Tag Archives: scientists and ufos

Galactic Federation – Confederation of Planets et al

In so many ways, I’m thankful for having both the ability and place to share where some fear to tread regarding the Galactic Federation. Many I know have had contact experiences since childhood, some of them able to describe precisely what happened while others are unable or unwilling, yet there are significant details that demonstrate the reality of being approached and/or engaged by beings from another world or worlds. Some seem very physical while others, not so much.

The spotlight has never really been on them, though, focusing instead on the nuts and bolts of artifacts or mass sightings and military video proof. Disclosure is a many-layered objective from government recognition of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena to the acknowledgement of the general public that contact experiences do happen and are real. Both beg the question: Why?

Recent headlines include an Israeli Space Security Chief who revealed the existence of a ‘Galactic Federation’ as well as inter-specie interactions that seem to confirm the stories of Emery Smith and Corey Good. Perhaps the latter is true, though there is little evidence of it as of yet. Truth is usually stranger than fiction and time will reveal all.

On the former though, regarding the Galactic Federation, there have been revelations and tales of their existence for nearly a century; by that and other names referring to an inter-galactic alliance of races. We’re still a very young, almost infantile, human race as we look across the span of time, where other races could be millions if not billions of years old and with technology so advance it all seems like magic and manipulation to us.

Galactic Federation Overview

I am reminded of the crop circle of Aug 2002 that warned about those bearing gifts and false promises. The reality, for me, is an ongoing engagement of some sort that sure has the hints of a Galactic Federation of sorts, though certainly much different that any militaristic view and especially as an announcement of such. It wreaks of obfuscation. Too many overtones of command and control, which is exactly opposite my experience.

Perhaps you feel the same; perhaps not. Early initiations and some research into the ‘phenomena’ brought forth a number of interesting events and messages beginning in the 1950s after the atomic bombs were unleashed. The introduction of the Ashtar Command was made, though given little attention even to today. (more info)

Call me whatever you want. Believe whatever you want. It’s my experience I cannot say I completely understand it, though all indications are it is more of a conscience management organization than anything else… promoting the will to do good. To be stewards, not masters, though mastery is required. It’s the mastery of self. That seems to be the overarching theme in the ‘results’ of long-term contact.

Message in a Bottle – Bottled Up Message

The kids from Mozambique are evidence and shared that message, as most children are incapable of misrepresenting their feelings and thoughts from such direct messages in their experiences. I know that sounds too simplistic, but is it really? We loose that childlike innocence as adults and seek complexity instead of simplicity, yet we know core principles in any environment are simple. They’re called value statements in business and professional development.

The intricacies of contact, our experiences of it, and the resulting increase in awareness and connectedness that changes our living awareness and even our experience of reality, seem to include a near-sacred vow of service toward humanity in some way. We all seem to have it.

I get the sense we all feel there is some kind of overall theme, but from where does it come? We speak of the timelessness of the soul, ageless wisdom and eternal existence paired with bloodlines and evolution toward some kind of resolve, perhaps a harmonic convergence. We hear a New World Order is coming, but what kind will it be? Isn’t it up to us?

There are elements of self-initiation and advanced communication across the spectrum of contact – non-linear, non-local and non-physical yet appearing so. How far does it extend in the realms of space/time and matter? Are individual races operating on their own or is there a concerted effort with each complementing the others somehow? Many have had multi-race/being encounters. Seems somebody has learned to get along, eh?

Is quantum or particle physics offering a way to comprehend the notion of activity on other dimensions simultaneously? Experiencer reports have indicated such. Neppe and Close go so far as to posit that consciousness, space and time are tethered across dimensions. Our reality just got much bigger, or at least the possibility of it stretches the mind in multiple directions. Perhaps it even suggests some answers regarding the nature of contact.

The Sinister Sound of the Galactic Federation?

Interesting how folks perceive. Not once have I ever imagined or perceived anything sinister about it, and let’s not forget the full ‘of Light’ that has been included. I suppose the same ‘organization’ is referred to by Confederation of Planets, Interstellar Confederacy et al. Who knows what they are really called.

All beings have choice in the universe, some limited, and proceed or rescind according to the quality of choices. The universe seems very much self-determining; developing civilizations rise or fall depending on their ability to coalesce and collaborate. On several occasions we’ve been warned about the experimentation with the atom and shown that ICBM missiles around the world are able to be shut off.

What we don’t know or realize is the devastation on the environment (space/time) on a quantum level when atomic bombs are detonated and/or photons are rammed into each other at near-light speed. We see the material world as hearty and near-indestructible, yet we have no clue of the subtle worlds that support [it] [material world].

