Tag Archives: Neuropsychology

intelligence conveys meaning

Correlating Material – Non-human Intelligence Communication

Non-Human Intelligence Conveys Unimaginable Truths

Intelligence conveys that Ufology has long been plagued by the NHI side of the coin, beyond the nuts and bolts or theIntelligence conveys meaning with Beyond UFOs tangible evidence we tend to seek. The physical evidence is something we can touch. It’s real to us. In more recent years the non-physical is becoming just as important, though the mainstream Ufologists tend to dismiss it.

In the last decade efforts have been made to investigate the experiencer side of the coin. FREE’s surveys and book Beyond UFOs provides a great deal of data, though it is nearly all subjective and contributing authors are still searching to turn theory into reality. We all do, yet how to we manage the information effectively?

Most experiencers have non-physical events, that which we might call ‘multidimensional’ in the sense that a variety of phenomena occur within the consciousness of the individual across a spectrum of worlds. It varies in style and type across what are being called the ‘contact modalities’ in one study, a collection of surveys designed specifically for experiencers. As crude as the survey may be, the data collected indicates much more is happening than Ufology, in general, has been willing to acknowledge.

Whether the details of the surveys are incontrovertible isn’t the point – intelligence conveys meaning. There are enough details and similarities within the ‘experiencer community’ (even though there really isn’t one) that notice needs to be taken. Kaku’s statement about the burden of proof is certainly inconsequential in such matters, but his mention of higher-ordered civilizations might cause us to explore further. What would a Type III civilization behave like toward the lesser evolved?

Further, what about those who are non-corporeal and ever-present be like?

Seth Speaks – Wherefore Art Thou?

Shakespeare certainly delivered esoteric knowledge in his works, perhaps garnered from another world or non-physical consciousness of his time. There are rumors of Francis Bacon and St. Germain that still reverberate in the metaphysical community. Who really knows? The interesting fact is that both are still referenced today. We have a history of ‘spirit’ communication and what has been called ‘channeling’ spanning millennia. Those throughout history have usually been condemned or even killed as a result of human fear and superstition.

Can we still allow fear and superstition to rule our modern world? It seems so, even in light of the scientific advancements of the last half-century or so. The intellect is ahead of the societal trends, though the population is being educated by modern mainstream media. The recent releases of UAP footage is only the beginning of a massive change of awareness. Even in spite of that are the religious superstitions that abound from those who cannot comprehend change, projecting the idea that ETs are demons. That is just nonsense to the rational mind.

In my personal experience, until recently, I’ve not seen much mention of Seth’s information for a long time, a work that came through Jane Roberts decades ago. I did not realize how much of an impact it was for me, settling in the recesses of my memory and mind and trickling out over the decades. Of course channeled material is always a bit suspicious, however, the truth for each individual can be felt beyond those suspicions. This is a rather long listen, but worth the time….

What prompted the revisiting was a dream I had yesterday, where I encountered an individualseth material - intelligence conveys meaning who was to introduce me to a group of ‘others’ who were working in other realms, what most would call ‘ETs.’ Most ‘seasoned’ experiencers have at least semi-regular dreams that we know are more, sometimes completely lucid and fully participating as though we were awake and aware. This was one of those kind of dreams for me.

The setting was a kind of boardwalk type of area with open shops and cafes all around, knowing the ocean was just beyond its boundaries yet still out of sight. I was led to a particular shop that had a mixture of artifacts on shelves and racks of colorful attire arranged on the floor space. Four individuals stood out, in what appeared to be white costumes with darker fabric accents, like you’d see featured on performers or band mates from the 60s TV shows.

There were three male and one female figures. As we approached they were gentle and personable to the extreme, even felt like I should know them from my past somehow. I still have this question of ‘who am I?’ that rolls around in my head during these kinds of events. It’s obvious I’m not ‘just’ human. Intelligence conveys much more. The female, as though she heard my thoughts specifically mentioned the name Seth as an identity closely related to me, though I didn’t quite understand how until listening to this material. It relates to many things I see being discussed in the quest for understanding multidimensional consciousness, space and time today.

