Tag Archives: ET questions

The New Science and Direct Experience Converge – Maybe

Grant Cameron posted a sentence from and image of the introduction to the book, The New Science, by Wilbert Smith that caught my attention. Wilbert ran the Canadian UFO investigations for some years during the early 1950s and was a brilliant thinker even as a teen. Wilbert claimed to have direct communication with some ‘space people’ and sought to relay the information in a very scientific/mathematical way in his book. He’s truly a new millennial wordSmith.

I was immediately hooked and was flooded with dots connecting and imagery from past experiences that his writings evoked without even a thought as I was reading. Honestly, it was a bit overwhelming as it corroborated an understanding I’ve had and not known how to express it in such detail. My attempts at stepping back from my subjective experiences and viewing them objectively through critical thinking and science-based lenses have allowed me to write extensively, with attending cathartic moments, though I’ve never been ‘turned on’ like this.

new science - beyond ufosWhen I read and have moments like I described above, there’s a trigger to write some kind of comparison intending corroboration of the material and adding a perspective, albeit subjective, in a way to further my own ability to articulate and perhaps even share something of value. In that triggering, the dots among the dashes of reading, I made a few posts to a Facebook group I frequent now called The Contact Modalities – CCRI, Consciousness & Contact Research Institute.

“Whatever might be the origin of this Universe, of one thing we can be reasonable sure, that it is within “nothing at all”. If it “started”, then it must have started from nothing at all. It always was, this it has nothing at all around it. Whatever there might be beyond this “nothing at all” we have no way of knowing for we are within it and of this Universe and have no concept beyond it.”

In college I had two years of very interesting explorations, starting with an NDE in ’75 on Tuesday afternoon, 11.11, the same week that Travis had his event. I experience the ‘Light’ (feeling like I ascended) as an individuated consciousness with the sense of being connected to All That Is,’ accompanied by a sense of ‘everything’ for lack of a better framing.

I don’t remember exactly when the opposite occurred, the Void, although it wasn’t too much later. When I entered it (feeling like I descended) I felt the same individuated consciousness connected to ‘All That Is,’ yet was nothing at all. The same sense was undeniable, yet in a completely different realm. The ‘nothing at all’ mention above prompted the reflection. Resolving the same experience in two apparently opposite realms (Light and Dark) has been a personal quest for decades.

Yes and…

In 1983 I wrote on a piece of paper, burned and buried, with intention, the words ‘but,’ ‘if,’ ‘can’t,’ and ‘impossible’ in a ceremony with James Tolleson for his Empire Builders network marketing weekend workshop just outside Casa Grande, AZ. In studying the use of the word it became clear that if often subjugates and dismisses a previous statement. It just made sense not to be dismissive of my own or others’ contributions to a conversation. It’s an awareness rarely engaged.

Perhaps Smith’s idea of infinity and zero being our mathematical limits fits with the Light and Void (Dark), Everything and Nothing. It seems to echo what I’ve been pondering for the last month or so about negentropy being the natural order within us that simply needs to emerge in the outer world in defiance of modern physics limitations. Smith’s right in his assertion that we focus on anomalies and try to do the math to verify their existence instead of looking at them as aberrant and doing the math that actually resolves to unity.

“Since we have no senses by which we can become directly aware of the various fields we will have to depend on the second hand data made available through our instruments, and here we must be extremely careful to distinguish between the phenomenon itself and the effects of the phenomenon on the instruments. Also, we must be particularly careful in posing our questions to nature that they ask exactly what we want to find out and are not ambiguous.”

Here’s where I believe this group comes in – experiencers. In The New Science, Smith states, “we have no senses by which we can become directly aware…” I disagreed at first, though that’s what we’re in process of learning… our senses. It’s all about the questions. We have a sensory array beyond our imagination, currently, it seems. The key critical thinking skills are: analysis, interpretation, inference, explanation, self-regulation, open-mindedness, and problem-solving allow us to develop those senses appropriate and with balance.

Smith meets Neo

Wow, this is an amazing book and I wouldn’t have understood a word earlier in life. Now, most if it explains an ineffable sense of coherence I’ve been experiencing at certain moments throughout life. I feel like Neo, learning how to engage the matrix fearlessly. Every deep and lasting impression, realization and eventual partial understanding has come from an invitation and a fearless response to go wherever the invitation takes me.

There have been multiple, perhaps dozens, where I’ve had to once again address the fear of death; of the release of consciousness into nothing. Of course, that actually never occurs, though we feel like it during extremely intense moments that question our deepest understanding or when we’re in a situation completely out of our control, or so we think.

new science wilbert smithHere’s another excerpt:

“Picturesquely, it would look like a string of magnetic doughnuts of alternating magnetic direction, stuck together with electrostatic icing of alternating polarity, and all threaded into a string of increased tempic field and placed inside a tube of decreased tempic field. A most complicated picture, but one which does exist in this universe and has some most remarkable properties. For lack of a better name it is called “tensor energy”.”

This description is the first time I’ve read anything that describes several experiences I’ve had, which I’ve called ‘space-time tubes’ in the past. I’m not sure exactly ‘where’ it was, though. The graphic is a poor, but available representation, only consider the geometry in varied shades of light with a tinge of gray. These were ‘stacked’ and uniform with what seemed like thousands passing by on my journey from one point to another; all beginning with a question and a comparison (in my thinking) of ‘modern’ understanding and my own version of understanding.