Military and science leadership are arrogant, imho, and previously unstoppable in the development of weapons systems and devices that destroy matter in order to understand it, or so we are told. Perhaps the Federation knows this and actually is attempting to warn us of our ridiculous notions. Fear produces weapons. Love produces life. One destroys the other.

Restoring Order Among the Stars – Venus and Mars are alright tonight

TMC is also airing Proximity in late December 2020.

My wife and I were watching one of the latest mainstream movies on abduction and contact titled: Proximity. It’s theme: A young NASA JPL scientist is abducted by extraterrestrials but when no one believes his story he becomes obsessed with finding proof which leads him on a journey of discovery. (IMDb) It’s presentation includes hints of many real events and people, though obfuscated if you aren’t aware of them.

What it does offer is a trail of what has become consistent in the experiences of abductees turned contactees and then on to experiencers. It begins with against-the-will abductions, decades apart, and leaves the JPL guy to figure things out on his own. Meanwhile, he’s shared a video of at least part of his encounter that meets with fallacious accusations and denials.

Skipping to the end, we find that not only are the ‘aliens’ non-threatening, they actually do some incredible things for those whom they initially caused deep confusion and emotional trauma. I likened it to the event where Travis was struck by a static charge from the ship, abducted and probably brought back to life as the charge through him across he clearing and more than likely stopped his heart.

Great segue, the heart is the matter of all of this and the matter is truly about the heart. It isn’t the physical heart, though, it’s the center of what we consider loving, pure, uncompromising in faith and trust in something we believe to be supreme, or at least able to help with the challenges in life all the while maintaining a balance, perhaps even harmony, in the universe.

When we and our governments are in fear of anything that heart-centered activity is shut off, constricted at best and completely disconnected at worst… resulting in the destruction and devastation of human, animal and plant life. It’s a simple realization, though we tend to avoid admitting it at all cost.

Why? That’s a reason on each individual can answer and resolve. We need to encourage and inspire each other to do so. We’re headed for a rough ride. Let’s make it a little less bumpy. 2021 needs to be about restoration and forward progress, forgiveness and creative expression in our lives and from our contact experiences to lead the world to a new era.

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UFO Disclosure 2.0 – Understanding Our Place

Disclosure Has Happened?

The cat is out of the bag. UFO Disclosure has happened! The government and military officially announced they have a program to study Unidentified Aerial Phenomena; UFOs the more common term. So now what? Both Drs Steven Greer and James Fox released new movies from different perspectives on the phenomena. Where might that take us?

UFO DisclosureClose Encounters of the Fifth Kind: Contact Has Begun shares his work with CE5 techniques and that communication does take place, though there is nothing up close and interpersonal about it, and some would say about Greer. No one can deny his efforts to reveal ET is a non-threatening reality. The CE5 gatherings have grown to include ETLetsTalk.org‘s monthly worldwide CE5 events.

The Phenomenon goes into the history of UFO secrecy in the government as well as looking at a much broader perspective that included the school in Mozambique that was visited. The most striking comments of the film were the revelations of the children’s memories of their conversations. The take away, perhaps, is that we have a long way to go and there are possibilities we can explore.

So, What’s Next? What is a post Disclosure world like?

For years, the efforts of UFO Disclosure have been on just getting the government to admit UFOs exist and that they are aware of them, including having artifacts and craft. That cat is out of the bag now. It would seem a greater calling toward interaction would be the next step, right? Well, it doesn’t seem like we have done the things necessary to warrant interaction, which is why there has been none publicly and only a few experiencers have any regular engagements.

We really don’t know what, if any, kind of engagement the governments have had, though it is likely their behavior has not warranted open contact beyond a few early warnings in the 1950s. Those warnings also came through other channels, just in case the government and military didn’t share. The sad thing is we have not heeded them. We think we know better.

What we do know is that several attempts have been made to ‘communicate’ to our world that the atom is nothing to mess with, that we do not have enough knowledge about natural laws. The main theme seems to be about understanding natural laws. What are they? Where are they written? How can we understand them?

Russians to the Rescue

In our research we recently found a Russian author and highly respected scientist, Nicholai Levashov. In one of his books, The Final Appeal to Mankind, he included a message from Nicholas and Helena Roerich, of Agni Yoga fame, dictated in 1929. The following is just a portion of this message, though it makes the point for deciding on a collaborative destiny.

Levashov and the Roerichs were Russian. Americans segregate Russian activity still, as if they are an arch enemy, yet they are miles ahead of us in parapsychology and ufology. Americans think they are front-runners in this respect, yet Levashov’s history demonstrates quite a different story. The following message is consistent with experiencers today, so when are we going to really understand and engage our destiny?

