Category Archives: Announcements

Ufology Conundrums – UAP/UFO and Multidimensional Mayhem

State of Affairs or Affectation in Ufology Updates

We’ve all been aware of the recent advances in some areas of Ufology updates. Some embrace it and some are still suspicious. As much as we may not like to admit it, To The Stars Academy is raising the bar or at worst raising awareness in the public view. As with any newly formed group with suspicious characters there are naysayers and supporters by the score. The battle to bring information to the public has taken on a new look on and off stage.

The one thing that TTSA has done, though, it generated an explosion of interest in the UFO phenomena in the main stream news and public eye. Ufology updates continue to develop. Proof and truth will come out eventually, or not, yet the boost in exposure could bode well for the Ufology community IF there is a meeting of minds and some sort of demonstrable collaboration beyond TTSA. One of their first publications sets the stage for their dive into disclosure.

Hard and soft approaches are both necessary in the adjudication of experience and material ufology updatesevidence. The hard side is the nuts and bolts approach driven by evidence and ‘proof’ that seems to pass all the usual tests. The soft side is more delicate as it is subjective, with little evidence other than the ability to articulate effectively, driven by the desire to share for multiple reasons. The former sits well with materialists and the latter, not so much.

Ufology is known for its mysteries and mysterious characters, some with better reputations than others, yet they all play the game of notoriety and temptation. Everyone wants you to believe their story and many seem to be in conflict. They sometimes proffer data, details or disclosure as ‘exclusive’ in an attempt to get folks on the edge of their seats waiting for more.

Social Media has become a place of open denial and deep discussion. The marketing gurus have a field day with the unsuspecting public. It still seems like a contest for who can build the biggest fan base. This one or that one is always posting something to demonstrate their knowledge and research capability, though many assumptions and conjecture takes place as well. Sometimes posts prove noteworthy.

The reports of secret space programs and interaction with ‘alien’ races is another aspect that appears to be producing more incredulity than believe-ability in the field. The reports have provided certain folks great notoriety and a huge fan base of would-be believers. The stories certainly garnered attention from event promoters as major attractions for the unsuspecting public. Only time will prove the reality.

Some Ufologists and experiencers that have been around long before the term are puzzled by the ‘new’ information shared through various channels on social media as much of it has been ‘revealed’ through many presenters and vendors at UFO expos for decades. The numbers in those groups are obviously small in comparison, so with recent main stream media sources picking up the ball our hopes for better coverage are at least partially fulfilled.

The nuts and bolts side of Ufology has to do, for the most part, with historical events, documents, meetings, photos, videos and evidence of extraterrestrial craft or technology. Those elements are a critical part of ufology in bringing the information to the public. Why? Hopefully for the public good. What would the optimal results be if there were full or even partial disclosure? What would desired Ufology updates look like?

There is still another aspect of within the field, non-competitive in perspective, that has evolved over time and with progression of extended contact of a largely non-physical variety.

Experiencer-Driven Data

There is another side to the story that is both ambiguous and incommensurate; the subjective experiences of folks claiming contact or engagement by non-human or extraterrestrial intelligence. It is a grey area for sure. Depending on the lens we view it through, it can be seen as incredulous or incredible. We need data, right? Studies have been made. Both FREE and MUFON have engaged the inquiry of experiencers.

Data from experiencers is different than the nuts and bolts side of Ufology. It’s the soft side mentioned previously, full of subjective accounts. Those accounts range from emotionally-laden fear-based descriptions of encounters to the more objective and fearless descriptions of self-aware and perhaps even participatory engagement. Discernment is important.

Some of the more hard approach public figures who’ve been steeped in conspiracy, ufology updatesgovernment disclosure, exploration of evidence and material sciences have a real challenge with the soft approach. They are hard pressed to acknowledge the experiential side as there is no knowledge base or direct experience for them to relate. A recent interview and honest response regarding a very prominent figure who has emerged in the experiencer field.