As an experimenter and explorer there is always an aspect of critical thinking applied, accompanied by questions that seek further clarity on vague understanding, if there is any. I was 26 at the time. Unfortunately I don’t remember the specific questions at present, though they were framed with the theme of questing for truth, my relationship to it and how to further embody it. My questions were mostly framed around Scripture, even though I’d read many other texts in college.

I do remember the questions were structured with a, ‘Is …. so? Or, is it really….?  It had only been a few years since my NDE in college and I was still questioning the reality of the “voice’s” message for me. With the latter response being something I thought I’d learned in contrast to current belief systems, I’d catapult down the tube until I stopped, posited something else, and then would go off in a different direction.

It was so profound. I’d looked at the clock just before I closed my eyes, not thinking I’d go anywhere, 1:00 am exactly. When I returned, in what felt like only five minutes, I opened my eyes and turned to look at the clock again. Exactly one hour later. I was so disturbed that I got up and opened the Bible by our bedside to do some ‘automatic’ reading. The reading disturbed me even more, causing me to wake my wife and tell her I thought I might be the Devil. I felt the knowledge I’d gained was somehow evil. Silly, I know, but imagine a 26 year old given that kind of information on the fly.

We’d moved from Indiana the year prior and I was working as a grinder specialist for an aerospace company, dealing with ten-thousandths of an inch tolerances daily. I was married with two adorable daughters, aged 2 and 4. We didn’t attend church, though we certainly tried to live ‘Christian’ lives at the time. I hadn’t pursued any inner studies or read any spiritual books since college. That all changed in a matter of months.

What do you do when….

new science - it's all about the spinI was setting up a job on my machine, an ID grinder, one evening when I felt a presence step onto the lathe wood platform in front of the machine. Every one of the hundreds of machines in the building had one. I turned to look, expecting to see a supervisor or coworker. No one was there. As I turned and notice no one was there, I heard, “pick up a piece of paper and draw.’

I’d been familiar with various forms of ‘automatic writing’ so I followed the prompt, pulled a 4×6 index card from my toolbox and a pencil from my work smock and put the pencil to paper. I had no idea what was about to appear. By the time I was done I have a very rough image of the one included here. It felt like it contained everything, with ‘spin’ at the center in the form of a swastika. I didn’t realize it’s significance.

It contained a lot of symbols that somehow were pertinent to me, that much I knew. I spent years asking others what they saw or felt it meant to them. I even wrote an extensive piece at the time to describe it as best I could. Still, I knew that some day it would be applicable and perhaps hold keys to understanding reality and a better way to manage my engagement. Reading this book brought it all back for another round of deep diving.

This kind of journey is extensive, a deep dive into the unknown and, as Smith puts it, ‘into nothingness.’ Whether blazing trails or looking for breadcrumbs from those who’ve gone before, the journey is arduous, lonely and one is usually dismissed quite readily because any sharings in words or speaking is often misunderstood because the eyes and ears can’t hear from the place of the conveyer. It’s a tough road, yet one that is absolutely worth it.

Is Consciousness Revealing Itself?

I’m in the second half of the book now, communications from ‘space people’ that was restructured a bit to make sense and follow some order of logic. This is another real gem and relevant to experiencers in particular, in my opinion. This New Science is invigorating! I was impressed to look up its publishing date; 1964, the year I started having out-of-body experiences in preparation for the journeys to the orange cigar-shaped cloud the following year. It took 57 years to get to me. I was born in 57. huh…

“Three things are necessary to understanding, that is for data to have meaning. First, the data must actually reach the recipient accurately, and this is not nearly as easy as it looks. It must reach him either through his physical senses, or through direct mind contact, both of which are subject to distortions. Second, the recipient must be coded to receive the information. That is, each bit of information must be significant to him; it must have its own meaning in its own right. Third, the recipient must be able to process the data, which is the fitting of it together until it becomes an integrated whole, which is meaningful and self-consistent. To these three major steps may be added a fourth, which is essentially the cross-checking of meaning with others who have been exposed to the same data.”

Now we’re getting somewhere and his assertions echo best practices that I know in communication and facilitating the pre-construction workshops I’ve done for a couple of decades now. There is a practical and pragmatic element Smith addresses. We all know it, or at least I think we do, yet do we practice it in our own subjective experiences?

It’s been my concern that regressions are always secondary processing sequences that are prone to confabulation and misinterpretation of data that is reviewed instead of experienced. I’m a hypnotherapist and it concerns me enough to question the level of detachment to any agenda when in session with others. Question cannot be leading in any way, even with an unspoken intention of drawing out specific information. People who tend to believe they’re dealing with an abduction will ask leading questions. It may not be an abduction at all.

Back to the topic and things that bring us together naturally. Several months ago I crafted a brief video with the intention of adding to the flow of connecting ideas and material that seems to make sense common. I frame the idea of the soul being a point of light within us that is still connected to the Great Light from which we come. It’s brief. Give it a watch, please. See if it rings true for you.

Spin Doctoring

“We have had a superficial look at the behaviors of a single spin center and a peek at a multiplicity of spin centers. We know that our matter is made up of enormous numbers of spin centers, some of which are relatively quite close together, so let us now see what happens when there are a great many to consider.

In the first place, all the spin centers could be lined up; that is, their spin vectors could all be pointing in the same direction. In this case we would say that such matter is “polarized”, and we would expect different properties than from unpolarized matter in which the spin vectors were randomly oriented.