UFO DisclosureThe Coalition Group Observers (a group of interdimensional beings) offered this through the Roerich’s: (excerpts)

Even your own observation, that different nations attach different meanings to those antithetical concepts is of no help to you. In the course of time, the very meanings themselves keep changing. Meanwhile you think of yourselves as a highly civilized race, yet in a court of law you apply a “yes” or “no” criterion to determine whether a verdict of guilt or innocence is appropriate for a single individual. Under no circumstances would such criteria be acceptable for determining the fate of a nation. But you permit the categorical principles of “yes” or “no” to dominate even there, turning virtually the entire planet into an enormous jail for all nations.

Moreover, your binary system of logic allows you to entrust the destiny of all nations and the entire human race to a handful of individuals. In international politics this is your idea of “a state of peace” or “a state of war” with abrupt shifts of logic. You think that this is perfectly natural, without even considering whether it is rational, and pursue it with a truly absurd tenacity. The latest world war and the new one about to happen, prove that your precipitous development of technology has not propelled you into wisdom.

…. (Real UFO Disclosure)

As one of possible means of help, the CGO can provide the human race with detailed descriptions of those civilizations, to be used as models for a new civilization. One of our major criteria for judging a race as intelligent is where every member elevates collective intelligence above all else. Consequently, man as an intelligent being must prioritize the development of the collective racial intelligence. The functions of man are as follows: harvest all information from previous generations, add whatever is newly acquired from experience and perception, then pass it on to the next generation, increased and improved.

Chaotic fluctuations in the movement of an intelligent society’s thought processes are necessary: after sifting through history one finds zigzags in the movement of thoughts that correspond to shifts in the changing objective picture of reality. The latter is unpredictable in direction, while the spectrum of thinking of any individual has a consistency during that individual’s life span. Hence it follows that each generation’s transformation is necessary not for the preservation and continuation of the species, but for preservation of their cumulative intelligence as a race of intelligent beings.

Therefore, considering the cosmic laws of Freedom of Will and Freedom of Choice, any hope you have that contact with extraterrestrial races will help to solve your ethical problems are groundless and impractical. The problem has a solution, but it is not what you think. Indeed, generally speaking it is not a problem at all. Moreover, we cannot offer the human race appropriate solutions, no matter how dire the situation might be, because each race has a right to decide its own destiny.

Vol I & II can be downloaded here.

We’re Really All One

UFO Disclosure brought us where? What this is all illustrating is that we still have options. We are not doomed, but we need to make some hard and fast choices as to how and what we will be toward each other and our world. The binary thinking isn’t working. Perhaps a tertiary method might. Three points determine spatial relationships, just as three aspects of self are primary – the head, the heart and the gut. Then there is the trinitized configurations of mind, body and spirit.

Of course the pioneers and wayshowers are small voices for a time, until the sense is made common through sharing systems and values that strongly represent the nature of our being and nurture the prospects within each other. We cannot fully understand it from the outside. We have to engage the ineffable with curiosity and fearlessness, and the truth shall set us free.

There are a lot of speculative notions as to how we are evolving at a genetic level, yet none refer to the integration of consciousness, or any dimension of it, as part of the process of biological evolution. We ought to know by now that nothing is separate. The holistic environment we live, move and have our being in is intricately interconnected and we continue to ignore it.

I am you and you are me and we are all together… It isn’t just a line from a song. The UFO Disclosure movement needs to step up. The petty self-centered ‘look at me’ types have distracted the public into nonsensical fantasies that have nothing to do with real life and living as a unified population – Our Destiny. It’s not a forced effort like some think. It evolves as a feeling, a sense of Being and a wholeness within.

Alas… a view we don’t want to acknowledge…

Your public and personal morals follow the same principles of polarizing ideas like “love—hate,” “good—evil,” “life—death,” and so on…

Even your own observation, that different nations attach different meanings to those antithetical concepts is of no help to you. In the course of time, the very meanings themselves keep changing. Meanwhile you think of yourselves as a highly civilized race, yet in a court of law you apply a “yes” or “no” criterion to determine whether a verdict of guilt or innocence is appropriate for a single individual. Under no circumstances would such criteria be acceptable for determining the fate of a nation. But you permit the categorical principles of “yes” or “no” to dominate even there, turning virtually the entire planet into an enormous jail for all nations.

Moreover, your binary system of logic allows you to entrust the destiny of all nations and the entire human race to a handful of individuals. In international politics this is your idea of “a state of peace” or “a state of war” with abrupt shifts of logic. You think that this is perfectly natural, without even considering whether it is rational, and pursue it with a truly absurd tenacity. The latest world war and the new one about to happen, prove that your precipitous development of technology has not propelled you into wisdom.