The historical perspective of experiencers and their accounts goes back decades in present times and perhaps millennia in regards to ancient texts. The latter offers descriptions based on the common language and philosophies of the time. Today we can review many of these accounts and find incredible similarities across the centuries. Proof of dominance and control is sorely lacking, yet fear-based thinking still keeps many in the dark.

Most recently, the cross-referencing of experiential information and the notion of the evolution of consciousness have become more interesting to Ufologists. The notion of applied quantum physics in relation to the aspect of awareness and, in a large sense, creating reality unconsciously seems to be of great concern. Nearly every aspect of communication from non-human or extraterrestrial intelligence (for lack of better descriptors) leans toward a rise of consciousness.

What does that rise of consciousness mean? Perhaps it is as simple as becoming self-aware, managing our thoughts and feelings in positive ways. Perhaps it is the notion that all things are connected and we affect reality by our baseline energy, the attitude we carry with us. Perhaps it extends to our community and world in respect to the environment and effective planetary administration, managing resources so the all people can be cared for and nurtured.

There are still concerns among experiencers, though. Not everyone perceives their experiences as benign or benevolent. Extended play, the long-term experiencers, do tend to change their point of view over time, from a less than desirable experience to one of understanding a larger picture and the overcoming of their fears was more important. Confronting incongruous notions might be the next phase of creating better baseline knowledge.

Ufology Updates – 2019 Year in Review

We participated in a large panel discussion recently, embedded below, that reviewed the year’s greatest changes and/or events in Ufology, a kind of Ufology update. Certainly the ‘leaked’ released Navy videos of Unidentified Arial Phenomena (UAP) brought the light of day into a dark room. Michio Kaku’s interview with Jaime Maussan included the considerations of advanced civilizations beyond the burden of proof now being on the governments, to prove the UAPs aren’t extraterrestrial.

Spyros brings up his video (alien autopsy) and the massive hoax created by it, noting how gullible the public is still, and how falsified information is so easily introduced and accepted by the public (even some Ufologists) as being true. We’ve got a long way to go to find ways of vetting information that are consistent and uniform. It may take quite some time for that to happen, but it would be a necessary component of establishing some kind of unified front in Ufology.

We all want Disclosure, right? How do we want it? Our governments, military and leaders are ufology updatestasked with keeping us safe. NOTHING that even comes close to threatening our safety will ever be fully revealed to the public. The public’s opinion may vary as to how disclosure is best, through intelligent conversation regarding it doesn’t seem to be consistent. The reality is the public is, at best, squeamish when it comes to the appearance of the unknown let alone engaging it. We’re thinking in human and mostly fear-based terms.

Storming Area 51 became a fad overnight, with thousands of people showing up for the event. Did they really expect to storm Area 51? It seems doubtful, but it did give folks a chance to party in the desert. We all need a good party to move things forward. The number of foreign press that covered the event also brought the topic to the world, not just the US. We might anticipate a broader range of coverage as the events develop, though it still seems to be largely focused on the nuts and bolts side of Ufology.

Our concern here at UfologyPRSS is that by all indications and protocols for establishing movements, it starts with a unified front with individuals and organizations aligning with basic components or elements of a theme or even manifesto. There are a number of documents and organizations, but they largely seem autonomous and unwilling to collaborate, though some do.

What will it take for Ufologists to find common ground? Will the field be able to have some kind of harmonic convergence between the hard and soft components of the phenomena and, if so, how will it occur? Something to begin considering, in our opinion. Stay tuned for more Ufology Updates…

person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals, and you know it! 1,500 years ago, everybody knew that the Earth was the center of the universe. 500 years ago, everybody knew that the Earth was flat. And 15 minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you’ll know tomorrow. ~ Agent K

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Happy New Year Earthlings! (exo)Politics Anyone?

New Year’s Resolutions – Timid or Transformational?

Wasn’t the ending of 2017 an amazing experience, with all the disclosure inferences and shenanigans? Happy New Year, Earthlings… (exo)Politics anyone? We all know that disclosure is an ongoing process and that those truly involved aren’t about to dilute their work with attention getting antics like some folks seem to be doing. You know, everything is helpful in getting people to seriously question the reality of the times we live in, right?