It may be readily appreciated that at any point the effect of the summation of each of the fields due to each individual spin will depend on (a) the relative distance from the reference point to each spin center, and (b) the relative orientation of the spin centers with respect to one another. This consideration is apart from any “background” field that may be present.”

new science wilbert smithReading the above brought back some considerations I’d pondered about the TAO, or rather it’s symbol. It was just after watching Contact the first time and it made me question a lot of our symbols from another dimension, like the primer somehow.

In doing so it appeared that, perhaps, the light pulsing through the DNA helix was the intended representation, off and on, much like I considered the ‘number of man’ to be the carbon atom. There’s got to be some kind of science in everything, even if we may not understanding it completely, or sometimes at all. The off and on creates the spin that Smith references, perhaps? Did we forget the wash cycle?

Drilling down the TAO, the continued consideration led to questioning what connects everything on an atomic level. What’s the most prevalent element in the known universe? Hydrogen. What is the bonding agent for our DNA? Hydrogen. What gives us ‘light’ to our physical eyes, mostly hydrogen with a little helium mixed in to keep it light.

So, elementally and perhaps with reasonable logic, our unity consciousness in the physical world begins with hydrogen. It’s scalar and vector aspects of spin is vast and microscopic simultaneously. There is perfect natural order.

Is there also a perfect natural order in the non-physical dimensions that is known to those that inhabit them? Could it be that, like Neppe and Close posit, consciousness, space and time are tethered across dimensions naturally?

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Soular Revolution – an EVO-LEAP of Conscience for Our Time

Moving Beyond the Cognitive Dissonance

We cannot separate the transcendent activity on Earth now from the admonitions of the communications we’ve been able to decipher from our Star Families. The connections ought to be obvious to even the most resistant observers of this activity between Non-human Intelligence and human beings seeking further connection with what we know to be ‘out there.’ From within, it is indeed a soular revolution.

The essence of a recent post on a social media platform noted the cognitive dissonance in Americans today, feeding the obfuscation of truth and the separation of people in the ‘stay-at-home’ atmosphere. Believing one thing yet practicing another through action that is often in opposition to their belief is a concerted effort toward catastrophe, even if it is unconscious. Let’s get beyond that, shall we?

I will remind us again of the 5 Ps of Life – Patience, Persistence, Perseverance, Passion, and Purpose. People are in places for a reason. If we doubt that, I remind you that they are there, whether we like it or not. We may not like how our judgments come up, but they do. Why? What if the opposite were true, that we have no judgments toward who is where and why? What if we were aware enough to follow the ‘spirit’ of the day and simply do what is in front of us to do?

We shall overcome the divisions as we seek unity of purpose and our freedoms and rights granted by the Constitution – to restore our well-being! We are a spiritually nascent nation at present. We need a soular revolution in America and the world. We all claim to have one, yet we have not let our souls to lead us. Instead we opt for some mental exercise and, ‘Oh, I’ll think about it’ attitude. How is that working?

What if we actually had a REVOLUTION OF SOUL????

soular revolutionWe know that the power within us, that is also everywhere else, is stronger than anything ‘in’ the world, right? This isn’t just a spiritual supposition, it’s backed up by quantum physics.

How do we activate that? How do we engage ‘spooky action at a distance’ for the good of all?

Is it possible that a few words would do so? Like, “I love you. Our purpose is Oneness” focusing us on ONE GOAL that truly servers everyone? Most have thought a spiritual path is not for them, that it is too ‘unknown’ or ‘unachievable’ to embark upon or it lacks the visceral experience of the senses to be taken seriously.

Where has that gotten you? I ask you to reconsider the notion that even Einstein, a pretty smart guy who shares the same awe about Energy and Nature, says that can occur as ‘spooky action at a distance.’ To use a familiar term, the ‘Holy Spirit’ permeates that experience and truly guides us as a wise mentor. From all the indications of ‘pure’ conscious contact, it likely is the very same guiding force, by whatever name we choose to call it.

That same wise mentor is your inner voice of conscience, of love for your fellow human beings even with they act out of character or unconsciously. By whatever name you choose to call it EACH OF YOU HAVE IT – IT IS OPERATIONAL – DO NOT DENY IT!  More than likely it will lead you to an appropriate action that may feel a little risky at first.

So what do you do? I’ll answer that we have a prerequisite that really needs to happen before the doing. That is getting in touch with your BEing, the connected place within you, that point of light that is part of God that we all have inside of us. One of the activities it led to for me was the development of IndependenceArizona.com and the actions toward establishing it as a viable party in Arizona. No doubt it will be something different for you.

The reconnection with soul is the same for each. It has the same message for each, though the application of that message is individuated with a perfected form, fit and function in this world specifically for these times. Trust your intuition, your gut, the First Brain according to wise men and women of indigenous traditions. Perhaps this article will help with your discernment.

Take a moment and just feel.

soular revolutionAsk yourself about these words and the possibility they are faithful and true to your highest good now. Pause and reflect in your inner truth looking place. BE the Change you wish to see.

I could site the many communiques that experiencers share, either through direct contact or even those that are being ‘channeled’ through various people today. They cannot all be insane or experiencing psychosis. When the same message, or very similar ones, come through a variety of sources, might they have some value?

As we move forward on the path to a Type I Civilization the soular revolution is even more important, and along with more open engagement with our neighbors in the friendly skies, what might we anticipate as admonitions or guidance through these transcendent times. Are we able to ascend in our own being and thinking to embrace a new way of being and thinking? Evidence of the operational capacity of our attention, intention and action has given us more hope, even bolstered the faith, love and trust we have in the ONE.