Congruence and Confluence – Continuity of Collaboration

Random Searches for Intelligence

I look for congruence and confluence, similarities across fields of experience/study that seem coherent. I’m still in process. 😉 I feel bereft of understanding at times, meaning the ability to relate it simply, even with what I know. I love that quote from Einstein about being able to explain things simply. I’ll make an attempt, at least and I appreciate the question.

congruence and confluenceIn 1989, at 31, I was introduced to the Multi-plane Awareness Technique developed by William Swygard in the 1950s. It’s based on 12 planes of consciousness/dimensions, beginning with the 3rd and moving up to and through the 12th. The 12 are associated with the physical body’s capacity, though there are more beyond it. In 2018, at 61, I was introduced to the Triadic Dimensional-Distinction Vortical Paradigm of Drs. Close and Neppe (published in 2010), which presents the notion of consciousness, time and space being tethered across 9 dimensions, with more dimensions beyond.

It seems that these planes might be associated with traditional planes of consciousness, though I get the sense they are somehow integral in the holistic picture; planes and dimensions, like space and time, have consistency. We tend to quibble over boundaries and definitions. That being said, there seems to be a kind of ‘bandwidth’ or frequency range on each and a level of cosmic consciousness associated with it, including a body of some form and not necessarily human. We learn the basics of harmony in body and, upon transcendence, carry on elsewhere when we are ready, the result of the symbiosis in the work of self-actualization and self-realization. The latter often takes lifetimes to achieve any notion of congruence and confluence.

Observation and Obfuscation

The observer in me witnessed a series of layers with a thicker spot in between, at least that is how is felt, as I ascended. Integration on each level with the body/consciousness present was part of the process. The request for the body to appear brought a variety of forms as I continued, some even looking ETish, as many would define them, yet they were all a part of me, too. The purpose of the technique was to become aware of and integrate these various bodies through to and including the 12th plane. The 12th turned out to be pure light. I learned later that pretty much everyone experiences the 12th as white light.

From my NDE in 1975, I learned that we were cosmic consciousness condensed into form, by way of the experience of it upon return. I’d exited upon being asked if I was willing to die for what I believed in. Cosmic Consciousness was it, so I exited immediately upon saying, ‘Yes!” I went into the light and, upon asking if there was more, into an indigo space with points of light all around me (individuated consciousness). The ‘voice’ then gave me my marching orders and back I came. I wrote a piece called Messy Antics (searchable) years later.

So I have to assume that the points of light are actually beyond the layer of light (12th plane) that apparently surrounds our thoughtmosphere. That’s another discussion. However, in our thoughtmosphere (I like that term) we experience layers of incarnation. The secret is we ascend at the speed of surrender; seeking our perfected form, fit and function in the world. Now, how does that relate to the dimensional fields of play? Is there congruence and confluence?

I don’t know the full implications, but what I do know is that our capacity to achieve harmony among people and planet is the issue and spans the dimensional framework. Harmony doesn’t mean a blissful utopia, it means we work effectively with all we’ve been given to support life, all life. All the strife we have in the world comes from not doing that. Go figure…

It’s like we’re each a thread in the tapestry of life on Earth, every one of them necessary and perfect in the process of the evolution of a planetary civilization. It isn’t just personal, which is where the first part of the inner work has to be done; it’s collective, we have to learn to work together for the benefit of all. We’ve reached a point in our evolutionary path were access to other dimensions is happening in both directions, self-initiated.

Congruence and Confluence?

These methods of communication are being called ‘contact modalities’ by some, and include a variety of ways in which we interact with intelligences in the thoughtmosphere. I posit that some encounters with seeming ETs are actually discussions with another level of self-existence. That thought alone is mind boggling, so it doesn’t get much traction, yet. It’s at least worth considering, based on the exploration and models I’ve encountered.

There are obvious moral and ethical overtones that one learns over time as well. In our expression as physical beings, would cosmic consciousness not inspire particular behaviors? Ascending the frequency scale is even more strenuous because there are no fetters of the ego allowed. If/when it does show up, the cutting edge humor puts one in their place. Fear also has no place in the upper realms, though experiencers do have to face them. The higher levels of frequencies can get really intense.

It’s also a mechanism for recognizing ‘entities’ who communicate from there. No names or positions are necessary, let alone words, as the frequency warrants the trust. It is impossible for that frequency to be in any way malevolent. Like the Archons of old, they are either benign or beneficent. Of course, all of this is energy, permeating everything and responding to everything we feel and think. Learning how deeply we CAN feel and think is the adventure.