Now this probably won’t be read by those who are actively engaged in politics at this time. Still, we have some exciting news about the progress of our work here in Arizona. It may come as a surprise, but the reality of bringing any kind of exopolitical experience to Earth might just begin with some of us so inclined to engage the system. This cosmic 2×4 was slapped up side my head back in 2012 when I got the impression to research the existence of the Independent Party in Arizona.

What I found was that nothing had been done and, apparently, it was there for me to do. The domain structure for the Party, after looking at other States, was www.independence(state).com so when I looked for the availability of there was no claim to date. I immediately purchased it and went to work on the website, creating some basic content around the theme of ‘Making Sense Common.’ Other things in life garnered my attention for several years until just after Christmas 2017 when a comment was made on the site that precipitated a face-to-face conversation and ignited things again.

On New Year’s Eve we registered the trade name ‘Independent Party of Arizona’ and formed Independent Party of Arizona LLC to get the ball rolling. Our New Year’s resolution became getting the Independent Party recognized by the State of Arizona, which it is not. Further research found the requirements and subsequent ancillary activities and paperwork that needs to be filed, all of which we are in process of now. Our slogan became ‘Making Sense Common’ and specifically refers to education, energy, environment, health care and social systems.

The simple side of the work is that we’ll need about 24,000 signatures to get the job done. The Independent Party of Arizona bridges parties as well as cultural communities and is what America was set up to do. Arizona has the golden opportunity to set the standard for coalescing multiple concerns and factions toward a cohesive and collaborative administration. The result of such would change the course of current deficits and inability to serve our population in so many ways. It would also catapult the use of alternative energy production through the combined efforts of communities and commercial development.

I’ve always enjoyed grassroots activity and have been involved in many local/state initiatives over the years, beginning with representing the Phoenix Indian School Preservation Coalition in 1991, a coalition made up of representatives from 18 of the 21 Tribes in Arizona intending to have the newly designated Indian School Park designed with indigenous Native American features. I was the non-Indian who was asked to chronicle the details and present them to the Mayor of Phoenix and his staff along with the Parks and Recreation Planning Sub-Committee.

I was also involved the the Arizona Coalition for Peace, Justice and the Environment and worked to help coordinate quarterly meetings around the State of Arizona for several years. It was a most profoundly life-changing experience that helped me to realize how much ‘help’ is available from ‘other’ sources to those who are involved in positive change in the world. After all, the consistent message from the ETs is that we must step up to affect changes in our world. They will assist from a distance, but it is up to each one of us to be practical in our application of understanding consciousness and the process of change/evolution for our world.

There was a collection of brilliant and inspirational speakers gathered for The Prophets Conference in Phoenix back in 1997, among them were Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Jose Arguelles, Lyssa Royal, Hunbatz Men, David Icke, Robert Anton Wilson, Joan Ocean, Dr. Steven Greer and Zecharia Sitchin. As the event manager I had opportunities for conversations beyond the norm in private, an opportunity I took advantage of to inquire and understand further how the integration of consciousness and community can be further engaged.

In that regard, it is an honor to be tapped on the shoulder to perform at this level. My intention has always been to be an example; someone that my parents, children and grand children are proud of even if it takes a long time for them to recognize the triumphs over trials and tribulations from a slow-moving and resistant paradigm that has been in place for far too long. It’s too late for my parents, at least my adoptive ones. Still, the sensation of being tasked with this challenge brings me to new levels of integrated activity with my cosmic crew. Perhaps it might inspire others to step up and apply their skill set toward building the new.

The secret to change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new. Socrates

Cosmic Conundrum – Who Am I?

Who are you? Really… Who are you? This workbook is an expository guide to facilitate multidimensional awareness. Are you a spiritual being having a human experience? Would you like to wake up the human to the spiritual experience? A point of perspection (introspection/perception) dances in the balance of the seer’s vision.

Have you suffered from the limited experiences and thinking of others? Is it possible that you might have galactic origins from elsewhere in the Milky Way?

