary as a demonstration of an evolving consciousness.

Fallacious Realities

bigger questions

Masks in Nature? Really? Oh, it’s a smart virus… it will hunt you down. Scientific research shows masks are ineffective yet the narrative and actions appease our fears of each other????

2020 sure has been an interesting year with many bigger questions; most of them suppressed. Amidst the mud-slinging and name-calling we’ve also been witnesses to how marginalized a global society can be in the face of a fallacious reality narrative that has no other purpose than a global social experiment. Expertise and information, instinct and common sense have been thrown asunder with censorship and removals from the web.

Good and evil are certainly in the discussion of how a few have manipulated the many once again. If one takes the time for discovery and compares what is still available with the narrative being pushed on the world, it’s fallaciousness becomes clearly obvious and present. Don’t believe it can happen? Read The Lucifer Principle.

The question is how do our relationships with each other and our visitors engage practical and pragmatic results? If they don’t, then what good are they, really? Governments have known about them for decades, and there are plenty of cases with proof even before the classified videos were released recently. With how the public has responded to the fallacious narrative, do we think that things would be better if they suddenly showed up? NOT

2020 – A 2112 of Our Own Making

bigger questions

Dystopian Future?
We think not… music frees the soul. Ignition pending…

We’ve been in our caves for most of 2020, figuring out how to cope, how to navigate, how to survive the economic devastation, and how to come up with the bigger questions that matter. We seek to blame at length yet don’t bother to ask why it is happening in the first place. Is there a group so able to manufacture and control a world gone mad, or use it as an excuse to tighten things up with further personal rights removals?

By 2112, the world is controlled by the “Priests of the Temples of Syrinx”, who determine the content of all reading matter, songs, pictures – every facet of life. A man discovers a guitar and learns to play different music. When he goes to present this to the priests of the Temples, they destroy the guitar. Our instruments are our minds and bodies, and those who discover deeper connections are still seen as threats to society.

We have a choice, though, and we are irrevocably powerful in numbers. Those numbers have to be in agreement with at least simple tenets of progress into the next decade. We’ve got the knowledge, skill sets and talent to make sweeping changes in a very short amount of time – IF – we learn to work together toward a common good.

2021 – A New View with Possibilities and Bigger Questions

We know that compassion and understanding are key features of an evolving consciousness, even with limited experience. We’ve learned how to plagiarize, polarize and punitize our natural desires for community and trust. Our symbolic masks have become exposed and real. The narrative for 2020 has demonstrated just how marginalized and manipulatable a society can be. Let’s not judge them for that, please.

What we need is a compassionate understanding for the condition and perhaps a solution to raise the awareness naturally, without pummeling others with information to try to get them to understand or getting slapped up side of the head with a cosmic 2×4 for our own lack of awareness. How do we do that? Let’s start with the 6 Ps… Patience, Perseverance, Persistence, Passion, Purpose and, most of all, Practice.

The interview below has its own unique high-strangeness. It was lost for several years, never seeing the digital scene, or any other for that matter. Oddly enough, it was found recently though still incomplete in post-production. During the editing, their computer shut down except for my voice, while rendering the final cut. It had to be completely redone. Acknowledging the delay, for whatever reason, our conversation is timely and valuable for entering a new time in a not-so-normal way. Much appreciation to Ron and Skye for their work.

The practical stuff mentioned in the interview, like addressing social crisis, takes a lot of effort regardless of the emotional fortitude. It’s taken nearly four years for the ‘universe’ (and helpful others) to bring to bear the people to forge ahead with WeCanDoBetterArizona.org. I’m so excited and humbled that I get to be a part of it. It’s huge in the impact it will make on youth aging out of foster care in Arizona.

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Galactic Federation – Confederation of Planets et al

In so many ways, I’m thankful for having both the ability and place to share where some fear to tread regarding the Galactic Federation. Many I know have had contact experiences since childhood, some of them able to describe precisely what happened while others are unable or unwilling, yet there are significant details that demonstrate the reality of being approached and/or engaged by beings from another world or worlds. Some seem very physical while others, not so much.