To continue in some sort of logical progression..

I guess since first being introduced to it so many years ago, I’ve quested for a visceral understanding, an experience if you will, because of the profound resonance I felt with the material. Be careful what you ask for because it can get very intense. The journey, excruciatingly hilarious at times, has been full of magic and mystery that seems to unfold from within the experience itself and spill out into waking reality. It leaves reference points that eventually connect with others as questions rise to questions and the answers, well, they often leave me feeling inarticulate.

From Grant Cameron via FB… Understanding this will start to explain what is actually behind the UFO intelligence. It also matches with what Josef Ronan’s being said, “The way you see us is defined by you…When we visit your world, we temporarily have a physical body defined in a certain way, but it is not the only form, or our original essence, in our dimension, there is no need for a physical body defined in a particular way as in yours.

“You share the definitions of reality that are given to you, but you are not yet aware of it.” Josef’s words also reflect the understanding of what intelligence conveys and what we might call cosmic consciousness condensed into form, or at least that’s my contribution. We choose how we engage it, always; it is how we create or contribute to the whole. The more we realize those choices are not limited, perhaps we’ll see that the need for fear and repression subsides. What often happens when one begins to explore what Jane (Seth), Josef and others are saying are moments of synchronicity and an elevated sense of joy, when we can acquiesce to the flow of energy.

When we are unable, there is a sense of friction that builds, the mind goes numb and fear takes over, stifling any opportunity for deeper connection with an expanded reality. Most initial experiences with ‘other’ intelligence cause a momentary clenching of the body’s nervous system. The choice to breathe through it and open one’s senses without expectation resolves in truly magnificent events.

Ufologists tend to see things through few lenses, which makes the cross-referencing of material even more critical to the seeker of truth. The latter goes beyond just the truth of Ufology because the ‘field,’ as Lynne McTaggart called it, encompasses our reality, not just a small sliver of it. Viewing data and information though narrow slits might work well for physics, however, our experience of living is so expansive we have just scratched the surface.

Seth’s information, whether we are aware of it or not, has influenced and entire generation of explorers in consciousness and the expanded reality Ufology now has to grapple with in 2020. There is too much information from modern experiencers that warrants consideration and even investigation as to how close these initial communications turn out to be true. We’ve viewed the ability to communicate across boundaries as pseudo-science or even dismissed it entirely for decades, even millennia, yet it persists nonetheless.

Nuts and bolts Ufologists tend to dismiss the esoteric or non-physical and the metaphysical out of hand and/or discredit or disavow those who have a natural ability to move beyond the confines of our material world. We have records of those able to do it throughout history, yet we generally only refer to history. To bring it into the present means we have to admit it is real. How difficult is that for modern explorers who are genuinely seeking better ways to understand the phenomena and the risks involved? Reality sucks sometimes for those who deny it.

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The State of UFO Investigations Today

What do you think about the state of Ufology today?

Does it meet up to your expectations? Sadly, it falls short for nearly every serious investigator. It falls even shorter for experiencers who wish the topics of discussion to be more focused on real interactions.

What has happened to what once seemed to be a burgeoning field of study for and with folks who’ve had some kind of experience or at least witnessed what has often been termed ‘UFOs’?

Some years ago, in a presentation in England, Bob Dean spoke of the fact that ‘they’ are no longer ‘UFOs’ because we know what they are… visitors in various types of interstellar and perhaps interdimensional craft. Paul Hellyer, retired Canadian Defense Minister, speaks openly about his knowledge from his prior position and current relationships.

Banal Banter

So many today banter about the past; opinions and research that have been so trampled they have lost their appeal to serious folks. You might be one of them. Unfortunately, the attraction to the curious has helped to develop an industry that supports speculators and storytellers as much as real information sharing. In the thirty plus years the author has been involved there have been at least three cycles of activity. Stephen Bassett does his best to keep it real as he continues to lobby for disclosure, but is he involved because it is a lifestyle, passion, or a way to earn a living and travel? Dr. Steven Greer continues to speak about his contact techniques and the familiar message he admits to receiving as well, but is he legit or just playing the crowd?

