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One World in a New World with Stephen Bassett – Paradigm Research Group

One World in a New World with Stephen Bassett – Paradigm Research Group

Do you believe we’re being visited by UFOs? Steve has been a lobbyist for government disclosure of the UFO presence in our skies around the world. His story doesn’t particularly have a spiritual awakening, though his passion for this topic began as a young boy and continues.

His interest in science and sci-fi, especially with aliens, prompted a deeper exploration into the UFO phenomena. As he matured, even as a teen, he knew the reports of UFOs and interviews of witnesses clearly indicated an extraterrestrial presence. Surprisingly, he’s never had a direct experience with a UFO in his 30+ years of advocating disclosure.

Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man on the moon, was a speaker at an event Zen managed in Phoenix a couple of decades ago. Edgar revealed that on their way to the surface of the moon in the Lunar Excursion Module, a metallic silver cylinder was spiraling around the LEM nearly all way down to the surface. He knew it was nothing from Earth and wondered how long the inhabitants controlling it had been on the Moon.

Considerations and Speculations

Steve goes on to talk about the world-wide phenomena of the disc-shaped craft showing up at ICBM sites and literally shutting off the power to everything. He and many others are still curious as to why they did that. Speculation might lean toward sending a message that they were protecting people of Earth from themselves. We don’t know.

Will our government disclose information about the UFO presence? Steve mentions presidential candidates, advisors and reporters that had chronicled their involvement in over 400 articles written around the world at the time.

Imagine the challenge across agencies in the government that held information, such as the Military Industrial Complex, that were the reason for the ‘truth embargo’ and ‘protectors’ of the nation. Alas, the plans were thwarted as the candidate wasn’t elected.

Steve shares much more of his longstanding investigation and tumultuous journey to bring the UFO mystery to light, from National Press Conferences to Congressional Hearings.

Challenges of Experience and Inquiry with UFOs

Background Brief – Challenges 

Challenges of being both an experiencer and behind the scenes researcher over my lifetime, with events I’m challenged with and find hard to believe, yet I was part of it, and so an experience system began replacing beliefs that no longer fit. I write about them and, to date, have never been taken seriously by the ‘experts’ in ufology.

I totally get why folks remain aloof and apart from the madding crowd. It’s often disappointing and discouraging to witness the inability of folks to be open-minded or advance their own intelligence base. There’s a new living awareness available to those who emerge fearlessly from the challenges of fallacious narratives.

Most of my life (40+ years) I’ve been an outlier because of my experience and willingness to be vulnerable enough to share. Risking revealing a life of integrative activity still brings concern, yet if I don’t then I’m not walking my talk and am no use to anyone. With a robust professional career and successful transformational coaching practice I have to be an example of what I hope to inspire in clients and personal relationships – a new view of quantum entanglement.

I’ve been blessed to have some conversations that matter with others over the years, perhaps offering some corroboration and/or inspiration and guidance for others on the path who are struggling with the notion of being a co-creator in the process of the great awakening we’re experiencing at this time. We’ve been anticipating it, though participation in practical and pragmatic ways has been somewhat illusive. Articulating the understanding has been a challenge, though I’ve had a lot of fun developing it. Here’s a sampling: if interested.

Challenges… And then there are others

jim diletosso, zen benefielOthers have intimate encounters, conversations about the nature of the ‘people from elsewhere’ and their reasons for making a larger showing of UAP events. They aren’t to create military concern as they are no threat. Their messages are about the care and concern for humanity and our Mother Earth. Our level of thinking cannot fathom such advanced races that are aware and engage universal laws (physics we do not understand).

It’s been a challenge in the experience addressing hoaxers that seem to be of two categories – disinformation and attention seekers. Because of our lack of critical thinking skills, these folks run amuck and distract the gullible and naïve who are simply afraid of anything they cannot explain or want to believe in sci-fi fantasy beyond any technology we actually have to date. I’ve experienced bi-location and teleportation so I know they are possible, yet they are driven by psycho-spiritual technology, not material technology as some report.