In the next phase of our movement through this transcendent event, we’ll be faced with choices to honor that which is within us (what connects us all) and/or the option of accepting financial gain or reparations for our troubles during this time with, no doubt, being offered a vaccine and/or membership into a new club that shouldn’t have us as members at all. It’s an option that is being pushed through governments today to ‘save’ us from Covid-19. It’s all a facade.

According to trusted sources we are not in danger of over-population at all. We have more than enough land and resources to sustain us indefinitely. The trouble is, that land and resources are often in the hands of those who would desire control and domination of them for selfish gain. The Profit Over People regime has reached out again for your assistance under the guise of ‘keeping us safe’ when the opposite is true.

As mentioned above, the Soular Revolution (Consciousness Emerging within US) will drive the new paradigm… People and Planet Over Profit. It’s up to us to at least imagine or visualize what that might look like, to consider the possibility and allow our inner truth looking places to do what they were designed to do from the beginning – create a path to harmony for all.  Check your sources – ET, NHI, Guides or whatever they are. Inquire of this truth. Lead with Vision.


Ufologists Have Many Questions About the Surreal Times

Social Distancing in Ufology

Ufologists’ questions permeate a surreal environment. Perusal of social platforms and various groups seem to offer evidence of further division in the field, with obvious questions about the involvement of non-human intelligence in the current transcendent event. Many seem to think our naturally-distanced cosmic cohorts are directly involved. Others stand firm in their convictions that humans are solely responsible for their actions and the conditions simply presenting the consequences of prolonged behavior.

This one can speak only to his experience and the references that have been left  by those who’ve explored before, perhaps even been here before so long ago. Contrary to many who believe the UFO phenomena is incomprehensible and dangerously like the behavior of humans toward each other; the vile and decrepit acts of control and dominance of people and resources at any cost and by any means, advanced beings have an equally advanced consciousness.

Religions have tried to promote an understanding of the nature of God and creation that became misconstrued over time and certainly unhealthy in its separative qualities. Many ancient texts included descriptions and stories of beings and vehicles that most certainly allude the presence of advanced races as well as ‘contact’ with some.

truth has no agenda - ufologists questionsBeyond Religious Confinement

Looking for a piece of text that encapsulates the understanding life-long contact has inspired and permitted, one source stood out in answer to another of the ufologists’ questions. It is replete with conveyed awareness. [God] is a term and only a term to express an incomprehensible concept to humans. There is a ‘supreme’ consciousness that all advanced or enlightened races embrace as a guiding force and frequency to aspire toward. Their actions demonstrate it across the gamut of experiencer-accounts.

The enlightened worlds all recognize and worship the Universal Father, the eternal maker and infinite upholder o f all creation. The will creatures of universe upon universe have embarked upon the long, long Paradise journey, the fascinating struggle of the eternal adventure of attaining God the Father. The transcendent good of the children of time is to find the eternal God, to comprehend the divine nature, to recognize the Universal Father , God-knowing creatures as they are in their spheres, like him as his is in his Paradise perfection of personality and in his universal sphere of righteous supremacy. From the Universal Father who inhabits eternity there has gone forth the supreme mandate, “Be You perfect, eve as I am perfect.” In love and mercy the messengers of Paradise have carried this divine exhortations down through the ages and out through the universes, even to such lowly animal-origin creatures as the human races of Earth.

This magnificent and universal injunction to strive for the attainment of the perfection of divinity in the first duty, and should be the highest ambition, of all the struggling creature creation of the God of perfection. This possibility of attainment of divine perfection is the final and certain destiny of all man’s eternal spiritual progress.

Earth mortals can hardly hope to be perfect in the infinite sense, but it is entirely possible for human beings, starting out as they do on this planet, to attain the supernal and divine goal which the infinite God has set for mortal man; and when they do achieve the destiny, they will, in all that pertains to self-realization and mind attainment, be just as replete in their sphere of divine perfection as God himself is in the sphere of infinity and eternity. Such perfection may not be universal in the material sense, unlimited in intellectual grasp, or final in spiritual experience, but it is final and complete in all finite aspects of divinity of will, perfection of personality motivation, and God-consciousness.

This is the true meaning of the divine command, “Be ye perfect, even as I am perfect, ” which ever urges mortal man onward and beckons him inward in that long and fascinating struggle for the attainment of higher and higher levels of spiritual values and true universe meanings. This sublime search for the God of universes is the supreme adventure of the inhabitants of all the world of time and space.

Now this may be hard to comprehend; that advanced races all have this understanding that is, to date, incomprehensible to man in any ubiquitous sense. In fact, it is one of the prerequisites to advance toward a Type I civilization; a comprehension of at least some universal laws and principles built in to the natural order of things and specifically to our evolution. It’s in our genes, literally. If we step back and look at the essence of the messages received through various channels and/or ‘sources’ we find [this] to be true.

adjusting our thinking - ufologists questionsAdjusting Our Thinking

Another potential answer to ufologists’ questions goes deeper. Frequency-response, the ability of the mind to reflect the individuated source code, is the central component of communication with advanced races. As in the above, the individuated sphere reflects the supreme sphere; that indwelling aspect of God that is replete within the individual learns how to reflect the divine perfection in the outer world. There are experiential examples strewn across the Net from those who’ve ‘raised’ their consciousness or vibration and chose to share their story. Creation is interactive to the extreme, we just haven’t accepted that it also reflects our unconscious activity as well, as in the transcendent event we are facing now.

