Category Archives: self-awareness

Challenges of Experience and Inquiry with UFOs

Background Brief – Challenges 

Challenges of being both an experiencer and behind the scenes researcher over my lifetime, with events I’m challenged with and find hard to believe, yet I was part of it, and so an experience system began replacing beliefs that no longer fit. I write about them and, to date, have never been taken seriously by the ‘experts’ in ufology.

I totally get why folks remain aloof and apart from the madding crowd. It’s often disappointing and discouraging to witness the inability of folks to be open-minded or advance their own intelligence base. There’s a new living awareness available to those who emerge fearlessly from the challenges of fallacious narratives.

Most of my life (40+ years) I’ve been an outlier because of my experience and willingness to be vulnerable enough to share. Risking revealing a life of integrative activity still brings concern, yet if I don’t then I’m not walking my talk and am no use to anyone. With a robust professional career and successful transformational coaching practice I have to be an example of what I hope to inspire in clients and personal relationships – a new view of quantum entanglement.

I’ve been blessed to have some conversations that matter with others over the years, perhaps offering some corroboration and/or inspiration and guidance for others on the path who are struggling with the notion of being a co-creator in the process of the great awakening we’re experiencing at this time. We’ve been anticipating it, though participation in practical and pragmatic ways has been somewhat illusive. Articulating the understanding has been a challenge, though I’ve had a lot of fun developing it. Here’s a sampling: if interested.

Challenges… And then there are others

jim diletosso, zen benefielOthers have intimate encounters, conversations about the nature of the ‘people from elsewhere’ and their reasons for making a larger showing of UAP events. They aren’t to create military concern as they are no threat. Their messages are about the care and concern for humanity and our Mother Earth. Our level of thinking cannot fathom such advanced races that are aware and engage universal laws (physics we do not understand).

It’s been a challenge in the experience addressing hoaxers that seem to be of two categories – disinformation and attention seekers. Because of our lack of critical thinking skills, these folks run amuck and distract the gullible and naïve who are simply afraid of anything they cannot explain or want to believe in sci-fi fantasy beyond any technology we actually have to date. I’ve experienced bi-location and teleportation so I know they are possible, yet they are driven by psycho-spiritual technology, not material technology as some report.

The folks at Village Labs in Tempe, AZ, Jim Diletosso and Michael Tanner (RIP), held interviews with the witnesses of the Phoenix Lights in 1997. Lynne Kitei used many of those witnesses for her film. The challenges of Francis Emma Barwood, who pushed the investigation with the City of Phoenix and Fife Symington, I sure were daunting. She had been a guest on my show prior to the event and remained at least an acquaintance, if not friend over the years. We heard dozens of accounts of the event, revealing not one, two craft that had made their way down from the north along I-17 and Scottsdale Road. The second one never gets mentioned.

I’d known Jim for almost a decade prior and, available and curious as I was, I spent a lot of time at Village Labs. Jim was also a go-to-guy for photo and video analysis and had appeared on TV shows. I got to know a lot of folks from around the world as a result. Some seemed legit while others seemed more interested in fame and fortune. Tim Beckley held the New Age and Alien Agenda expos in the early 90s in Phoenix, which brought folks like Darrel Sims, who I had some heated conversations with because of his position on abductions.

Jim recommended me to the Axiom Group (promoters) as the event manager for the Prophets Conference, which gave me the opportunity to have even more conversations with those supposedly in the know. Challenges for logistical needs were few, as I had contacts from other events. One such opportunity with Dr. Edgar Mitchell involved several conversations about our shared interest and life events. He confided in me about their encounter with a metallic silver cylinder spiraling around the LEM on the descent to the surface of the Moon. He also asked me not to share it until after his death, for obvious reasons, and I kept my promise.

Pyramidal Pundits Proffering Proof

One of the newcomers who co-founded FREE and shared a video as proof that Edgar lent his name to the group, which seemed more like informing him of his intentions and Edgar just acquiescing out of politeness, took a personal stance and called me out as a liar because Edgar had not told him about the event. This same individual had stories of incredulous events he expected everyone to believe, and that he’d had an ‘awakening’ around 2012 that led him to his interest.

I’d made the effort to introduce him to many at his first IUFOC in 2015, informed Jeff Mishlove of FREE during my interview and did a lot of promotion for the organization and got repaid with self-righteous indignation. As if there were some fear of some kind, or perhaps envy, the distance turned into outright dismissal and rejection from the group he formed on Facebook. I find that typical of folks who reveal themselves over time to be less than ethical and perhaps have a moral compass that’s slightly off.

Speaking of Jeff Mishlove and the challenges of Earth, he mentioned one of his cohorts, who communicates with Non-Human Intelligence regularly, that ‘they’ see Earth as a series of pyramidal structures with alpha males at the top vying for dominance over people and planet while competing for territory. Our current situation with the pandemic is yet another example of the fallacious attempts to control populations, only it’s at a global scale now. This, too, shall pass.