Each cycle starts with some real information, a new breakthrough or personage that suddenly decides to share their story. Then the attention gets distracted to old information that’s rehashed and then on to some sci-fi encounter that has something to do with a conspiracy. Whether it is a government coverup of interaction with aliens or a secret space program, the process repeats about every 10 to 12 years with new people. We’re due for a new spin. We all oppose deceivers, right?

Money for Nothing

What began in 1991 as the International UFO Congress in Tucson, Arizona has become a business venture. It spawned several others over the years, some doing better than others. They all tend to follow the pattern shared above. The better the marketing and/or story, the more intriguing the conspiracy or mystery, numbers flock and those numbers mean dollars. In loose surveys over the last decade or so, real experiencers and serious folk express the need for discussing the non-human intelligences and communication that reveals a common thread toward learning how to live in harmony with natural law and order, like the universe.

Is there a theme to all the communication including crop circles, experiences of sensory input still needing a language to articulate coherently, telepathic and virtual visitations? There doesn’t seem to be any disagreement with the aforementioned ‘message’ about learning to live together. That is, as people getting along, the entire gamut from planet (its elements) to living creatures with and without ‘consciousness’ or what we express as being sentient. It naturally occurs in the evolution of sentient beings, every planetary civilization capable of star travel has learned it.

Who Goes There?

Believe it or not, there are humans who have learned it as well, nearly every one knows of interdimensional as well as interstellar capabilities. They cut through all the Ufology industry stuff, usually by non-engagement, and look for other ways of more ethically-driven ways to gather. The photo to the right is from Jonas Elrod’s experience during a meditation. The image was captured with special photography.

The events around the world today, as off-center as they are, still bring many folks who don’t know where else to find kindred folk. The names have been changed to protect the innocent and maintain anonymity so employment wouldn’t be jeopardized. It’s no wonder folks are reticent to come forward and risk the scrutiny of ‘ufologists,’ let alone the public.

More recently there have been great efforts by an organization that was endorsed by Dr. Edgar Mitchell as one of his final acts to continue his work in consciousness studies. Through their surveys, which are anonymous, over 4,000 participants have shared their personal experiences. Now we’re getting somewhere with FREE information. The data from these surveys is available and getting some attention. Rey Hernandez heads up the organization. Perhaps it will give folks encouragement to speak more publicly, somewhat anonymously. Rey certainly isn’t shy.

The general sense in this ‘free’ population is that things are progressing toward a beneficial end. Statistically over time the perception of events even changes toward the beneficial. It seems that as consciousness develops, the perception of events can drastically change as the experiencer progresses. Long-term contact tends to result in a vastly different understanding, congruent with the theme above. Hopefully the Ufology industry will recognize folks with integrity and take a chance on elevating the conversation.

Cosmic Comedy

In other areas, still cyclical and spiraling up the experience peak, Grant Cameron speaks and writes on the patterns of contact and the style and type associated with each ’round’ of the cycle. Is his research authentic and objective or putting a new spin on old information? Richard Dolan has become an expert in the history and he expresses an intellectual curiosity toward an optimistic quest of intentions and potential interspecie work. Is their research authentic and objective or just putting a new spin on old information?

Although it’s talked about religiously in some circles, the general public doesn’t seem to understand there have been those living among us for millennia. Even those who do admit the possibility or even reality, they don’t engage it any further. I find that suspect, or maybe a bit fearful of revealing their worst fears of prejudice toward others. Are we really learning how to get along or just hide our deceptive separative notions better?

It seems that the world continues to spiral out of control in our efforts to control our path. Many individuals are awakening to an understanding of holistic systems that permeate our lives. If consciousness evolves and the thoughtmosphere expands, what is the critical mass that would begin to right the ship, ‘our’ relationship that is. The ability to manage machinery with a mixture of galvanic response, psychokinesis and telepathy is just one example of understanding universal law and order, using built-in features of our very nature. It is currently way out of our ability to be disciplined to that degree. We like to argue too much.