From another perspective, to make it a bit more understandable, an NDE story often includes a view of the Light and sometimes even entering it… absorbed completely yet still individuated in the ability to think and respond. Extrapolate that to the notion of the Light condensing into form and residing as a point within individual beings, each body on Earth. Each of us, without exception, is connected to Source. We have the choice whether to activate that connection or not. How we connect, our ability to completely and totally ‘let go’ of human beliefs and acquire higher-ordered knowledge, is up to us.

We have that choice in all activity, from health care systems to technology development to planetary administration and distribution systems to meet the needs for individual care and survival, even more toward the awareness of each thread in the tapestry of Earth-human relations. Everyone has a spot on the team, there are no cuts from the roster. In other words, the activity of universal consciousness with humans is replete in the non-human intelligence that is attempting to guide us through our transition.

What Transition?

We’re on a cosmic time-table, to answer at least one of the ufologists’ questions. The Earth itself is changing; for example, poles shifting. That is a very basic awareness we all have now. What else is happening simultaneously? We’re moving from one epoch to another, from Piscean to Aquarian ages. Wouldn’t this also be accompanied by major shifts in consciousness and human activity? The old patterns and programs of ego-centric and fear-laden belief systems are being uprooted. Chaos in world affairs is evidence now. Many have been anticipating this process, not knowing exactly how it would happen, only that it, indeed, would happen.

How we proceed is a matter of acknowledging this internal communication and connection that exists with a higher-nature of humanity; a move toward oneness. This move does not take away personal choices or individual rights, it simply invites them to be more focused and purposeful. The activity of non-human intelligence is in support of this behavioral change within the consciousness of humanity, individually and collectively, toward our next step in universe affairs; the acts of aligning attention, intention and action with universal understanding that enables us to work collaboratively toward harmony among people and planet.

cultural creatives - ufologists questionsEveryone, even those we believe to be evil power-hungry controllers, has a role in this next act of humanity’s play. It is essential, imperative, that aberrant emotional responses [violent acts and/or unending rants lacking common sense] are minimized or mitigated. This allows the awareness of observation and conscious-choice action to evolve. The result empowers the engagement of individual activity and support of non-human intelligence toward the gradual shift in planetary systems toward a higher order of service to humanity.

Cultural Creatives, or at least the label given by Drs. Anderson and Ray, are perhaps one of the best examples – Just under half of the CC population comprises the more educated, leading-edge thinkers. This includes many writers, artists, musicians, psychotherapists, alternative health care providers and other professionals. They combine a serious focus on their spirituality with a strong passion for social activism. Sound familiar?

Ufologists’ Questions – Making Sense Common

We often think the common sense ought to win out, right? Are there common sense answers to ufologists’ questions? Too often that common sense is skewed by all kinds of confusion and disinformation, let alone the chaos in our heads. What do we do? We make sense common based on practical and pragmatic assertions, such as the above – Such perfection may not be universal in the material sense, unlimited in intellectual grasp, or final in spiritual experience, but it is final and complete in all finite aspects of divinity of will, perfection of personality motivation, and God-consciousness. Attention, intention and action are the ultimate theme in advancing consciousness in humanity, in ourselves, and across the cosmos.

If any of this resonated, please take a moment and share this post somewhere. Thanks in advance.

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Becoming Fearless to Bridge Worlds

Fearlessness – Overcoming Dystopian Thoughts

I’ve been involved in overcoming fears and transcending them to be fearless, dealing with ‘others’ in various scenarios, for most of my life. I’ve had three decades of considerable engagement in Ufology, learning to be fearless, long before most of the folks today even had a clue of what was going on. I love the newcomers who’ve had an experience or even a few and want to beat people up sharing them.

Generally early experiencers, and even a lot of materialist/scientist types in the field, have no idea about the depths of consciousness and focus on the details of the events instead. Decades later they’ll have a different perspective for sure. It’s possible I’m stuck inside a paradigm, too, though my profession as a partnering facilitator calls me to always engage multiple POVs simultaneously, aligning them toward meeting project milestones in multi-million dollar contracts.

Continuing to think in the paradigm that creates an ‘us vs. them’ is a choice, right? That makes it subjective. When are we going to pull out heads out of our assess and realize it is our choice to continue to create the paradigm. The thing is that disclosure doesn’t mean a damn thing when it comes to addressing the bigger issues of our planetary civilization.

Considering Our Focus

We are so focused outside that we turn on ourselves and forget the inner needs and requests of our ‘mentors’ to learn how to get along. Claiming the elites want to thwart disclosure seems counter-intuitive, really. They face the same challenges we do as a planetary civilization. They don’t have ways for achieving an exodus to the Moon or Mars.

Here’s a question, though. Are we one? If we are then we can view things from that place of oneness and inquire as to what we might be able to observe as indicators, right? Is that being stuck inside one paradigm? All things considered, it seems to be a quantum view from a unified field perspective. Isn’t that where we’re headed?

There’s a guy that once said, “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”If you believe I have experience and knowledge, then maybe there is a different reason for my comments than you assumed. To launch into citing global warming, nuclear proliferation and wealth disparities had nothing to do with the comment. It was solely about how we think in fear-based terms and don’t realize it until someone comments on the obvious.

My point was that we need to eliminate the projections of the elites being afraid, or anyone being afraid for that matter. That’s a subjective perspective. If we are going to acknowledge that consciousness has a part in this and that quantum applications apply, then attention, intention and action is absolutely critical – where we put our thoughts is imperative to creating a movement. Starting out with an us vs. them attitude is so last century.