I don’t have any investment in being known or having a following or selling books or any of the nonsense that seems to accompany those who want to dominate the field, let alone promote openness toward the subject beyond their passion for disclosure. We know they are there – now what? What’s next? Are we even thinking about it? Seems we cannot think our way through a system built on vibration – even the communication methods are frequency-based, so we need to sense the scene, right?

Challenge: How Can We Emerge?

IMHO, the subject is far beyond sightings and encounters. We generally only take a cursory view, using faulty belief systems as our guide, and never explore the depths of the interdimensional interactions these intelligences and craft exhibit. If I recall some of what I’ve heard about the 1950s events, which Smith validates ‘they’ let governments know they were here, is that appearances and agreements were made initially with world governments. Those agreements were violated across the board… technology turned into weaponry… and so the withdrawal of direct contact and Plan B began… the systematic personal contact agenda and the elevation of consciousness from a grass roots level, so to speak.

I have to say I was pleasantly surprised with Romanek got his well-deserved reward. I’d had several conversations with him, with little eye contact and avoidance of direct questions that would have offered some validation to his experience. I determined then it was all a hoax and his unsuspecting wife got caught in the middle of it. The political correctness and lack of critical questions and conversations seem to hinder our progress as well. Folks who get flustered with critical questions tend to reveal their stories as being concoctions rather than reality. We should love critical thinking questions developed with the intention of sincere inquiry.

Luis spoke of the nature of the military interest in his 60 Minutes interview – “What is it? What is its intentions? What are its capabilities?” Those are great questions, yet they are still at a cursory level, imho, and the real challenges aren’t being addressed. Have interactions for a lifetime, those questions seem like more disinformation. We know what they are, were informed of their intentions back in the 1950s, and have reverse-engineered at least some technology from downed craft so we know some capabilities.

What we don’t know is the level of consciousness they possess and the understanding of how they can manipulate reality so easily. It appears that as one studies and/or practices deep spiritual practices, some of the answers begin to bubble up through experience rather than the intellectual investigation. Our ability to co-create (manipulate reality) emerges as well. It seems preposterous to consider ‘them’ a threat, which fuels that polarity between Elizondo and Greer.

Coming of Age – Challenges of Awareness

We all have the ability of ‘sensing’ and using that ‘sense’ to determine the resonance of virtually any soliloquy or conversational bits of data or even media. Instead of drilling down through the information and why we sense certain things, we dismiss our feelings and acquiesce to some nebulous notions presented by others as being ‘true’ when, in fact, it is not. We hear, “I believe you believe that it is true for you, but I’m not buying it.” Those statements usually come from ignorance and an unwillingness to explore an unknown with the curiosity of a child free of belief systems or preconceptions.

What is obvious to the most casual observer willing to step back and view a larger picture is that the communication from ‘elsewhere’ is nearly identical to the instruction of spiritual development that’s been around for millennia. Makes one wonder where those instructions came from in the first place. Seems the global or universal view is congruent, so the only threat is of belief systems crumbling as we become more aware of the need for harmony with self, others and Nature. It’s a natural evolutionary process for planetary civilizations.

Paradox in the Panoply of Perception

A New Time, A New Way

The bridging of worlds and embracing harmony happens through attention, intention and action. Paradox becomes understanding. It really isn’t all that difficult or mystical, just folks refuse to be accountable for how they feel and think, or question whether it is desirable or undesirable in the cosmic playing field of consciousness.

Belief systems are pounded into us from childhood and are largely based on ‘fitting in’ to a society built on supposed religious tenets, yet the obvious conditions we see in public now are just the opposite. Loving one another appears to be unacceptable; a paradox. This is what puzzles our visitors, how we can be so primitive still.

Paradox: Entropy is the guiding force in physics, but is it true?

There is a natural order that defies what we’ve previously thought about entropy, and, from the central core of our being there is no polarization. Everything is indeed ONE.

How does that ‘oneness’ reflect in our outer activities?

Negentropy is the notion of the movement toward natural order and it begins with an internal perspective, not an external one. This creates the inner/outer paradox.


I’ve listened, researched and studied many theories. My queries have most often been about understanding not theorizing. It’s an internal approach instead of an intellectual one, where the access to consciousness is available.

Thinking our way through a system built on vibration isn’t working. Earth science/physics primarily focuses on entropy in the outer world, neglecting to include it’s counterpart of negentropy in the inner world. It’s certainly a paradox. Universal science, it’s laws and order, is apparently up for review to those who peer inward now.

We have to explore and feel/sense our way through the system (holistic by nature) and let the understanding emerge or emote from within. Most folks haven’t got a clue how to do that. They are uncomfortable with vulnerability and fearful of suspending belief systems in order to actually test them for validity.

Love, indeed, is an action. Fear and love can coexist in the world for only so long before the conflicts need to be resolved and an evolution of our planetary civilization takes place. We’ve faced with that today and there is no ‘fast’ way through the transition, even though we’ve conditioned ourselves to ‘breakthrough’ experiences… even in the drive thru.