The spotlight has never really been on them, though, focusing instead on the nuts and bolts of artifacts or mass sightings and military video proof. Disclosure is a many-layered objective from government recognition of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena to the acknowledgement of the general public that contact experiences do happen and are real. Both beg the question: Why?

Recent headlines include an Israeli Space Security Chief who revealed the existence of a ‘Galactic Federation’ as well as inter-specie interactions that seem to confirm the stories of Emery Smith and Corey Good. Perhaps the latter is true, though there is little evidence of it as of yet. Truth is usually stranger than fiction and time will reveal all.

On the former though, regarding the Galactic Federation, there have been revelations and tales of their existence for nearly a century; by that and other names referring to an inter-galactic alliance of races. We’re still a very young, almost infantile, human race as we look across the span of time, where other races could be millions if not billions of years old and with technology so advance it all seems like magic and manipulation to us.

Galactic Federation Overview

I am reminded of the crop circle of Aug 2002 that warned about those bearing gifts and false promises. The reality, for me, is an ongoing engagement of some sort that sure has the hints of a Galactic Federation of sorts, though certainly much different that any militaristic view and especially as an announcement of such. It wreaks of obfuscation. Too many overtones of command and control, which is exactly opposite my experience.

Perhaps you feel the same; perhaps not. Early initiations and some research into the ‘phenomena’ brought forth a number of interesting events and messages beginning in the 1950s after the atomic bombs were unleashed. The introduction of the Ashtar Command was made, though given little attention even to today. (more info)

Call me whatever you want. Believe whatever you want. It’s my experience I cannot say I completely understand it, though all indications are it is more of a conscience management organization than anything else… promoting the will to do good. To be stewards, not masters, though mastery is required. It’s the mastery of self. That seems to be the overarching theme in the ‘results’ of long-term contact.

Message in a Bottle – Bottled Up Message

The kids from Mozambique are evidence and shared that message, as most children are incapable of misrepresenting their feelings and thoughts from such direct messages in their experiences. I know that sounds too simplistic, but is it really? We loose that childlike innocence as adults and seek complexity instead of simplicity, yet we know core principles in any environment are simple. They’re called value statements in business and professional development.

The intricacies of contact, our experiences of it, and the resulting increase in awareness and connectedness that changes our living awareness and even our experience of reality, seem to include a near-sacred vow of service toward humanity in some way. We all seem to have it.

I get the sense we all feel there is some kind of overall theme, but from where does it come? We speak of the timelessness of the soul, ageless wisdom and eternal existence paired with bloodlines and evolution toward some kind of resolve, perhaps a harmonic convergence. We hear a New World Order is coming, but what kind will it be? Isn’t it up to us?

There are elements of self-initiation and advanced communication across the spectrum of contact – non-linear, non-local and non-physical yet appearing so. How far does it extend in the realms of space/time and matter? Are individual races operating on their own or is there a concerted effort with each complementing the others somehow? Many have had multi-race/being encounters. Seems somebody has learned to get along, eh?

Is quantum or particle physics offering a way to comprehend the notion of activity on other dimensions simultaneously? Experiencer reports have indicated such. Neppe and Close go so far as to posit that consciousness, space and time are tethered across dimensions. Our reality just got much bigger, or at least the possibility of it stretches the mind in multiple directions. Perhaps it even suggests some answers regarding the nature of contact.

The Sinister Sound of the Galactic Federation?

Interesting how folks perceive. Not once have I ever imagined or perceived anything sinister about it, and let’s not forget the full ‘of Light’ that has been included. I suppose the same ‘organization’ is referred to by Confederation of Planets, Interstellar Confederacy et al. Who knows what they are really called.

All beings have choice in the universe, some limited, and proceed or rescind according to the quality of choices. The universe seems very much self-determining; developing civilizations rise or fall depending on their ability to coalesce and collaborate. On several occasions we’ve been warned about the experimentation with the atom and shown that ICBM missiles around the world are able to be shut off.

What we don’t know or realize is the devastation on the environment (space/time) on a quantum level when atomic bombs are detonated and/or photons are rammed into each other at near-light speed. We see the material world as hearty and near-indestructible, yet we have no clue of the subtle worlds that support [it] [material world].