People rise to meet your view of them. Students thought to be gifted (even when they weren’t) performed at gifted levels because the teacher was told they were gifted students. I taught a class of exceptional students (low end of the spectrum) and they performed better than they imagined they could when given a research project. Why can’t we do that with cohorts, peers and others?

Is There a Consistent Message?

Most of the folks in Ufology are still stuck in a fear-based paradigm and tend to war with each other instead of trying to understand each other and grow together. Experiencers are telling others to shift their thinking to fearlessness, even harmony, and offering ways to do so. We’re being nurtured into a new living awareness but assumptions and projections certainly diminish that capacity for change.

Many if not most still point at the old paradigm. Things have changed. Today, or just recently, we’ve had more open talk about the reality than ever before, like Michio Kaku’s statements, let alone his attendance, at the World UFO Congress. Pilots aren’t threatened anymore. Even government officials are speaking up, so why continue to live in the past?

A friend offered this in response to a statement I made, though from the tone of the post this response was an inadvertent truth. “Expanding human consciousness in order to embrace a sense of oneness, a sense of unity between all life in the cosmos, is one a major theme that contact experiencers describe emerging from their interactions with UAP intelligences.” That is my point. I’ve stated that, but apparently that was missed.

Thoughts Regarding Disclosure

Many are pushing an agenda for governmental disclosure that they’ve known of our visitors for some time, and perhaps their purpose. Disclosure, imho, doesn’t have anything to do with the underlying activity or learning how to get along and work together toward collaborative solutions for our People and Planet. Please tell me how it does. I’m certainly open to consideration. Do UAP intelligences seem all that interested in Disclosure? It doesn’t seem so to me.

They continue to interact with those able and willing, right? What’s changed? There has been an ongoing process. It seems that UAPs or UFOs or whatever term we choose to label them with are flying about, attracting attention and having at least some communication with earthlings regarding their purpose here. The overwhelming majority of experiencers state it is a beneficent objective. Help is offered, only if we turn our attention on helping each other.

Is it possible that the elites don’t know anything more than the majority of the experiencers who have regular contact and conversations? Is it possible there are many experiencers who are working on solutions and don’t care to share they are experiencers? Choosing to confront or even discredit my assertions don’t make them false. Most folks are just so uncomfortable that instead of consideration there is immediate denial.

The reason I say disclosure doesn’t mean a damn thing is because the planetary civilization is responsible for their own changes and admitting we’re being visited doesn’t have anything to do with addressing the real issues. It should, in fact, get us to look at how our guests see us. What kind of house are we keeping? Who in Ufology are working with organizations or scientists looking for solutions to global problems? Those are our true compatriots.

In my entire history in this field, and others professionally, I’ve stressed the ‘message’ of needing to learn to work together, even provided platforms for folks to example it. I’ve personally invited dozens to do so on UfologyPress, even set them up with author accounts. Has anyone participated, even if only to show their desire for solidarity? NO. My intent is simply to offer help, to actualize what others are only talking about; the collaboration of cohorts.

It’s possible the I’m not a ‘valued’ figure in Ufology or part of the ‘in’ crowd that has everyone’s attention. I’ve attempted to garner some attention, proposed presentations, and even with personal relationship there has been no acceptance or invitation to be part of the speaker cohort. I do have some tested methods for creating contact without having to find secluded areas to do CE-5 events. A serendipitous event, a request to meditated to some music I helped produce, brought that into reality and further trials demonstrated its validity. 

That being said it is still an intended hopeful to bridge fields, to cross-reference similar understandings and to make sense common to the point of actual collaborative efforts toward harmony among people and planet, a sustainability we can only reach through cooperation. We first need to take a good hard look at our behavior and intentions.

I’m reminded of the Wall coming down and one of my favorite bands of all time celebrating its anniversary with a tribute to both David Bowie and our ability to remove the walls across the gamut of national or international boundaries. It needs fearlessness in doing so, regardless of who is leading the way. Are our intentions to create a new world order of harmony among people and planet? What are we allowing to be distractions to that end?

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The Resonance of Truth – How Do We Qualify Ufology or Any Information?


“How do we qualify Ufology information?”

How do we ‘vet’ the information and people providing it so that the quality is there; so that sense is made common?

It would seem that a consistent method for discerning or discovering truth, even if relative, would be available to the intentional seeker. Of course there are varying degrees of the depth of the quest for truth, from cursory to quantum, yet consistency is key. If we accept that we have built-in bullshit meters, then we can at least begin to discover them within our awareness.

What kind of tell-tale signs does ‘truth’ have in this, or any, environment? We pay too much attention to paper and not people, imho. People will show themselves to those who know how to look. When they do, believe them. Not necessarily what they say, but who they are and how they show up authentically. You don’t have to be an expert at micro-expressions. Truth has a ring to it, literally, though it’s an internal ring.

Perhaps truth, vibrationally speaking, is like a covalent bond where electrons are shared in a kind of quantum entanglement. The resonance of truth occurs in the receiver as well as the transmitter whether person, place or thing. Our bodies are both, so it would make sense that the reciprocal resonance is at least felt if not understood. We aren’t accustomed to relying on feelings or sensations, though. That’s where things get a little messy for a time while we explore and practice honing our skills.

Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action. This is an activity often disregarded in the quest for truth and understanding of the phenomena and its experiential persistence.