Perhaps the non-linear and non-local moments are the only way to get a taste of what is waiting without blowing circuits and confusing the heck out of everyone around you. I got blown open and had all kinds of questions after my NDE, at 18. Even with wise advice from a psychiatrist that informed me I’d gone through a spiritual awakening and that folks just wouldn’t understand, at 19, I didn’t keep my mouth shut and a serendipitous moment landed me on a psyche ward for a month and a half. Always the one to seize opportunity in chaos or crisis, there were some pretty smart people to talk with there, too.

I took the liberty of creating a couple of versions of the Multi-plane Awareness Technique. It was only given in-person and I don’t know of any other recordings. They are both on Youtube, one with Solfeggio frequencies and one without. I answered your question in a circuitous and perhaps convoluted way, though I hope some sense came through. Maybe you’ll find some congruence and confluence in your journey, too.

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The Proverbial Question: Why Are Advanced Races Visiting Earth?

Acknowledging a Continually Evolving Reality

In order to answer the proverbial question, we need some groundwork. Our present view from limited sight can only reveal so much. We have to be smarter in our universe view beyond the world view we have held that usually serves to distance, and not just socially. The world view is rather dim, facing a number of challenges for survival. We became aware we aren’t the only ones here decades ago. Of that, there is no doubt and recent video releases serve to confirm the reality.

In spite of early adopters and messages shared via numerous channels, including television, there has been little open attention on their content. Messages were clear even then: we need to clean up our act. We ask why they are here, but do we have the capacity to understand the full answer and the manner of their activity? The general consensus among experiences indicate they are here to help us. Why?

At this time humanity has reached a breaking point whether we admit it or not. Many are questioning the very nature of how these conditions could happen. A world pandemic is the feature story. There is a inner call for help in some that compels attention and the response invokes breakthroughs and experiences that cover the gamut of the contact modalities. Why?

Einstein is quoted with, “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” So how do we change our thinking or, more importantly, open ourselves to greater possibilities? Individually, the ‘why me’ or ‘why not me’ is a riddle wrapped in an enigma. Unfortunately, the recanting of stories doesn’t solve the riddle, let alone offer a proposition that covers all the bases necessary for life on Earth to continue in good health.

Many believe the answer is in our consciousness and that ultimately, self-awareness leads to self-actualization and self-realization. Ancient texts at their core seem to at least answer the riddle. Who are we and why are we here? We ask and pray for answers and can’t perceive that intelligent beings thousands, perhaps millions of years advanced might be an answer to the call and have answers. Is there any evidence of it?

Points to Ponder within the Proverbial Question

In looking at the over-arching complexities of the phenomena, both the material and psychological aspects, we tend to view things from thinking that does not allow a top-down perspective. There is no fault, just a lack of education. If we were to start with the concept of One Mind, a source of all experience and information individuated into personal relationships, we can begin to fathom the range of complexity from a simpler perspective. If One Mind is the the ultimate experience, how is it managed throughout the realms of consciousness and into the world of form?

In recent experiencer reports from around the world, there is apparently a push to share the idea of a planetary society working as One. It seems star visitors are going to great lengths to share information to educate us. Perceiving a hive mind mentality as a vehicle for losing self, which is a prevalent belief, is a misunderstanding. There is unity of purpose, not subservience. We’re so scarred of each other, let alone the unknown. We limit our capacity for understanding each other’s ability to fit, and have support, into a larger picture effectively.

We’ve heard stories about the multiple planes of consciousness, but we really don’t understand their operation because of our lack of experience with them. We look to mathematical models and forget there is a complementary experience that must accompany them for truth to emerge. Those experiences are largely subjective to date, with cursory approaches to drilling down into the subject material further. Can we observe and evaluate in order to elevate?

As the One Mind filters down through the layers of bandwidth, the vibratory realms that define the process of condensing into form, there is a certain structure that becomes apparent. The management of universe affairs has its inherent hierarchy, with levels of consciousness we are incapable of understanding yet. We still use the term ‘God’ to identify everything beyond our feeble human comprehension. William Swygard’s work (Multi-Plane Awareness) demonstrated that these realms are available through disciplined effort to reach them.

Think of it as the ‘God Corp’ with a CEO (represented by the Trinity) and a similar corporate structure of VPs responsible for major aspects of the progression of evolution at a universal level; eternity unfolding into matter. Then you’ve got the Directors who handle the galactic affairs of time and space. Descending down the ranks, the Division Managers work with groups of solar systems. Department Heads deal with individual solar systems and planetary worlds. Local Managers work with individual worlds and Supervisors make sure the memos are delivered to individual recipients.