Military and science leadership are arrogant, imho, and previously unstoppable in the development of weapons systems and devices that destroy matter in order to understand it, or so we are told. Perhaps the Federation knows this and actually is attempting to warn us of our ridiculous notions. Fear produces weapons. Love produces life. One destroys the other.

Restoring Order Among the Stars – Venus and Mars are alright tonight

TMC is also airing Proximity in late December 2020.

My wife and I were watching one of the latest mainstream movies on abduction and contact titled: Proximity. It’s theme: A young NASA JPL scientist is abducted by extraterrestrials but when no one believes his story he becomes obsessed with finding proof which leads him on a journey of discovery. (IMDb) It’s presentation includes hints of many real events and people, though obfuscated if you aren’t aware of them.

What it does offer is a trail of what has become consistent in the experiences of abductees turned contactees and then on to experiencers. It begins with against-the-will abductions, decades apart, and leaves the JPL guy to figure things out on his own. Meanwhile, he’s shared a video of at least part of his encounter that meets with fallacious accusations and denials.

Skipping to the end, we find that not only are the ‘aliens’ non-threatening, they actually do some incredible things for those whom they initially caused deep confusion and emotional trauma. I likened it to the event where Travis was struck by a static charge from the ship, abducted and probably brought back to life as the charge through him across he clearing and more than likely stopped his heart.

Great segue, the heart is the matter of all of this and the matter is truly about the heart. It isn’t the physical heart, though, it’s the center of what we consider loving, pure, uncompromising in faith and trust in something we believe to be supreme, or at least able to help with the challenges in life all the while maintaining a balance, perhaps even harmony, in the universe.

When we and our governments are in fear of anything that heart-centered activity is shut off, constricted at best and completely disconnected at worst… resulting in the destruction and devastation of human, animal and plant life. It’s a simple realization, though we tend to avoid admitting it at all cost.

Why? That’s a reason on each individual can answer and resolve. We need to encourage and inspire each other to do so. We’re headed for a rough ride. Let’s make it a little less bumpy. 2021 needs to be about restoration and forward progress, forgiveness and creative expression in our lives and from our contact experiences to lead the world to a new era.

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Congruence and Confluence – Continuity of Collaboration

Random Searches for Intelligence

I look for congruence and confluence, similarities across fields of experience/study that seem coherent. I’m still in process. 😉 I feel bereft of understanding at times, meaning the ability to relate it simply, even with what I know. I love that quote from Einstein about being able to explain things simply. I’ll make an attempt, at least and I appreciate the question.

congruence and confluenceIn 1989, at 31, I was introduced to the Multi-plane Awareness Technique developed by William Swygard in the 1950s. It’s based on 12 planes of consciousness/dimensions, beginning with the 3rd and moving up to and through the 12th. The 12 are associated with the physical body’s capacity, though there are more beyond it. In 2018, at 61, I was introduced to the Triadic Dimensional-Distinction Vortical Paradigm of Drs. Close and Neppe (published in 2010), which presents the notion of consciousness, time and space being tethered across 9 dimensions, with more dimensions beyond.

It seems that these planes might be associated with traditional planes of consciousness, though I get the sense they are somehow integral in the holistic picture; planes and dimensions, like space and time, have consistency. We tend to quibble over boundaries and definitions. That being said, there seems to be a kind of ‘bandwidth’ or frequency range on each and a level of cosmic consciousness associated with it, including a body of some form and not necessarily human. We learn the basics of harmony in body and, upon transcendence, carry on elsewhere when we are ready, the result of the symbiosis in the work of self-actualization and self-realization. The latter often takes lifetimes to achieve any notion of congruence and confluence.

Observation and Obfuscation

The observer in me witnessed a series of layers with a thicker spot in between, at least that is how is felt, as I ascended. Integration on each level with the body/consciousness present was part of the process. The request for the body to appear brought a variety of forms as I continued, some even looking ETish, as many would define them, yet they were all a part of me, too. The purpose of the technique was to become aware of and integrate these various bodies through to and including the 12th plane. The 12th turned out to be pure light. I learned later that pretty much everyone experiences the 12th as white light.