There are certain characteristics we can count on, some external tests we can perform initially as we deploy our discernment tools. Until the inner tools are developed, the outer ones are most helpful as one is able to observe without attachment. Like the progress toward self-awareness, we must observe our intentions and distractions. Here’s some considerations from the works of Brent Cunningham on using the external… makes sense common.

Before we take a look at what I think are the three essential tests for evaluating any truth-claims, let’s briefly look at some popular, but less than stellar reasons often used by people to test whether or not something is true—the claim and then a response:

1. Instinct — “It seems true to me.”
To this statement we must simply ask . . .
. . . Why?  What is guiding one’s instinctual ability to judge between competing truth-claims?
2. Feelings — “I like the feeling I get.” or “It feels right.”
. . . Can feelings be mistaken?
3. Wish fulfillment — “The God that I (want to) believe in would never send someone to hell.”
. . . Maybe not, but the God one wants to believe in may not be the God who actually exists.  We can never determine objective truth simply by what we want to be true.
4. Custom — “This is the way I / my family / my culture has always been.”
. . . Can they be mistaken?  What if one came from a Nazi background?
5. Popularity contest — “Well, ‘everyone’ believes it.”
. . . Again, can ‘everyone’ be wrong?  Counting noses is never a good means of determining truth.
6. Pragmatism — “It works for me, therefore it must be true.”
. . . However, almost anything can ‘work’ for a time.  Truth works overall.  For instance, a belief may ‘work’ at ridding oneself of guilt by denying it rather than absolving it.
7. Significance — “It gives my life meaning.”
. . . Is the meaning simply the result of wish-fulfillment or is it connected with reality?

Obviously, all of the above reasons for believing something to be true seem deficient and not the best tests to determine whether or not a truth-claim is really true (although, #s 6 & 7 do seem to be better candidates that #s 1-5).  Nevertheless, I think there are three criterion for testing truth-claims which, when used together, offer us the best chances of determining true beliefs.  Here they are.

internal coherence chart

1.  Internal Coherence — This is a test for rational consistency in ufology information.  This asks if a belief makes sense?  We need to determine whether beliefs are rationally consistent within themselves and in relation to others beliefs of one’s larger worldview.  Some beliefs are known to be self-referentially inconsistent, or self-defeating.  An example might be the belief that all “knowledge” is scientific knowledge.  This is obviously self-defeating because the belief itself is not a scientific statement.  Therefore, the belief dies by its own standard for knowledge.

Another way a belief can fail this test is when two beliefs are in contradiction with each other, meaning that at least one of the beliefs must be false.  So, we must ask if the beliefs hold together?  For example, if a person is a Naturalist (believing that human life is accidental, random, and without ultimate purpose), he cannot then introduce the belief that we have an objective moral obligation to treat another person justly or with kindness.

external vs internal correspondence

2.  External Correspondence — This test asks if a belief fits the facts of reality in ufology information.   Does it correspond to the real world?  Proposed truth-claims must have explanatory power, or the ability to give account for our experience of the world (whether it be history, science, psychology, human nature, etc.).  For instance, a worldview can be tested by its ability to explain cosmological questions like the origin of the universe; anthropological questions like the existence of minds and free will; moral questions like the existence of evil and our experience with guilt.

Further, the explanatory power of truth-claims should (a) be comprehensive in scope—able to explain more or better than alternative theories; (b) have predictive power—suggesting new evidence and problems; (c) have precision—accounting for more details; (d) be illuminating—integrating otherwise unrelated data; (e) avoid ad hoc hypotheses—functioning only to explain away counter-evidence; (f) be simple—not needlessly multiplying the basic concepts, assumptions, and principles of an explanation.

functional adequacy chart

3.  Functional Adequacy — This tests the livability of a truth-claim as a belief in ufology information.  Is it a viable belief “on the street”?  Does it work in real life?  Some views sound good on paper, but are proven false in the laboratory of life.  Consider an eastern guru who asserts that the physical world is an illusion, yet he still looks both ways before crossing the street.  A person cannot live out such an illusory belief of the world for very long (or he’ll be hit by a bus before long!).  Even more than that, a belief system must integrate one’s life.  It must incorporate and meet the deepest human needs.

In evaluating the truth or falsity of  propositions/truth-claims/beliefs of ufology information, we must be sure to always look for three things: internal coherence (the logical), external correspondence (the factual), and functional adequacy (the livable).  For a belief to be true it must be meaningful, it must line up with the real world, and it must not only help us survive in daily life, but allow us to flourish.  Consequently, these are also the three areas in which our thinking can and does go wrong: logic, facts, and values.


In the field of Ufology there is so much information that has no solid proof, no tangible substance, other than the ability to string what little facts we have into some kind of logical presentation. We all wish this was different, yet beyond the little credible and tangible material we have, much is still in the subjective realms of experiencers who are often bereft of the cognitive skills to manage, let alone interpret, their ‘contact’ events. 

Truth is discoverable, of course, yet we have to run it through all the tests for coherence, correspondence and adequacy. It has a resonance to it that meets all those standards, a measurable sensation within our array of receptors. Well-developed receptors have already been categorized and labeled as the ‘clair-alls’* of extra-sensory perception. We all have them but few actually use them, probably because of the ‘I want to believe’ factor within Ufology.

Consciousness – being awake and aware of our surroundings, not just sentience, is the prevailing discovery of the time. Consciousness in the sense of a connected awareness and experience of a greater theme in our lives, an experiential reality that bridges quantum (discrete) with the gross (whole). The resonance of both cohesion and coherence is what we can sense with the finer senses within our awareness. It is the challenge of accessing and practicing these senses that is our current challenge.