The folks at Village Labs in Tempe, AZ, Jim Diletosso and Michael Tanner (RIP), held interviews with the witnesses of the Phoenix Lights in 1997. Lynne Kitei used many of those witnesses for her film. The challenges of Francis Emma Barwood, who pushed the investigation with the City of Phoenix and Fife Symington, I sure were daunting. She had been a guest on my show prior to the event and remained at least an acquaintance, if not friend over the years. We heard dozens of accounts of the event, revealing not one, two craft that had made their way down from the north along I-17 and Scottsdale Road. The second one never gets mentioned.

I’d known Jim for almost a decade prior and, available and curious as I was, I spent a lot of time at Village Labs. Jim was also a go-to-guy for photo and video analysis and had appeared on TV shows. I got to know a lot of folks from around the world as a result. Some seemed legit while others seemed more interested in fame and fortune. Tim Beckley held the New Age and Alien Agenda expos in the early 90s in Phoenix, which brought folks like Darrel Sims, who I had some heated conversations with because of his position on abductions.

Jim recommended me to the Axiom Group (promoters) as the event manager for the Prophets Conference, which gave me the opportunity to have even more conversations with those supposedly in the know. Challenges for logistical needs were few, as I had contacts from other events. One such opportunity with Dr. Edgar Mitchell involved several conversations about our shared interest and life events. He confided in me about their encounter with a metallic silver cylinder spiraling around the LEM on the descent to the surface of the Moon. He also asked me not to share it until after his death, for obvious reasons, and I kept my promise.

Pyramidal Pundits Proffering Proof

One of the newcomers who co-founded FREE and shared a video as proof that Edgar lent his name to the group, which seemed more like informing him of his intentions and Edgar just acquiescing out of politeness, took a personal stance and called me out as a liar because Edgar had not told him about the event. This same individual had stories of incredulous events he expected everyone to believe, and that he’d had an ‘awakening’ around 2012 that led him to his interest.

I’d made the effort to introduce him to many at his first IUFOC in 2015, informed Jeff Mishlove of FREE during my interview and did a lot of promotion for the organization and got repaid with self-righteous indignation. As if there were some fear of some kind, or perhaps envy, the distance turned into outright dismissal and rejection from the group he formed on Facebook. I find that typical of folks who reveal themselves over time to be less than ethical and perhaps have a moral compass that’s slightly off.

Speaking of Jeff Mishlove and the challenges of Earth, he mentioned one of his cohorts, who communicates with Non-Human Intelligence regularly, that ‘they’ see Earth as a series of pyramidal structures with alpha males at the top vying for dominance over people and planet while competing for territory. Our current situation with the pandemic is yet another example of the fallacious attempts to control populations, only it’s at a global scale now. This, too, shall pass.

I don’t have any investment in being known or having a following or selling books or any of the nonsense that seems to accompany those who want to dominate the field, let alone promote openness toward the subject beyond their passion for disclosure. We know they are there – now what? What’s next? Are we even thinking about it? Seems we cannot think our way through a system built on vibration – even the communication methods are frequency-based, so we need to sense the scene, right?

Challenge: How Can We Emerge?

IMHO, the subject is far beyond sightings and encounters. We generally only take a cursory view, using faulty belief systems as our guide, and never explore the depths of the interdimensional interactions these intelligences and craft exhibit. If I recall some of what I’ve heard about the 1950s events, which Smith validates ‘they’ let governments know they were here, is that appearances and agreements were made initially with world governments. Those agreements were violated across the board… technology turned into weaponry… and so the withdrawal of direct contact and Plan B began… the systematic personal contact agenda and the elevation of consciousness from a grass roots level, so to speak.