From my NDE in 1975, I learned that we were cosmic consciousness condensed into form, by way of the experience of it upon return. I’d exited upon being asked if I was willing to die for what I believed in. Cosmic Consciousness was it, so I exited immediately upon saying, ‘Yes!” I went into the light and, upon asking if there was more, into an indigo space with points of light all around me (individuated consciousness). The ‘voice’ then gave me my marching orders and back I came. I wrote a piece called Messy Antics (searchable) years later.

So I have to assume that the points of light are actually beyond the layer of light (12th plane) that apparently surrounds our thoughtmosphere. That’s another discussion. However, in our thoughtmosphere (I like that term) we experience layers of incarnation. The secret is we ascend at the speed of surrender; seeking our perfected form, fit and function in the world. Now, how does that relate to the dimensional fields of play? Is there congruence and confluence?

I don’t know the full implications, but what I do know is that our capacity to achieve harmony among people and planet is the issue and spans the dimensional framework. Harmony doesn’t mean a blissful utopia, it means we work effectively with all we’ve been given to support life, all life. All the strife we have in the world comes from not doing that. Go figure…

It’s like we’re each a thread in the tapestry of life on Earth, every one of them necessary and perfect in the process of the evolution of a planetary civilization. It isn’t just personal, which is where the first part of the inner work has to be done; it’s collective, we have to learn to work together for the benefit of all. We’ve reached a point in our evolutionary path were access to other dimensions is happening in both directions, self-initiated.

Congruence and Confluence?

These methods of communication are being called ‘contact modalities’ by some, and include a variety of ways in which we interact with intelligences in the thoughtmosphere. I posit that some encounters with seeming ETs are actually discussions with another level of self-existence. That thought alone is mind boggling, so it doesn’t get much traction, yet. It’s at least worth considering, based on the exploration and models I’ve encountered.

There are obvious moral and ethical overtones that one learns over time as well. In our expression as physical beings, would cosmic consciousness not inspire particular behaviors? Ascending the frequency scale is even more strenuous because there are no fetters of the ego allowed. If/when it does show up, the cutting edge humor puts one in their place. Fear also has no place in the upper realms, though experiencers do have to face them. The higher levels of frequencies can get really intense.

It’s also a mechanism for recognizing ‘entities’ who communicate from there. No names or positions are necessary, let alone words, as the frequency warrants the trust. It is impossible for that frequency to be in any way malevolent. Like the Archons of old, they are either benign or beneficent. Of course, all of this is energy, permeating everything and responding to everything we feel and think. Learning how deeply we CAN feel and think is the adventure.

Perhaps the non-linear and non-local moments are the only way to get a taste of what is waiting without blowing circuits and confusing the heck out of everyone around you. I got blown open and had all kinds of questions after my NDE, at 18. Even with wise advice from a psychiatrist that informed me I’d gone through a spiritual awakening and that folks just wouldn’t understand, at 19, I didn’t keep my mouth shut and a serendipitous moment landed me on a psyche ward for a month and a half. Always the one to seize opportunity in chaos or crisis, there were some pretty smart people to talk with there, too.

I took the liberty of creating a couple of versions of the Multi-plane Awareness Technique. It was only given in-person and I don’t know of any other recordings. They are both on Youtube, one with Solfeggio frequencies and one without. I answered your question in a circuitous and perhaps convoluted way, though I hope some sense came through. Maybe you’ll find some congruence and confluence in your journey, too.

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Ufologists Have Many Questions About the Surreal Times

Social Distancing in Ufology

Ufologists’ questions permeate a surreal environment. Perusal of social platforms and various groups seem to offer evidence of further division in the field, with obvious questions about the involvement of non-human intelligence in the current transcendent event. Many seem to think our naturally-distanced cosmic cohorts are directly involved. Others stand firm in their convictions that humans are solely responsible for their actions and the conditions simply presenting the consequences of prolonged behavior.

This one can speak only to his experience and the references that have been left  by those who’ve explored before, perhaps even been here before so long ago. Contrary to many who believe the UFO phenomena is incomprehensible and dangerously like the behavior of humans toward each other; the vile and decrepit acts of control and dominance of people and resources at any cost and by any means, advanced beings have an equally advanced consciousness.