The constructs of reality also have significance, even if we don’t understand the laws or principles involved. For instance, The Triadic Dimensional-Distinction Vortical Paradigm is a metaparadigmatic model developed equally by Drs. Vernon Neppe and Edward Close. In essence, it demonstrates that consciousness, space and time are tethered together across 9 dimensions.

It would seem there is a singular or individuated consciousness that is distributed across dimensions yet capable of interacting with and observing each. The following video shares some important information relating to the topic, the process of integrating experiences and the options for consideration. It is an excerpt from an interview with Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove on New Thinking Allowed.


Clair- Senses – (from: http://www.okinhealth.com/articles/10-clairsenses-intuition-emily-matweow)

Clair is a word describing types of clear sensitivity corresponding to our physical and intuitive senses. Clair begins words that name our intuitive abilities. The following are definitions of the various Clair Senses:

CLAIRCOGNIZANCE – INTUITIVE KNOWLEDGE – Clear knowledge is when a person has psychic knowledge without any physical explanation or reason. Claircognizance includes precognition and retro cognition – knowledge of the future and knowledge of the past. There are no restrictions as to what may be known with clear knowledge.

CLAIRVOYANCE – INTUITIVE VISION – The ability to see objects, actions, or events distant from the present without the use of eyes is called clairvoyance. It transcends time and space and may be a result of what is seen through the third eye (sometimes referred to as our mind’s eye) or the fourth eye.

CLAIRAUDIENCE – INTUITIVE AUDIO or HEARING – This is the ability to perceive sounds or words and extrasensory noise from sources broadcasting from the spiritual or ethereal realm. These tones exist beyond the reach of rational human experience and beyond the limitations of ordinary space and time. For example:

    • – sounds made by a person’s body;
    • – sounds made by living things;
    • – sounds made by nature;
    • – sounds made by man-made things;
    • – sounds made by interactions of the above; and
    • – ethereal sounds like voices of the dead, specters, or mystic music.

CLAIRSENTIENCE – INTUITIVE KNOWING BY FEELING – This refers to a person’s ability to acquire knowledge by feeling. A person who feels the vibration of other people, animals, and places is clairsentient. There are many degrees of clairsentience, ranging from the perception of thoughts and emotions in others to their illnesses and injuries. This ability differs from clairvoyance because the knowledge comes only from feeling in the body.

Clairsentience includes an individual feeling the physical and emotional pain of land where atrocities have happened; jealousy, insecurity, fear, or displeasure in others; or others’ physical pain.

CLAIRSALIENCE – INTUITIVE SMELL = Clairsalience, also known as clairscent or clairscentency, involves smelling a fragrance or odor of a substance, person, place, or animal not in one’s surroundings. These odors are perceived without the use of the physical nose and beyond the limitations of ordinary time and space.

CLAIRTANGENCY INTUITIVE KNOWING by TOUCHING – Clairtangency is psychometry. The clairtangent handles an object or touches something and in doing so knows information about the object or its owner or its history that was not known beforehand. Clairtangency can also apply to touching a living being.

CLAIRTACTION – INTUITIVE TOUCH – I introduce this label for a “new” unnamed Clair. I chose taction because it is an archaic word defined as “the act of touching or making contact.”

Clairtaction is the ability to sense being touched by a spiritual being or entity and the knowing of information about that spirit. Further, it includes a telekinetic-like ability to extend a touch to both physical and etheric entities in such a way that both the recipient and the psychic have awareness of the feeling. This means that the clairtactient may touch a person who is present or remote without physically touching him or her and the person being touched will, if aware enough, be able to identify where he or she is being touched and the nature of the touch.  It also means that the clairtactient can touch something ethereal with both purpose and awareness.

CLAIRGUSTANCE – INTUITIVE TASTE – Clear tasting involves being able to taste something without actually putting it into your mouth. It’s the perfect diet plan. 😉 A person who has clairgustance experiences tastes associated with events or people, memories or sensations often accompanied with clairsalience.

CLAIREMPATHY – INTUITIVE FEELING of EMOTION – Clairempathy is the ability to know people and their energies. A person who has clairempathy psychically experiences the thoughts or attitudes of a person, place, or animal and then feels the associated mental, emotional, physical, and/or spiritual results. The result of this clear empathetic experience may be a very physical response for the psychic in proportion to the psychic’s empathic sensitivity.

CLAIRELOQUENCE – INTUITIVE COMMUNICATING – Claireloquence is a second new Clair. It is the requirement to use precisely the right word or combination of words in order to accomplish a specific objective. Claireloquence connotes that it is the exact meaning of a word that is the result when it may in fact be the performative nature of the word or the exact phonology, or sound system, of the word to encode meaning that is the desired result. I believe that it can be either and both.

CLAIRESSENCE – INTUITIVE EMBODIMENT – Clairessence is a third new Clair I have come to understand and validate. It is the fundamental “Clair of all Clairs.” It is both the easiest and the most difficult to explain, for it is the Clair of Ascension; by the time we fully understand this Clair it will no longer be significant because we will be “it”.

The origin of clairessence is the point of origin of our nature. It is the mathematical and vibrational perfection with which all life was created. It is the ideal we seek to attain in the successful embodiment and integration of all of our senses within our rational and non-rational selves. It is the state we seek to return to – a state without distortion that is more refined, by virtue of experience, than when it was created.

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