Conspiracy theories always have an argumentative nature. Debates run high amongst those who believe in them, real or imagined. They take away from the more pressing need for transforming our way of doing business and educating our children on planet Earth. They give us a way to consider and discern, seeking the sensation within that reveals their truth or not. I hear that a lot from the grapevine, the contact underground that Dr. Joseph Burkes has engaged for a couple of decades.

More internet radio hosts are exploring the grapevine, giving us more information to analyze and discern. Randy Maugans and Chris Holly have been doing their own thing for a while with Off Planet Radio. Inception Radio Network has also done a lot toward contributing to the effort, but we have to use our discernment still; the loudest mouths still get too much time. I’m sure there many more. I’ve got to go to work now…


Deeper Questions Bridge Worlds

Deeper Questions Bridge Worlds

In our quest to understand things beyond our world, our visitors, their intention and intelligence… is the something we’re missing? Is there a representation of the ‘trinity’ that seems to be mirrored in earth-based religions found in other realms? I held that question for some time. One of the results I experienced some years ago.  Perhaps it is better shared here amongst the ufology crowd.

Three Suns as ONE

A sun is still a mystery of spiritual and physical presence, an enigma in the intelligent design scenario and life-giver to so many species. Three suns – thrice the mystery. On a physical level, hydrogen and helium are at work. Hydrogen is the only element bereft of neutrons. Our consciousness as contained in physical bodies is beyond the boundaries of that physical body, but we’re still unable to look at ourselves from a distance. Just a side note: Carbon’s atomic arrangement: 666 (6 protons, 6 neutrons, 6 electrons). Is this truly the ‘number of man?’

The Great Central Sun is a ubiquitous reference in esoteric philosophy of Source. We talk about the concept of ‘Source’ yet few ever venture out as to bring it home to our internal experience in a way that makes sense common. Is our ‘great central sun’ actually three suns? The concept of our ‘trinity’ had to have come from somewhere. I’d had that question in mind for some years, but it wasn’t until finding myself in the process of an experience that offered deeper considerations that I truly let go of past conceptions.

In the summer of 1989, while learning a technique developed by William Swygard in the 1950s, I was privileged to enjoy some interesting explorations in the dynamics of human consciousness. Swygard had written a book describing two techniques for exploring the depths of our psychospiritual composition.The two techniques are called Multi-level Awareness and Multi-plane Awareness and his book was originally one of two covers and no back, meaning the two were in one, much like ‘Doors of Perception’ and ‘Heaven and Hell’ by Aldous Huxley. These processes, although facilitated by a trained guide, allowed deeper individual experiences to evolve within the framework of the process.

By this I mean only vague prompts were given to direct the consciousness in a particular direction, based on the responses given in answer to the questions of the facilitator. The experience was totally spontaneous from the individual’s perspective from that point onward, allowing a freer exploration of the worlds within. The purpose of the facilitator was more as a prompter and recorder; to maintain a verbal link with the experiencer so that reflections could be made afterward. In this way there was some record for reviewing for the experiencer and facilitator alike, shared with others for further inquiry.

The Rabbit Hole Deepens

This was definitely a metaphysical experience, yet it seems to correlate to much of the scientific research and referencing of the ‘Holographic Universe’ of Michael Talbot’s discovery and sharing. In fact, this paradigm has been present in several physicist’s and scientist’s exploration and revelatory considerations.  Among them [paradigm shifters] are Alain Aspect, David Bohm, Karl Pribham, and Karl Lashley.

Complexologists at the Sante Fe Institute have created yet another theory that the Universe actually seeks to replicate itself, based on their study of the math, physics, and science surrounding cosmology, quantum environments, and thermodynamics to name a few.

Striving to understand how our universe works leads us to better understand how the human enigma works in its interaction and living amongst the stars. Apparently instantaneous ‘faster than light’ communication between individuals, as well as brain cells, is a reality and violates the long-held notion that Einstein fostered: no communication can travel faster than the speed of light.