Religions have tried to promote an understanding of the nature of God and creation that became misconstrued over time and certainly unhealthy in its separative qualities. Many ancient texts included descriptions and stories of beings and vehicles that most certainly allude the presence of advanced races as well as ‘contact’ with some.

truth has no agenda - ufologists questionsBeyond Religious Confinement

Looking for a piece of text that encapsulates the understanding life-long contact has inspired and permitted, one source stood out in answer to another of the ufologists’ questions. It is replete with conveyed awareness. [God] is a term and only a term to express an incomprehensible concept to humans. There is a ‘supreme’ consciousness that all advanced or enlightened races embrace as a guiding force and frequency to aspire toward. Their actions demonstrate it across the gamut of experiencer-accounts.

The enlightened worlds all recognize and worship the Universal Father, the eternal maker and infinite upholder o f all creation. The will creatures of universe upon universe have embarked upon the long, long Paradise journey, the fascinating struggle of the eternal adventure of attaining God the Father. The transcendent good of the children of time is to find the eternal God, to comprehend the divine nature, to recognize the Universal Father , God-knowing creatures as they are in their spheres, like him as his is in his Paradise perfection of personality and in his universal sphere of righteous supremacy. From the Universal Father who inhabits eternity there has gone forth the supreme mandate, “Be You perfect, eve as I am perfect.” In love and mercy the messengers of Paradise have carried this divine exhortations down through the ages and out through the universes, even to such lowly animal-origin creatures as the human races of Earth.

This magnificent and universal injunction to strive for the attainment of the perfection of divinity in the first duty, and should be the highest ambition, of all the struggling creature creation of the God of perfection. This possibility of attainment of divine perfection is the final and certain destiny of all man’s eternal spiritual progress.

Earth mortals can hardly hope to be perfect in the infinite sense, but it is entirely possible for human beings, starting out as they do on this planet, to attain the supernal and divine goal which the infinite God has set for mortal man; and when they do achieve the destiny, they will, in all that pertains to self-realization and mind attainment, be just as replete in their sphere of divine perfection as God himself is in the sphere of infinity and eternity. Such perfection may not be universal in the material sense, unlimited in intellectual grasp, or final in spiritual experience, but it is final and complete in all finite aspects of divinity of will, perfection of personality motivation, and God-consciousness.

This is the true meaning of the divine command, “Be ye perfect, even as I am perfect, ” which ever urges mortal man onward and beckons him inward in that long and fascinating struggle for the attainment of higher and higher levels of spiritual values and true universe meanings. This sublime search for the God of universes is the supreme adventure of the inhabitants of all the world of time and space.

Now this may be hard to comprehend; that advanced races all have this understanding that is, to date, incomprehensible to man in any ubiquitous sense. In fact, it is one of the prerequisites to advance toward a Type I civilization; a comprehension of at least some universal laws and principles built in to the natural order of things and specifically to our evolution. It’s in our genes, literally. If we step back and look at the essence of the messages received through various channels and/or ‘sources’ we find [this] to be true.

adjusting our thinking - ufologists questionsAdjusting Our Thinking

Another potential answer to ufologists’ questions goes deeper. Frequency-response, the ability of the mind to reflect the individuated source code, is the central component of communication with advanced races. As in the above, the individuated sphere reflects the supreme sphere; that indwelling aspect of God that is replete within the individual learns how to reflect the divine perfection in the outer world. There are experiential examples strewn across the Net from those who’ve ‘raised’ their consciousness or vibration and chose to share their story. Creation is interactive to the extreme, we just haven’t accepted that it also reflects our unconscious activity as well, as in the transcendent event we are facing now.

From another perspective, to make it a bit more understandable, an NDE story often includes a view of the Light and sometimes even entering it… absorbed completely yet still individuated in the ability to think and respond. Extrapolate that to the notion of the Light condensing into form and residing as a point within individual beings, each body on Earth. Each of us, without exception, is connected to Source. We have the choice whether to activate that connection or not. How we connect, our ability to completely and totally ‘let go’ of human beliefs and acquire higher-ordered knowledge, is up to us.

We have that choice in all activity, from health care systems to technology development to planetary administration and distribution systems to meet the needs for individual care and survival, even more toward the awareness of each thread in the tapestry of Earth-human relations. Everyone has a spot on the team, there are no cuts from the roster. In other words, the activity of universal consciousness with humans is replete in the non-human intelligence that is attempting to guide us through our transition.