Many are awakening to the potential of galactic citizenry and/or spiritual connectedness beyond the notion of reincarnation. I can help you engage contact experiences and garner opportunities for developing your personal abilities and/or ‘gifts.’

This psychospiritual coursework is designed to bridge worlds, build relationships across dimensions and transform lives. What you may think you know about extraterrestrials, guardian angels and spiritual beings will be challenged as you explore the pages of this book.

Points of view differ regarding our origins and the development of human beings through their ‘dominion’ on earth. What if there was more to the story that we haven’t even explored yet because we’ve been too terrestrially focused in our ‘outer’ living environment? What is your natural state of being? Is there more? Would you like to find out?

Clearing the cobwebs out of the soular mind begins with questioning the very foundation of one’s belief system. It doesn’t hurt at all and it does lead to deeper understanding. This path is not for the timid, but your courage will definitely be rewarded.

A great companion book is StuBBing My TOE on Purpose – A Seminal View of Consciousness, Cosmology and the Congruence of Science and Spirituality, available on Amazon and CreateSpace.

Top customer reviews

Author Zen Benefiel offers a healthy dose of spiritual wisdom for an “out-of-this-world” reader experience. Some dynamics which make this book a helpful guide are the author’s out-of-body experiences, his education and unique intelligence, combined with (but not limited to) an aptitude for research, diverse content synthesis and organization, complete with workbook opportunities for reflection on the provided material.

Zen embraces psychological, scientific, intuitive and mystical explanations, offering practical exercises for meditation, releasing emotional blockages, mentorship, deepening the experience of “flow,” and more. Where relevant, Zen gives simple and effective definitions of spiritual terms for comprehension, and methodical processes for readers to achieve similar results with the suggested exercises. The author’s knowledge of mental-emotional transformational methodologies makes for well-explored and deeply penetrating lessons on the self-help topics.

Woven by the common thread of his mystical experiences, Zen continually provides insightful logic regarding the ultimately inevitable connections among science and spirituality, connecting within, and galactic citizenry. Meaningful personal stories from the author’s physical life experience are steeped in wisdom. That said; the author’s emotional vulnerability is a great asset to humanizing the mystical experiences he lives out.

Zen’s authentic sharing creates a good foundation for us (the readers) to contemplate and realize the unique reality to which we have embraced and have been exposed. The book reveals compelling evidence that we can each go beyond our normal waking consciousness to connect in higher and finer ways. The material provided ties into an overall cosmic picture, complex enough to stretch our ideas of reality and cosmic responsibility while, at the same time, practical enough to not lose accessibility in the lessons offered.

Ethereal experiences are occasionally scoffed at due to popular misconceptions of an ethereal person’s resulting incongruence with normal reality (aka, “airy-fairy”). However, sound reasoning and pragmatic advice ensure that readers like us can learn from the offerings even if we aren’t able to relate the material in its entirety. For example, Zen offers practical guidance on the most basic and often overlooked necessity of balancing and resolving our emotions. Since such healthy (and practical) behaviors aren’t yet common sense for mankind, we could clearly argue that not only is a person’s reality highly relative to the beholder, but reality is also highly relative to how many people are beholding it. In other words, common sense is relative to what a group considers common. Even then, a high commonality doesn’t necessarily indicate truth.

The book finishes with a long anticipated, full-blown explanation of the author’s involvement with the Ashtar Command and galactic citizenry at large. It completes with thought-provoking inquiries that are artfully designed, not to coerce, but to make the reader ponder their own spiritual and galactic responsibilities. At minimum, the existing platform from which the author invites the reader to make positive considerations for spiritual living is a love-based one. If you are a fan of the Ashtar Command and the Celestial Alliances, you’ll like this book even better. Regardless of what you believe or experience, this versatile book can be of benefit to you.

Curious? Check it out.