I have to say I was pleasantly surprised with Romanek got his well-deserved reward. I’d had several conversations with him, with little eye contact and avoidance of direct questions that would have offered some validation to his experience. I determined then it was all a hoax and his unsuspecting wife got caught in the middle of it. The political correctness and lack of critical questions and conversations seem to hinder our progress as well. Folks who get flustered with critical questions tend to reveal their stories as being concoctions rather than reality. We should love critical thinking questions developed with the intention of sincere inquiry.

Luis spoke of the nature of the military interest in his 60 Minutes interview – “What is it? What is its intentions? What are its capabilities?” Those are great questions, yet they are still at a cursory level, imho, and the real challenges aren’t being addressed. Have interactions for a lifetime, those questions seem like more disinformation. We know what they are, were informed of their intentions back in the 1950s, and have reverse-engineered at least some technology from downed craft so we know some capabilities.

What we don’t know is the level of consciousness they possess and the understanding of how they can manipulate reality so easily. It appears that as one studies and/or practices deep spiritual practices, some of the answers begin to bubble up through experience rather than the intellectual investigation. Our ability to co-create (manipulate reality) emerges as well. It seems preposterous to consider ‘them’ a threat, which fuels that polarity between Elizondo and Greer.

Coming of Age – Challenges of Awareness

We all have the ability of ‘sensing’ and using that ‘sense’ to determine the resonance of virtually any soliloquy or conversational bits of data or even media. Instead of drilling down through the information and why we sense certain things, we dismiss our feelings and acquiesce to some nebulous notions presented by others as being ‘true’ when, in fact, it is not. We hear, “I believe you believe that it is true for you, but I’m not buying it.” Those statements usually come from ignorance and an unwillingness to explore an unknown with the curiosity of a child free of belief systems or preconceptions.

What is obvious to the most casual observer willing to step back and view a larger picture is that the communication from ‘elsewhere’ is nearly identical to the instruction of spiritual development that’s been around for millennia. Makes one wonder where those instructions came from in the first place. Seems the global or universal view is congruent, so the only threat is of belief systems crumbling as we become more aware of the need for harmony with self, others and Nature. It’s a natural evolutionary process for planetary civilizations.

Ufology Conundrums – UAP/UFO and Multidimensional Mayhem

State of Affairs or Affectation in Ufology Updates

We’ve all been aware of the recent advances in some areas of Ufology updates. Some embrace it and some are still suspicious. As much as we may not like to admit it, To The Stars Academy is raising the bar or at worst raising awareness in the public view. As with any newly formed group with suspicious characters there are naysayers and supporters by the score. The battle to bring information to the public has taken on a new look on and off stage.

The one thing that TTSA has done, though, it generated an explosion of interest in the UFO phenomena in the main stream news and public eye. Ufology updates continue to develop. Proof and truth will come out eventually, or not, yet the boost in exposure could bode well for the Ufology community IF there is a meeting of minds and some sort of demonstrable collaboration beyond TTSA. One of their first publications sets the stage for their dive into disclosure.

Hard and soft approaches are both necessary in the adjudication of experience and material ufology updatesevidence. The hard side is the nuts and bolts approach driven by evidence and ‘proof’ that seems to pass all the usual tests. The soft side is more delicate as it is subjective, with little evidence other than the ability to articulate effectively, driven by the desire to share for multiple reasons. The former sits well with materialists and the latter, not so much.

Ufology is known for its mysteries and mysterious characters, some with better reputations than others, yet they all play the game of notoriety and temptation. Everyone wants you to believe their story and many seem to be in conflict. They sometimes proffer data, details or disclosure as ‘exclusive’ in an attempt to get folks on the edge of their seats waiting for more.

Social Media has become a place of open denial and deep discussion. The marketing gurus have a field day with the unsuspecting public. It still seems like a contest for who can build the biggest fan base. This one or that one is always posting something to demonstrate their knowledge and research capability, though many assumptions and conjecture takes place as well. Sometimes posts prove noteworthy.