Conscious incarnates, awakened humans, engage the flow of energy from the Top Down, acquiescing to the nature of their design over time. In a very simple explanation, the ‘destiny’ of the individual that is embedded in their consciousness emerges as necessary questions are asked; the ‘who am I and what am I here to do?’ routine. We can listen, read or view historical accounts of a general direction, yet each individual is different. Similar roles may exist across the planet, taking into consideration the nature of logistical support networks.

What does that really mean?

Back to the references of interstellar journeys in order to witness other worlds and how they function as One. Specific skill sets are engaged through the design of the systems; aligned with what one might call the ‘perfected form, fit and function’ of individuals who engage specific aspects of the planetary administration and divisions of labor. There is no respecter of persons, just service to the One. The service might be a trash collector or a brain surgeon or a liaison with other worlds. Aptitude, aspiration and attitude become attention, intention and action.

The bandwidth across the electromagnetic spectrum, what we use loosely to call ‘creation’ by some scientific term to satisfy our aversion to deities, is already divided into layers and called ‘rays’ or ‘waves’ at present. That is science fact. As the One Mind diversifies through myriad forms, the natural harmony congruent with resonant frequencies emerges over time. We, as humans, think that free will means we can do anything we want, and so we do, regardless of its health for each other or our planet.

Planetary civilizations and star travelers from them have already gone through this unification process long ago. They understand the depths and divisions within the substrates of ‘consciousness’ to the point of being able to seemingly bend or manipulate space and/or time, at least in our minds. They’ve been attempting to get humans to understand the greater implications of learning how to work together, but so far we are still a disconnected society and world. Recent events only show to prove the point, though we have the opportunity of becoming closer as a planetary population even with the social distancing. We still tend to judge each other actions, though.

I heard a great analogy recently about judgment, regarding the view we have and our ability to perceive. It had to do with a futbol player and a television viewer of the game. The player made a pass that the viewer thought was in error. The player could only see things from a field level and the view of the more appropriate pass was not visible. Whereas to the viewer, who had a vantage point from above the field, could see a better opportunity and thought the player should have been able to see it. The same applies from being able to see things from a different vantage point mentioned earlier, from the One Mind. We can see much clearer and with no emotional attachment to outcome.

The emotional attachment we have toward a specific outcome, usually from a selfish or self-centered vantage point, limits our ability to respond in ways that promote collaboration or cooperation. We tend to fight what we don’t understand or have no experience of in our daily living. We live really sheltered lives until we have to consider the mind-bending events of contact in its myriad forms. Our first order of thinking is usually a defensive posture and immediately results in a bi-polar experience instead of embracing the unknown with fearlessness or an attempt to simply understand.

The latter is where perfect love resides, however naive that may sound. We always have the choice of where our awareness goes, the focus of our thinking. The One Mind operating with the human BEing lets us observer multiple opportunities and make better choices. That doesn’t mean we’ll always to the exact thing necessary, though it will be more uplifting and have a noticeable shift in the overall attitude of the experiencer toward a greater experience of harmony in their life. Have you ever noticed how life-long experiencers tend to have a more balanced approach to life, play and work?

Perturbations or Pragmatism

It’s easy to get lost in the high-mindedness of engaging greater dimensions of consciousness. It makes for great conversational and experiential exploration, though it often fails to connect the concepts with application in the world, in our daily living and an evolving future. Exploration is necessary and prudent for the advancement of our planetary civilization. We can use the example of the Kardashev scale, advancing toward a Type I civilization that is able to manage and use the natural energy of the planet effectively, which would no doubt me cleaner air, soil and water as a result. The general awareness and consciousness of the civilization would evolve as well. How is to be determined, still.

ZERO to ONE – Making Our Way Toward a Conscious Civilization explores the various internal psycho-spiritual systems within the body as well as the ‘contact modalities’ across the spectrum of experiencers involved in advancing consciousness. There still has to be a practical and pragmatic. practical: relating to what is real rather than to what is possible or imagined / likely to succeed and reasonable to do or use / appropriate or suited for actual use. pragmatic: dealing with the problems that exist in a specific situation in a reasonable and logical way instead of depending on ideas and theories. 

Our understanding of systems thinking has advanced our way of life and standard of living substantially, though few have applied the understanding toward holistic systems thinking. Holistic systems thinking considers the multitude of factors; people, places and things that coalesce into elegant delivery systems, online or on ground. The only way for those systems to progress is through a confrontation of conscience, an event that calls everyone to order through the necessity of survival, regardless of the selfish or selfless nature of the individual.