The information age, along with scientific exploration made possible through discovery and development of new paradigms and technology, brings with it the ability of man to question everything he/she has learned about humans to date. This includes being able to cross-reference, if you will, the scientific and spiritual manifestos of our history on planet Earth. So let me take you on a little journey. You don’t have to believe it was real, although I will do my best to relate it objectively.

Precursive Points of Interest

On this particular afternoon, I was in process of preparing for one of these multi-level awareness journeys. I began by doing some deep breathing relaxation to prepare for the process. I was feeling my body and mind relax when all of a sudden, Zephyr, a guide I’d known since my late teens, showed up and gave me that look. You know the one, where you know you are about to have something very profound happen and you let go of anything else on your mind. So it was. He simply motioned with his arm and said, “Come.” And so I did.

I exited my body with such ease that I hardly felt the departure. Now the interesting thing is that by practicing this multi-level awareness technique, I had the ability to describe what I was seeing and hearing along the way. As soon as Zephyr showed up, I was communicating my experience to the would be facilitator, who was now about to tested in their ability to respond in a much different way. I’m sure it had to have been pretty weird sitting in the chair next to me that day! I had to explain who Zephyr was later, so let me do so now.

I’d met Zephyr while studying metaphysics with a small group of explorers in college in my late teens. We all read many books as well and I was in process of reading Carlos Castaneda’s works. I think I was on Journey to Ixtlan at the time. I remember one of the consistent threads of other spiritual works being the existence of spirit guides or allies, as he called them. I had inquired within, through prayer, regarding the existence of and ability to communicate with a guide or ally or guardian angel if you will that was ‘assigned’ to me.

During a meditation one afternoon about a week later the name Zephyr and a face of an Indian appeared in my mind instantaneously. He appeared as an ancient Indian, with eyes so deep and simultaneously cold and warm, peering into my depths of my soul, yet with respect of my being.

I was able to do some research later, assisted by a friend that was an adept at automatic writing, and found that his incarnation was over 20,000 years ago in what is now the Southwest US. I’ve had numerous occasions to journey with him since. If you’ve had similar experiences you can relate. If you haven’t, well just consider it a great story.

The Journey Continues

This was a bit different because there was now a witness to record my experience as I related it. As I exited my body, he became a sphere of light with his face as the only feature. I first noticed his profile, with that large Indian nose… rather reminiscent of Jimmy Durante. I found it a bit humorous and told him so. Nothing can be hidden in those realms as even the fleeting thoughts are as apparent as turning a light on in a darkened room. So as I was entertaining myself at his expense he turned and faced me with that look again.

I asked him where we were going and he only responded that I would find out shortly. He began asking questions of my spiritual path to date and what I’d learned since the last time we journeyed. I could see faintly the points of light, elongated, as we were whizzing by at an incredible speed. I suppose the only reference would be the speed of thought?

In answer to my question of direction, Zephyr told me just to wait and see. I probed again and his silence was absolute. I then spoke to him of other things that I had experienced lately and he responded with analysis, some sick humor, and engaged me in some great bantering that left me feeling very humble after having some pride in the depth of understanding I thought I’d been expressing to him. I think we probably all feel that way when our bubbles are burst by our elders, bringing us back to a humble reality.


According to the Urantia Book, an interesting exploration of the structure of creation, the speed of travel for a Solitary Messenger is approximately 841 trillion miles per second. It is totally beyond my ability to explain how a real person/spirit can traverse space at such a velocity. Whether or not that is correct we can accept that it is indeed quite fast, much faster than the speed of light.

One of the aspects of the Path is to be so rooted in one’s own knowing as they are expressing it, yet being able instantly to let go of the attachment of its truth in order for further depths of understanding to occur. Sometimes the knowing shifts and must be left behind as merely a stone on the path. At other times, the knowing evolves into a much deeper acknowledgment of ‘what is’ in the conundrum of ‘What is reality?’ This bantering lasted for about eight minutes, according to the facilitator, as the arrival at our destination brought it to an abrupt close.