The reports of secret space programs and interaction with ‘alien’ races is another aspect that appears to be producing more incredulity than believe-ability in the field. The reports have provided certain folks great notoriety and a huge fan base of would-be believers. The stories certainly garnered attention from event promoters as major attractions for the unsuspecting public. Only time will prove the reality.

Some Ufologists and experiencers that have been around long before the term are puzzled by the ‘new’ information shared through various channels on social media as much of it has been ‘revealed’ through many presenters and vendors at UFO expos for decades. The numbers in those groups are obviously small in comparison, so with recent main stream media sources picking up the ball our hopes for better coverage are at least partially fulfilled.

The nuts and bolts side of Ufology has to do, for the most part, with historical events, documents, meetings, photos, videos and evidence of extraterrestrial craft or technology. Those elements are a critical part of ufology in bringing the information to the public. Why? Hopefully for the public good. What would the optimal results be if there were full or even partial disclosure? What would desired Ufology updates look like?

There is still another aspect of within the field, non-competitive in perspective, that has evolved over time and with progression of extended contact of a largely non-physical variety.

Experiencer-Driven Data

There is another side to the story that is both ambiguous and incommensurate; the subjective experiences of folks claiming contact or engagement by non-human or extraterrestrial intelligence. It is a grey area for sure. Depending on the lens we view it through, it can be seen as incredulous or incredible. We need data, right? Studies have been made. Both FREE and MUFON have engaged the inquiry of experiencers.

Data from experiencers is different than the nuts and bolts side of Ufology. It’s the soft side mentioned previously, full of subjective accounts. Those accounts range from emotionally-laden fear-based descriptions of encounters to the more objective and fearless descriptions of self-aware and perhaps even participatory engagement. Discernment is important.

Some of the more hard approach public figures who’ve been steeped in conspiracy, ufology updatesgovernment disclosure, exploration of evidence and material sciences have a real challenge with the soft approach. They are hard pressed to acknowledge the experiential side as there is no knowledge base or direct experience for them to relate. A recent interview and honest response regarding a very prominent figure who has emerged in the experiencer field.

The historical perspective of experiencers and their accounts goes back decades in present times and perhaps millennia in regards to ancient texts. The latter offers descriptions based on the common language and philosophies of the time. Today we can review many of these accounts and find incredible similarities across the centuries. Proof of dominance and control is sorely lacking, yet fear-based thinking still keeps many in the dark.

Most recently, the cross-referencing of experiential information and the notion of the evolution of consciousness have become more interesting to Ufologists. The notion of applied quantum physics in relation to the aspect of awareness and, in a large sense, creating reality unconsciously seems to be of great concern. Nearly every aspect of communication from non-human or extraterrestrial intelligence (for lack of better descriptors) leans toward a rise of consciousness.

What does that rise of consciousness mean? Perhaps it is as simple as becoming self-aware, managing our thoughts and feelings in positive ways. Perhaps it is the notion that all things are connected and we affect reality by our baseline energy, the attitude we carry with us. Perhaps it extends to our community and world in respect to the environment and effective planetary administration, managing resources so the all people can be cared for and nurtured.

There are still concerns among experiencers, though. Not everyone perceives their experiences as benign or benevolent. Extended play, the long-term experiencers, do tend to change their point of view over time, from a less than desirable experience to one of understanding a larger picture and the overcoming of their fears was more important. Confronting incongruous notions might be the next phase of creating better baseline knowledge.

Ufology Updates – 2019 Year in Review

We participated in a large panel discussion recently, embedded below, that reviewed the year’s greatest changes and/or events in Ufology, a kind of Ufology update. Certainly the ‘leaked’ released Navy videos of Unidentified Arial Phenomena (UAP) brought the light of day into a dark room. Michio Kaku’s interview with Jaime Maussan included the considerations of advanced civilizations beyond the burden of proof now being on the governments, to prove the UAPs aren’t extraterrestrial.