What Transition?

We’re on a cosmic time-table, to answer at least one of the ufologists’ questions. The Earth itself is changing; for example, poles shifting. That is a very basic awareness we all have now. What else is happening simultaneously? We’re moving from one epoch to another, from Piscean to Aquarian ages. Wouldn’t this also be accompanied by major shifts in consciousness and human activity? The old patterns and programs of ego-centric and fear-laden belief systems are being uprooted. Chaos in world affairs is evidence now. Many have been anticipating this process, not knowing exactly how it would happen, only that it, indeed, would happen.

How we proceed is a matter of acknowledging this internal communication and connection that exists with a higher-nature of humanity; a move toward oneness. This move does not take away personal choices or individual rights, it simply invites them to be more focused and purposeful. The activity of non-human intelligence is in support of this behavioral change within the consciousness of humanity, individually and collectively, toward our next step in universe affairs; the acts of aligning attention, intention and action with universal understanding that enables us to work collaboratively toward harmony among people and planet.

cultural creatives - ufologists questionsEveryone, even those we believe to be evil power-hungry controllers, has a role in this next act of humanity’s play. It is essential, imperative, that aberrant emotional responses [violent acts and/or unending rants lacking common sense] are minimized or mitigated. This allows the awareness of observation and conscious-choice action to evolve. The result empowers the engagement of individual activity and support of non-human intelligence toward the gradual shift in planetary systems toward a higher order of service to humanity.

Cultural Creatives, or at least the label given by Drs. Anderson and Ray, are perhaps one of the best examples – Just under half of the CC population comprises the more educated, leading-edge thinkers. This includes many writers, artists, musicians, psychotherapists, alternative health care providers and other professionals. They combine a serious focus on their spirituality with a strong passion for social activism. Sound familiar?

Ufologists’ Questions – Making Sense Common

We often think the common sense ought to win out, right? Are there common sense answers to ufologists’ questions? Too often that common sense is skewed by all kinds of confusion and disinformation, let alone the chaos in our heads. What do we do? We make sense common based on practical and pragmatic assertions, such as the above – Such perfection may not be universal in the material sense, unlimited in intellectual grasp, or final in spiritual experience, but it is final and complete in all finite aspects of divinity of will, perfection of personality motivation, and God-consciousness. Attention, intention and action are the ultimate theme in advancing consciousness in humanity, in ourselves, and across the cosmos.

If any of this resonated, please take a moment and share this post somewhere. Thanks in advance.

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Relationships – Ufology Presents Troublesome Times in the Search for Truth

An Inconvenient Truth in Ufology Relationships

As an author and experiencer with some intelligence in the field of Ufology, I’ve been able to peer into the depths of my own experience and reflect a kind of ‘compare and contrast’ perspective. I am fairly free of the need to be right and am willing to put everything on the line for review. There is a certain freedom in the willingness to be tested or vetted as prudence is precious, though truth is tantamount. The latter is troublesome for the ufology community, .

Lately the story-line has been expanding to discuss more than materials, photos and videos of sightings, even though the promoting of ‘meta-materials’ and deals with government factions are attempting to garner public attention instead. The field is full of authorities and researchers with little experiential background, if any, and the public seems oblivious to the dichotomy.

ufologyThe experience of contact with ETI, most often, appears to be more about energy and sensations… we can’t rise to the level of other intelligences, so we automatically fear them because of the intensity of their energy. I describe my encounter with a Draconian as intensely confrontational initially, but only because there was some initial resistance. Most folks describe a fight or flight response as a result. I’ve written more on the event here.

Moving One’s Relationship Perspective

Personally, once I let go of the fear the opposite effect was true, a most intense communion, like my friend Tom talks about in his interview. (https://youtu.be/VVA_JwqkKcw) It’s our own fears, wherever they come from, that get in the way. Our patterns of behavior are such that what we do anywhere, we do everywhere even though we may not realize it. We have deeply embedded belief systems and even genetically passed creodes and memes that inhibit exploration, let alone acceptance of a different reality.