What the ETs, NHI et al are attempting to share with us is this top down view from planetary administration; the unity of conscience of a world focused on its real potential as interdependent planetary citizens. No one is left out. Everyone gets what they need. That, effectively, is the nature of a Type I civilization. It is neither utopian nor dystopian as some may argue. We simply learn how to work together collaboratively and share in accountability and responsibility of deliverables.

Changing behaviors, even subtly, has profound affects on our awareness over time. It’s like seeing the world with new eyes and suddenly realizing just how guided our lives have been. Great leaders and organizers already know this to be the case and their memoirs offer evidence of a host of paranormal experiences. Still, these folks are able to design and grow industries and organizations that have immense reach and ability to deliver goods and services.

Looking Presently Into the Future

The immeasurable talks and tasks to accomplish the goals and objectives of any endeavor are lead by knowing the connection to an infinite intelligence and new thinking emerges as a result. So, Einstein’s admonition of trying to solve problems with the same thinking that created them is now mitigated. Acts of conscience replace acts of capitalism over time.

In order for acts of conscience to be hastened, some kind of event has to occur. Humans don’t seem to be willing to do it voluntarily. This event allows us to examine and respond in much better fashion, although the process can be devastating to some; embracing a sad truth. Perhaps from the One Mind perspective, misunderstanding the interconnectedness of all things and the blatant disregard for life created a global event to bring us back on track. Chaos always resolves back to order, naturally.

We’re at least one step closer to a Type I civilization through the coming solutions and open compassion shown by leaders and world servers. Of course there will be those who remain fearful. This, too, shall pass as the wave of acts of conscience passes through the hearts of humanity and into the existing systems, cleaning them up and re-purposing where needed. Then we might be worthy of open interaction with advanced races and apply our learning selflessly toward transforming our world view to a more universal view.

In the coming days, weeks, months and probably for another decade we will be improving the networks and systems that allow us to engage each other openly, without fear and for the benefit of mankind. Governments, especially the U.S. are known for the outdated technology and slow response time. Private industry is just the opposite. This event is bringing nations, as well as private industry together for the good of all.

It is imperative that judgment be suspended, belief systems as well, as we move toward a more coherent world where private industry and governments learn to work together better. Simultaneously we can anticipate an uptake in refocused conversations throughout Ufology; away from the paranormal passions and desire for stage time to a renewed interest in exploring the contact modalities and a movement toward a needed (r)evolution of awareness. How we offer attention, apply our intention and take action congruent with sound practices will determine the time frame it takes.

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intelligence conveys meaning

Correlating Material – Non-human Intelligence Communication

Non-Human Intelligence Conveys Unimaginable Truths

Intelligence conveys that Ufology has long been plagued by the NHI side of the coin, beyond the nuts and bolts or theIntelligence conveys meaning with Beyond UFOs tangible evidence we tend to seek. The physical evidence is something we can touch. It’s real to us. In more recent years the non-physical is becoming just as important, though the mainstream Ufologists tend to dismiss it.

In the last decade efforts have been made to investigate the experiencer side of the coin. FREE’s surveys and book Beyond UFOs provides a great deal of data, though it is nearly all subjective and contributing authors are still searching to turn theory into reality. We all do, yet how to we manage the information effectively?

Most experiencers have non-physical events, that which we might call ‘multidimensional’ in the sense that a variety of phenomena occur within the consciousness of the individual across a spectrum of worlds. It varies in style and type across what are being called the ‘contact modalities’ in one study, a collection of surveys designed specifically for experiencers. As crude as the survey may be, the data collected indicates much more is happening than Ufology, in general, has been willing to acknowledge.

Whether the details of the surveys are incontrovertible isn’t the point – intelligence conveys meaning. There are enough details and similarities within the ‘experiencer community’ (even though there really isn’t one) that notice needs to be taken. Kaku’s statement about the burden of proof is certainly inconsequential in such matters, but his mention of higher-ordered civilizations might cause us to explore further. What would a Type III civilization behave like toward the lesser evolved?

Further, what about those who are non-corporeal and ever-present be like?

Seth Speaks – Wherefore Art Thou?

Shakespeare certainly delivered esoteric knowledge in his works, perhaps garnered from another world or non-physical consciousness of his time. There are rumors of Francis Bacon and St. Germain that still reverberate in the metaphysical community. Who really knows? The interesting fact is that both are still referenced today. We have a history of ‘spirit’ communication and what has been called ‘channeling’ spanning millennia. Those throughout history have usually been condemned or even killed as a result of human fear and superstition.