Spyros brings up his video (alien autopsy) and the massive hoax created by it, noting how gullible the public is still, and how falsified information is so easily introduced and accepted by the public (even some Ufologists) as being true. We’ve got a long way to go to find ways of vetting information that are consistent and uniform. It may take quite some time for that to happen, but it would be a necessary component of establishing some kind of unified front in Ufology.

We all want Disclosure, right? How do we want it? Our governments, military and leaders are ufology updatestasked with keeping us safe. NOTHING that even comes close to threatening our safety will ever be fully revealed to the public. The public’s opinion may vary as to how disclosure is best, through intelligent conversation regarding it doesn’t seem to be consistent. The reality is the public is, at best, squeamish when it comes to the appearance of the unknown let alone engaging it. We’re thinking in human and mostly fear-based terms.

Storming Area 51 became a fad overnight, with thousands of people showing up for the event. Did they really expect to storm Area 51? It seems doubtful, but it did give folks a chance to party in the desert. We all need a good party to move things forward. The number of foreign press that covered the event also brought the topic to the world, not just the US. We might anticipate a broader range of coverage as the events develop, though it still seems to be largely focused on the nuts and bolts side of Ufology.

Our concern here at UfologyPRSS is that by all indications and protocols for establishing movements, it starts with a unified front with individuals and organizations aligning with basic components or elements of a theme or even manifesto. There are a number of documents and organizations, but they largely seem autonomous and unwilling to collaborate, though some do.

What will it take for Ufologists to find common ground? Will the field be able to have some kind of harmonic convergence between the hard and soft components of the phenomena and, if so, how will it occur? Something to begin considering, in our opinion. Stay tuned for more Ufology Updates…

person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals, and you know it! 1,500 years ago, everybody knew that the Earth was the center of the universe. 500 years ago, everybody knew that the Earth was flat. And 15 minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you’ll know tomorrow. ~ Agent K

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Engaging Life in a New Living Awareness as ONE Together

Engaging Life Together

I’m breaking from the normal posts for a moment. This last fall a very magical event occurred not necessarily related to Ufology, yet the overtones certainly have their foundation in common with the quest for getting to know our neighbors better. It appears some Arcturians (tall Greys) were involved in the set up as well, from a few perspectives. We don’t often have physical evidence or references to share, yet this is one that we think you will enjoy.

Luba Brodsky was born and raised in St. Petersburg, Russia. She was trained as a concert pianist and teacher of piano and music theory. She also had an intense curiosity about her star family relationship, feeling like they were present in her life from very young. After a stroke in 2008 which paralyzed the right side of her body for some time, she willfully brought herself back to playing and teaching piano. To meet and listen to her now you would never know.

Engaging life after her recovery, she became intent on exploring her spiritual path which led her to studying Kundalini yoga. Not only did she study it, she engaged a Kundalini teacher training program; a grueling 26-week program that took her to a new living awareness of energy and matter. During this time, her relationship of 26 years (interesting correlation, eh?) ended rather abruptly. She began researching ‘twin-flame’ information across the web and watching Tom Campbell’s videos. Life was about to change, again, only for the better this time.

I, your curator, had been going through his own dark night of the soul regarding relationships, eventually coming to terms with being comfortable alone. It was a tough process and yet, as soon as the choice was made, a dream/vision occurred that changed everything. The essence of the dream was a hug, a simple hug (NOT), that led to a complete merging of the two into one energy. It was something I’d never felt before then and at 60, I didn’t think I ever would.

A few days later I was invited to an outdoor music festival where I met a guy, Brent, who also happened to be in that 26-week Kundalini yoga teacher training class. He invited me to the graduation a week and a half later, which was odd but immediately accepted. It just felt right. On the way there the next Sunday, October 28th, I had a thought about the kind of environment it would be and that, of anywhere, it would be a great place to meet someone. I didn’t really think I would.

Kundalini Conundrum

Upon arrival I heard an old friend yell out my name as soon as I got out of my Montero. She was a member of a UFO Contactee group I had facilitated for a couple of years and just three days older, both of us having birthdays at the end of June. After a short conversation she had to go, but not before saying she felt there was someone there for me to meet. ‘Yeah, right,’ I thought. Brent and his son arrived just as we were invited inside for the graduation ceremony.