Long before my engagement in ufology I was chronicling events, without the use of hypnosis, for decades and offer a different perspective that comes from direct experience. Of course it is mostly subjective, though I’ve been encouraged by reflections from others whom I hold great respect. It’s immensely challenging to take one’s own experiences and become an observer without attachment in order to explore other possibilities or potentials of meaning and understanding.

Most of the time our experiences are momentary; non-linear, non-local and sporadic in nature. Occasionally there are extended periods and streams of consciousness that are connected to a series of events. I’ve had a few, and one specifically that generated a high degree of truth over time, a gathering that become known as the Council of 300 back in 2001, which outlined the process of First Contact and efforts of a multi-race/system organization. I kept quiet for some time, though I noticed others were referencing this gathering in channeled pieces from several sources over the next few months. I wish I could have kept them, but that was a few hard drives ago.

ufologyNow I have no way of proving things or knowing how those in the ufology community will perceive those things, so it could be fictitious and just an effort to get attention. I’m not going to stomp and shout, but I will continue to share and, in time, things will prove themselves. Of that I have no doubt. Until then, this particular experience and the resulting material is consistent with what Grant Cameron has been sharing… over a decade later. Anywho… it may be of interest… downloadable pdf ‘Council of 300’

Is Ufology Going Somewhere?

So much has been written about various experiences and their impact on individuals, from frightening to transcendent. It appears the majority of them report a sense of freedom and even unity from prolonged contact and the rise from fear to fearlessness is replete. Some even report that the realizations are synonymous with the spiritual teachings of a progressive awareness toward harmony with self and others, including ETI, as a process of evolutionary unification.

Hence, the long-running presentation and promotion of the idea of ‘harmony among people and planet.’ It is shared through my wanting of nothing and willingness to die for what I believed in – cosmic consciousness – so many years ago. Those words usually fall on deaf ears, especially the idea that I actually died and had a ‘session’ with an advanced intelligence I could have easily called ‘God,’ though it felt more familial in nature. Perhaps it was.

This sense of moving toward harmony, as a planetary civilization, has been a constant desire/theme in my life and the lack of attachment to outcome (no drive for dinero beyond needs for sustenance) has severely pissed off a number of so-called friends and lovers, not to mention family members, over the years. How can we espouse such things if we don’t live them? Faith, love and trust are key factors – we will be afforded opportunities to manage our lives in good stead.

ufologyWhat I’ve learned from the contacts/events and the ‘compare and contrast’ perspective over the decades is that control is illusory, progress toward harmony is ubiquitous (universally) and letting go of belief systems that have obvious contradictory components is essential. We gain freedom in that rather than lose individuality, which is the fear most have, imho. The process invites the furthering development of individuality instead, with attending features we might call our ‘perfected’ form, fit and function in the tapestry of life.

Relationships on the Ocean of Emotion

I can relate to this on a very deep level, probably more than most from my own experiences. I can also relate to the resistance of sharing, having done so for some time and noting the responses I’ve gotten from doing so. I’ve felt like a foreigner even in the places that ought to be welcoming, perhaps even inquisitive. The pensiveness many experience is proportional to the willingness to stretch one’s neck out in sharing such personal details, sometimes lasting for decades and in some cases a lifetime – death bed confessions some have made recently.

I’ve never felt like their engagement was an kind of experiment, though. It’s a shared process of evolution we are only barely understanding so far, even though there is a common thread of unity expressed. I suppose it’s easier to perceive having felt the unity of one with all through the NDE I had as a teen. So many events followed, sporadically to me, with a consistent theme revealing the path to harmony.

Alas, the initial sharings as a teen surely put me in a place not of my liking as my parents thought I needed some psychiatric help and chose to place me in the care of a ‘clinical’ environment without the comprehension of the subtle worlds all around us that some are profoundly sensitive toward and willing to explore. The events provide an opportunity to develop a soft heart and open mind, compassionate and willing to be fearless instead of fearful.

The breadth and dynamic of our consciousness, as we explore it, is yielding an awareness of the expansiveness of our life stream and its capacity for collaborating with a vast array of intelligences we are now capable of perceiving without religious or superstitious notions, imho. The deep impact moves us toward the sense of awe, humility and respect of life in all its myriad forms.

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