DisclosureFest 2017 – Global Meditation Livestream

DisclosureFest and California State Parks

Present The Mass Meditation Initiative

June 17, 2017

Global Mass Meditation with Live Stream at 2pm PDT, Speakers, Workshops, Yoga, Music
– Free from 10am – 6pm PDT

Los Angeles, CA – DisclosureFest and California State Parks present the Mass Meditation Initiative on June 17, 2017 at the Los Angeles State Historic Park, 1245 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012. Organizers expect over 3000 people to meditate simultaneously at the event and globally through a live stream at The mass meditation event will also feature internationally renowned speakers, workshop leaders, yoga teachers, sound healers, live music, 100% vegan food, and conscious products and services. The event is free and open to the public, visit to get your free tickets here.

DisclosureFest founder Adrian Vallera notes, “Our goal is to create an educational based platform that will unite like-minded people in an effort to raise consciousness in health and wellness and to create awareness of global environmental and humanitarian initiatives. The collective consciousness on earth is undergoing a mass awakening and there has been a continuous flood of energy pouring onto our planet. As we tap into a cosmic intelligence, it’s evident that more people are taking action in a ‘service to others’ role to improve all life on earth.” He continues, “Through a series of festivals and volunteer based actions, we have been working to create a global connection by helping people understand the power of intention through meditation, and this has shown to have an exponential effect on a local and global scale. We want to help others discover a lifestyle path that is healthy, spiritual, enlightened, and loving.”

Jeremy A. Cohen, co-founder of DisclosureFest says “We are working with researchers, authors, organizations and changemakers to help disseminate information on optimal health and the latest science and technology breakthroughs. By organizing mass meditations beginning here in Los Angeles and live streaming throughout the world, we aim to positively impact the future for humanity.”

Noted leaders at the mass mediation event include founder of RA MA Institute for Applied Yogic Science and Technology Guru Jagat, Laura Eisenhower, a global alchemist, cosmic mythologist and intuitive astrologist (and Ike’s granddaughter), world renowned neurobehavioral physiologist and teacher of cellular rejuvenation, whole brain function and the life food diet Dr. David Jubb, YogaWorks Vinyasa flow teacher Kali Alexander, meditation teacher and founding Spiritual Director of Full Circle Venice Ben Decker, quantum healer Meg Benedicte, Roswell native and documentarian Jose Escamilla, light alchemist Richard Yiap, spiritual regressionist Sian Chau, world renowned Ayuerveda expert Martha Soffer, near death experience survivor and healer Mas Sajady, mindfulness meditation teacher and life coach Ora Nadrich, RA MA Institute’s Kundalini yoga teachers Harmanjot and Shabadpreet, oneness healer and mystic Debra Apsara, Tantric yogi Stanley Stephen Huntsman, renowned herbalist Julie James, UFO summoner Robert Bingham, Transmission Meditation speaker Jon McNab, Transcendental Meditation speaker Jesse Berkowitz, and sound healing performances by Helane Marie Anderson, Mari – the Fragrance of Sound, and Alex Young.

The day will also be full of healing music and sound provided by psychedelic pop duo Dynasty Electrik, the meditative multi-sensory journey of Spirit Musique, mantra rockers Sukha, the musical alchemy of Singing Bear, acoustic soul of Clayton Joseph Scott, and the pop grooves of Robot Nature, plus live sets from DJs Platinum K., Meliss FX, J. Gabriel, Jason Tyler, and DJ Woof.

In addition to the mass meditation event, DisclosureFest hosts monthly opportunities for conscious earth stewards to volunteer for beach cleanups with Heal the Bay, tree plantings with Tree People and much more. In fact, their May events are this coming weekend on May 20 and 21. Volunteer signups are at:

DisclosureFest is so proud to be working with sponsors of The Mass Meditation Initiative including: California State Parks, YogaWorks,, RA MA Institute, Ocean Conservancy, Follow Your Heart, LA Weekly, Whole Life Times, Mystic Journey, Aztlan Athletics, and the Whisky A Go Go.