Brent and his son sat in front and I sat in the back of the room and waited. While waiting for the ceremony to begin, a young woman walked in front of me. We had no eye contact, but my heart had this really strange sensation as she walked by, like it flipped in my chest. Well, I got the clue and paid attention. I felt really odd because she looked about the age of my daughter, who is in her late 30s and I felt uncomfortable at the possibility.

She was eventually called up as a graduate, which I had not assumed earlier, Luba Brodsky. ‘Hmmm, Russian?’ I wondered. When she spoke her ‘I Am statements’ as part of their process her Russian accent was obvious. I still wasn’t sure what to do about this strange feeling. Once the ceremony was over, the back of the room cleared out almost instantly, it seemed, and we were left standing there, looking at each other.

Awkwardly, I introduced myself and told her I found her very intriguing and would like to get to know her more if that was an option. Her first response to me was, ‘Are you reading me?” I felt like I’d invaded her space and apologized for the gaze, admitting that I knew I didn’t blink much but it wasn’t intended to peer in so deeply. I told her I felt something different and had to explore it. She said it was okay and that she had felt something, too. I asked her to lunch, even offering to prepare it at my home, having found out she had just moved a few minutes away a week prior. Oh, and she wasn’t my daughters age thank God, she was a Piscean born in 1968.

Cosmic Conundrum

That is how it began. After a few times together and discussing a wide variety of topics, including extraterrestrials and my involvement with them the conversation shifted to one of inquiry. She acknowledge that she’d felt ‘them’ around and just a few years prior finally saw one of them peer out through a wall, just sticking his head out slightly and enough for her to see him without freaking out.

She had been in meditation seeking entrance into the Akashic records focusing on a couple of questions: What is my purpose in life? Who am I? The answer she received was, “Mother and Teacher” and then she saw a wall that looked like a TV screen filled by static that seemed to go on forever. The face of a grey gently protruded from the wall for a moment, then receded. She felt an intense love from it.

I asked if she’d like to find out more about him or them and see if one had been ‘assigned’ to communicate with her. I felt there was an opening for it to happen. I’ve had numerous ‘sessions’ with others of like fashion over the years. This was the first for this kind of relationship, though, and it felt very important. I was nervous. I wasn’t sure it would even work, but I got over my insecurity and moved forward with the process.

I had her relax and did a little guided process to prepare her for the introduction, almost like preparing for a hypnotherapy regression only there was no regression to occur. I had her imagine a stairway with a door at the top and describe it to me. She did. I asked her to walk up the stairs and open the door, letting her know that as she did there would be an opportunity to engage ‘them’ and possibly meet her ‘handler’ as I called him. I refer to the three tall greys I’ve known since childhood as my ‘handlers.’

The door opened and she saw a room full of cherubic-looking figures dancing and running around like they were in some kind of joy-filled moment. I thought it was kinda funny, but a good start for her introduction. I asked her to ask their ‘leader’ to step forward and introduce himself (since she already felt it was a male). One stepped up and announced himself as ‘Nick.’ Then I asked her to ask him to show her his true form and before I got the sentence out she said he had morphed into a tall grey. We had a short conversation, which was all we could manage because she was so excited and just wanted to talk about the event.

Returning to Relationship

The ‘twin-flame’ information she shared with me later showed we had all the characteristics from several lists she’d found to share. It was spooky cool to say the least. The fact that she came from Russia and my ‘mission’ of harmony among people and planet was perfectly served with a partner from ‘our’ arch nemesis was simply surreal, let alone the nearly infinitesimal nuances we shared in our behaviors. I proposed to her a couple of weeks after we met.