Can we still allow fear and superstition to rule our modern world? It seems so, even in light of the scientific advancements of the last half-century or so. The intellect is ahead of the societal trends, though the population is being educated by modern mainstream media. The recent releases of UAP footage is only the beginning of a massive change of awareness. Even in spite of that are the religious superstitions that abound from those who cannot comprehend change, projecting the idea that ETs are demons. That is just nonsense to the rational mind.

In my personal experience, until recently, I’ve not seen much mention of Seth’s information for a long time, a work that came through Jane Roberts decades ago. I did not realize how much of an impact it was for me, settling in the recesses of my memory and mind and trickling out over the decades. Of course channeled material is always a bit suspicious, however, the truth for each individual can be felt beyond those suspicions. This is a rather long listen, but worth the time….

What prompted the revisiting was a dream I had yesterday, where I encountered an individualseth material - intelligence conveys meaning who was to introduce me to a group of ‘others’ who were working in other realms, what most would call ‘ETs.’ Most ‘seasoned’ experiencers have at least semi-regular dreams that we know are more, sometimes completely lucid and fully participating as though we were awake and aware. This was one of those kind of dreams for me.

The setting was a kind of boardwalk type of area with open shops and cafes all around, knowing the ocean was just beyond its boundaries yet still out of sight. I was led to a particular shop that had a mixture of artifacts on shelves and racks of colorful attire arranged on the floor space. Four individuals stood out, in what appeared to be white costumes with darker fabric accents, like you’d see featured on performers or band mates from the 60s TV shows.

There were three male and one female figures. As we approached they were gentle and personable to the extreme, even felt like I should know them from my past somehow. I still have this question of ‘who am I?’ that rolls around in my head during these kinds of events. It’s obvious I’m not ‘just’ human. Intelligence conveys much more. The female, as though she heard my thoughts specifically mentioned the name Seth as an identity closely related to me, though I didn’t quite understand how until listening to this material. It relates to many things I see being discussed in the quest for understanding multidimensional consciousness, space and time today.

To continue in some sort of logical progression..

I guess since first being introduced to it so many years ago, I’ve quested for a visceral understanding, an experience if you will, because of the profound resonance I felt with the material. Be careful what you ask for because it can get very intense. The journey, excruciatingly hilarious at times, has been full of magic and mystery that seems to unfold from within the experience itself and spill out into waking reality. It leaves reference points that eventually connect with others as questions rise to questions and the answers, well, they often leave me feeling inarticulate.

From Grant Cameron via FB… Understanding this will start to explain what is actually behind the UFO intelligence. It also matches with what Josef Ronan’s being said, “The way you see us is defined by you…When we visit your world, we temporarily have a physical body defined in a certain way, but it is not the only form, or our original essence, in our dimension, there is no need for a physical body defined in a particular way as in yours.

“You share the definitions of reality that are given to you, but you are not yet aware of it.” Josef’s words also reflect the understanding of what intelligence conveys and what we might call cosmic consciousness condensed into form, or at least that’s my contribution. We choose how we engage it, always; it is how we create or contribute to the whole. The more we realize those choices are not limited, perhaps we’ll see that the need for fear and repression subsides. What often happens when one begins to explore what Jane (Seth), Josef and others are saying are moments of synchronicity and an elevated sense of joy, when we can acquiesce to the flow of energy.

When we are unable, there is a sense of friction that builds, the mind goes numb and fear takes over, stifling any opportunity for deeper connection with an expanded reality. Most initial experiences with ‘other’ intelligence cause a momentary clenching of the body’s nervous system. The choice to breathe through it and open one’s senses without expectation resolves in truly magnificent events.

Ufologists tend to see things through few lenses, which makes the cross-referencing of material even more critical to the seeker of truth. The latter goes beyond just the truth of Ufology because the ‘field,’ as Lynne McTaggart called it, encompasses our reality, not just a small sliver of it. Viewing data and information though narrow slits might work well for physics, however, our experience of living is so expansive we have just scratched the surface.

Seth’s information, whether we are aware of it or not, has influenced and entire generation of explorers in consciousness and the expanded reality Ufology now has to grapple with in 2020. There is too much information from modern experiencers that warrants consideration and even investigation as to how close these initial communications turn out to be true. We’ve viewed the ability to communicate across boundaries as pseudo-science or even dismissed it entirely for decades, even millennia, yet it persists nonetheless.

Nuts and bolts Ufologists tend to dismiss the esoteric or non-physical and the metaphysical out of hand and/or discredit or disavow those who have a natural ability to move beyond the confines of our material world. We have records of those able to do it throughout history, yet we generally only refer to history. To bring it into the present means we have to admit it is real. How difficult is that for modern explorers who are genuinely seeking better ways to understand the phenomena and the risks involved? Reality sucks sometimes for those who deny it.

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