The founders of DisclosureFest are Adrian Vallera, and Jeremy A. Cohen. Adrian, a native Angeleno, began his career in the music industry over 20 years ago producing large events promoting bands such as Linkin Park, Hoobastank, and System Of A Down among others to become VP of A&R at Sony and Elektra Records. A passionate UFO researcher, truth seeker and light healer, Adrian has been conducting free crystal healing work for over 25 years and lives a conscious and high vibratory lifestyle. Jeremy is a graphic artist and new media producer based in Los Angeles, CA with over 18 years of experience in web development, video production and motion graphics. He has devoted years to the research and exploration of energy healing modalities, holistic therapies and anti-aging medicine designing touch points for health institutes, retreat centers, and nonprofit organizations.

DisclosureFest’s The Mass Mediation Initiative promises to be a beautiful day of healing for the soul and the earth in the heart of LA at the 32 acre Los Angeles State Historic Park. For more info and free tickets please visit


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DisclosureFest Featured Artist Credit:

Klara Soukalova (Yantra art below)

For more information please see For media needs please contact Susan von Seggern on or 213-840-0077. Interested exhibitors should contact, interested sponsors should contact

UFO World Disclosure Day

stephen bassett

UFO World Disclosure Day

Continuing the Conversation

The media is starting to pay more attention to the reality of off planet visitors and, most recently Mr. Bassett was interviewed regarding such. It’s been years of hard work for this man and many others who’ve been supporting the Disclosure Movement.

Decades of work are beginning to pay off and everyone deserves a pat on the back, even the dissenters. Without them [dissenters] the drive to disclosure would no doubt have less passion. Below is Mr. Bassett’s most recent interview with more to come. Make sure you get plugged in to the Paradigm Research Group for updates and more….

From PRG:

On November 5, 2014 Paradigm Research Group (PRG) began shipping the 30-hour video record of the 2013 Citizen Hearing on Disclosure (CHD) to all congressional offices. The 10-disk DVD sets included a letter signed by the CHD witnesses asking for new congressional hearings on the extraterrestrial presence issue.

Since November 5, over 1,000,000 Twitter, Facebook and email messages have been sent to congressional offices announcing the Congressional Hearing Initiative (CHI) and the DVD set deliveries.

On January 6, 2015 the Disclosure Petition VII – Congressional Hearing ended its run on the White House website on February 5 with 13,897 signatures. Of the 68 active petitions it was #3 at that time. The petition accomplished its primary mission to inform the White House of the Initiative. [Why send a letter or email to the White House few if any will see when you can post your message on its website for a month?]

Since the 114th Congress convened on January 3, 160 congressional offices of members sitting on seven relevant committees received verbal requests for meetings with the appropriate staff.  Also, 70 offices of members sitting on the five key committees (two Select Committees on Intelligence, two Science/Space committees and the Senate Homeland Security committee) have received faxed requests for meetings.

Scores of military/agency/political witnesses of rank and station are prepared to testify under oath now before an appropriate congressional committee regarding events and evidence that collectively confirm an extraterrestrial presence. The top extraterrestrial related phenomena researchers in the world are also ready to testify. Areas of testimony would include numerous instances of nuclear weapons tampering, the history of a government imposed “truth embargo,” the Rockefeller Initiative, thousands of commercial/military pilot sightings, exclusion of the White House and the Congress (including the House and Senate Intelligence Committees) from briefings on the extraterrestrial presence issue, the Roswell, NM events of 1947, and much more.

The CHI is getting expanded coverage including the Washington Times, Roll Call, Mother Jones, MSNBC, New York, Huffington Post and the Chicago Tribune. More coverage is pending. In addition to print coverage PRG has given four dozen media interviews and more requests are coming in each week.

Meetings with congressional staff are underway on both the House and Senate side.

I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Steve for nearly two decades or so and find his work exemplary of making sense common… doing what needs to be done. Until we acknowledge the reality of ‘what is’ we cannot move forward collectively toward any harmonious end. It takes all of us to participate in some way, sharing the truth as only each of us can.

To help get yourself acquainted with the CHI more in-depth and up close, you might consider getting a copy for yourself so you can share with friends in a more intimate environment, or even publicly in local meetings. Here’s the link for purchase: Citizens Hearing on Disclosure: The Official Testimony.