I moved her, her 12-yr old son and 83-yr old mother (who speaks only Russian) in the first week of December. It seemed the only appropriate thing to do since we were spending every moment together that she wasn’t teaching. My work schedule was my own so I made myself available, of course. It took a little bit of time with her son, still reeling from the breakup of just a few months prior. Once settled, Nick began making regular visits and on one of them, told her she could trust me with her life.

Now she wasn’t so accepting of this alternative reality she was experiencing on a regular basis. Although it was exciting and intriguing as well, she had a hard time bridging worlds and being comfortable with the dual citizenship, so to speak. There were many more discussions of how and why we came together in what seemed to be such an effortless fashion. Sharing the process with some online groups seemed to stimulate deeper conversations with others online, too. We are a living example of how the universe (God, Creation, Reality) conspires to bring harmony and purpose to those who truly seek it.

Life for each of us certainly has had its challenges. We stayed the course, didn’t give up and yet gave up everything that got in the way of our natural spiritual paths. The result was simply a magical and mystical experience of a reality we had only dreamed possible. The funny thing is we were both driven by this inner knowing that it could happen if we became submissive to the process. That word ‘submissive’ was an issue for her for some time, especially as a powerful woman let alone being Russian. There is a huge difference in cultures from American women.

Fall Equinox 2017

Fast forwarding to our wedding on the fall equinox of this year, 2017. We got our wedding license on the spring equinox, so the timing seemed perfect. The location was at the base of Bell Rock just outside Sedona, Arizona. Our officiant, who happened to be a retired UFO lawyer and known as the ‘vortex jumper’ in Sedona, had taken us to the top of Bell Rock a few weeks prior. We’d been introduced through a mutual friend and were considering the ceremony on the top as well, but after the climb we decided the attire of choice would be too much of a challenge to take up and change on top. Our witnessed weren’t the best climbers, either and we wanted a nice and safe event.

The ceremony was perfectly timed at the moment of the autumnal equinox. The words Peter, our officiant, spoke were quite elegant and referenced the many realms of creation we all know exist and honor. Luba and I stood on a couple of rocks and I stepped across the gap as a symbol of traveling across the void to become ONE. It might have looked a little silly to passersby (Bell Rock is a popular place) but we didn’t care. It was the action of intention that mattered to us. We got some nice photos as well.

When we returned to Peter’s place, a short distance away, we were greeted by two other Top of Bell Rock Club members, Amanda and Kyle, visiting from California. We struck up an wonderful conversation as we shared the photos of our ceremony with them. Allison was a contactee as well and had been learning how to channel, mainly Arcturians, for the last several months. We later made the connection between the tall greys and the Arcturians as being the same ones Luba and I had been encountering for most of our lives.

That evening after a wonderful dinner at Cucina Rustica, we were sitting on the balcony of our honeymoon suite looking over The Ridge Golf Course when Luba felt Nick’s presence. It was totally unexpected for her and a bit overwhelming as she acknowledged what was happening. She always wonders if it is just her imagination, even though she said she felt like they were trying to pull her out of her body so they could speak with her. I attempted to soothe her in knowing she was safe and that she just needed to be present with them for a few moments was all.

Of course I was curious of about the conversation and asked her what they were saying. I could tell she was really hesitant to say anything. It seemed like whatever they were saying was almost too much for her to believe. Still, I prodded until she gave it up… They were pleased at the her union with the son of Ashtar was the first thing Nick had said to her. It had her wondering about her sanity and whether she was making it up in her head. I told her the sensation she was having of their presence was certainly something that she couldn’t just imagine. It had to be real, based on her prior experiences as well.

Her experience brought up a lot of things for me that I’d held at a distance for some time, opting for a more ‘normal’ lifestyle of steady work and playing golf occasionally. I have to say I’d hoped that our union would indeed create more opportunities to explore our cosmic connections with the Galactic Federation as many of us know it to be called. My commitment to ‘the work’ had also been contingent on having a life partner that was also congruent with her knowledge of other worlds and our ability to flow within them and ours as well.

I’m sure there will be more to come. Thanks for tuning in.


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