I suppose that the constant recounting of conversation helped to anchor congruent patterns of thought and holographic reality at that point. Very humbling nonetheless, as one can only report on experience. The discussion also had a profound affect on the facilitator’s life as it verified some inklings he’d been entertaining as possible answers to some of his own questions about the nature of creation and reality as we know it.

Our Arrival

After some time traveling I noticed a slowing of momentum and as soon as I did, I felt an abrupt halt. We had arrived at a solar system that was so beautiful beyond belief that it created a feeling of unimaginable awe. If you’ve seen Contact and Jodie Foster’s character as she witness the beauty of space you can imagine the feeling of awe that overcame me then. We had stopped outside the perimeter of the largest orbit of the nine planets that revolved around three huge white rainbow sparkled suns that appeared to be equidistant in the center of this system.

I only had a moment to take in the beauty before I heard a voice that felt like the combination of the suns speaking as one. I had no choice be to listen intently. The sensation was like a river of energy flowing through me. In response to the natural curiosity and questions I had been thinking about deeply, the voice (s) said, “We are not only your forefathers, we are also the forefathers of your solar system.” Short and sweet. That was it.

I felt such a deep connection to those words and the resonance of truth that I was speechless for a moment. I wish there was a word to describe it – maybe ‘peace that surpassed understanding’ is most appropriate. You get the picture… I was blown away. Zephyr said, “Okay, that’s it, time to go.” It took me a moment to regain composure and I began to want to ask some questions. Zephyr cut me off immediately saying, “No questions now, you’ve got all the information you need. You’ll figure it out.” Oh man….

The Feedback Loop

I needed some more feedback. My mind needed more information to process. Although the experience and information locked into my soul with irrefutable efficacy, I argued for a few moments and then gave in to the trip back. He never did respond to those direct questions…damn stoic Indian. He was kind enough to offer some things to ponder, though, which gave me much more than I realized at the time. How does the macro relate to the micro?

Once back in the room and relating the journey to fill in the gaps of my description of the scenery, what I found interesting is that each leg of the journey was consistent. According to the facilitator’s watch the journey of going and coming were about 8 minutes long, which was more than just coincidence it seemed. This would indicate that it was indeed a journey that crossed some major distance at the speed of thought or something similar yet to be measured by modern science. I did find a reference to the speed of thought – 841 trillion miles per second.

Just how the actual vehicles became ‘real’ or the method of travel was something I didn’t understand as a repeatable process. I always hope for a methodology to plug into the scientific method. I suppose, like any form of journeying, it could be practiced and perfected over time. But, I’m not sure Zephyr would be at my beckon call as I seem to investigate on my own well enough. He does seem to show up a significant intervals and personal/spiritual growth moments. In a lot of cases, the event is not necessary to repeat as the impact leaves such a profound experience that lifetimes are spent articulating the findings.

Parting Thoughts

I’d been on many journeys to date and this was one of the most profound and potentially rewarding in the development of a cognitive model that removes conjecture and superstition regarding the nature of how we got here. To understand the mechanisms of creation from that point requires some intense study of the internal structure of creation. Metaphysics seeks to explain this in my opinion.

I did feel an unusually high resonance with the idea of these suns being the foundation of our Trinity. It made so much sense. Just imagine what this could mean to the developmental theories of creation and our scientific explorations into the depths of material structure. I do know this: it was much more that my feeble brain was able to interpret, yet the imagery, voice and travel were very real. I gave my life to know truth long ago. I’m still learning.

Quantum physics and complexologists are moving closer to explaining the next levels of consciousness in mathematical terms that result in patterns encountered in inner space. Whether it be three suns as one or the Great Central sun metaphor, methinks we are on the verge of a Cosmic Evolution. Just for a moment, think about the proton, electron and neutron being the ‘trinitized’ components of the material world with an attending ‘consciousness’ in the space between. Blessings…

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