I’m used to playing the outlier role, presenting points that are perplexing as well as profound. I love the process as it is quite inspiring for me. Whether other folks can grasp the intensity of the discoveries may not be relevant. I can’t live my life according to the dictates of others, nor should you. Right? We have to know and, it is said, the truth shall set us free.

paradoxWhat kind of paradox do you have?

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Bigger Questions w Ron James and Zen Benefiel

Time Dilation?

The timing of our efforts and expectation of results don’t necessarily coincide with the intentions and process of unfolding information. Gaps happen, right? Non-linear and non-local activity have to be taken into consideration now. Timelines aren’t our own. The interview at the end of this article was recorded in 2015 for Bigger Questions. I drove to LA with the excitement of sharing some long-suffering that offered a new world of experience on just about every level you can think, yet it wasn’t time yet.

Seems newcomers to the scene express their passion and purpose with some overblown self-importance that does more to obfuscate the truth and create diminished returns than they realize. Their obsessions cause miscommunication and responses from immaturity and insecurity rather than vulnerability and wisdom, resulting in projections of arrogance and self-righteous behavior that only reveals they are the creators of it. It isn’t their fault. They are young  in the field and inexperienced.

It’s a very small view in the eyes of a bigger questions and a bigger picture; feeling important. Pushing and pulling energy is not ‘the way.’ Personally and professionally I have a piece of advice I give to my clients and cohorts. Do something bigger than you are and share it. Be part of the big picture, not the community market. That’s what my ‘contacts’ are most disturbed by – lack of action, initiative and understanding of why it is necessary as a demonstration of an evolving consciousness.

Fallacious Realities

bigger questions

Masks in Nature? Really? Oh, it’s a smart virus… it will hunt you down. Scientific research shows masks are ineffective yet the narrative and actions appease our fears of each other????

2020 sure has been an interesting year with many bigger questions; most of them suppressed. Amidst the mud-slinging and name-calling we’ve also been witnesses to how marginalized a global society can be in the face of a fallacious reality narrative that has no other purpose than a global social experiment. Expertise and information, instinct and common sense have been thrown asunder with censorship and removals from the web.

Good and evil are certainly in the discussion of how a few have manipulated the many once again. If one takes the time for discovery and compares what is still available with the narrative being pushed on the world, it’s fallaciousness becomes clearly obvious and present. Don’t believe it can happen? Read The Lucifer Principle.

The question is how do our relationships with each other and our visitors engage practical and pragmatic results? If they don’t, then what good are they, really? Governments have known about them for decades, and there are plenty of cases with proof even before the classified videos were released recently. With how the public has responded to the fallacious narrative, do we think that things would be better if they suddenly showed up? NOT

2020 – A 2112 of Our Own Making

bigger questions

Dystopian Future?
We think not… music frees the soul. Ignition pending…

We’ve been in our caves for most of 2020, figuring out how to cope, how to navigate, how to survive the economic devastation, and how to come up with the bigger questions that matter. We seek to blame at length yet don’t bother to ask why it is happening in the first place. Is there a group so able to manufacture and control a world gone mad, or use it as an excuse to tighten things up with further personal rights removals?

By 2112, the world is controlled by the “Priests of the Temples of Syrinx”, who determine the content of all reading matter, songs, pictures – every facet of life. A man discovers a guitar and learns to play different music. When he goes to present this to the priests of the Temples, they destroy the guitar. Our instruments are our minds and bodies, and those who discover deeper connections are still seen as threats to society.

We have a choice, though, and we are irrevocably powerful in numbers. Those numbers have to be in agreement with at least simple tenets of progress into the next decade. We’ve got the knowledge, skill sets and talent to make sweeping changes in a very short amount of time – IF – we learn to work together toward a common good.

2021 – A New View with Possibilities and Bigger Questions

We know that compassion and understanding are key features of an evolving consciousness, even with limited experience. We’ve learned how to plagiarize, polarize and punitize our natural desires for community and trust. Our symbolic masks have become exposed and real. The narrative for 2020 has demonstrated just how marginalized and manipulatable a society can be. Let’s not judge them for that, please.

What we need is a compassionate understanding for the condition and perhaps a solution to raise the awareness naturally, without pummeling others with information to try to get them to understand or getting slapped up side of the head with a cosmic 2×4 for our own lack of awareness. How do we do that? Let’s start with the 6 Ps… Patience, Perseverance, Persistence, Passion, Purpose and, most of all, Practice.

The interview below has its own unique high-strangeness. It was lost for several years, never seeing the digital scene, or any other for that matter. Oddly enough, it was found recently though still incomplete in post-production. During the editing, their computer shut down except for my voice, while rendering the final cut. It had to be completely redone. Acknowledging the delay, for whatever reason, our conversation is timely and valuable for entering a new time in a not-so-normal way. Much appreciation to Ron and Skye for their work.

The practical stuff mentioned in the interview, like addressing social crisis, takes a lot of effort regardless of the emotional fortitude. It’s taken nearly four years for the ‘universe’ (and helpful others) to bring to bear the people to forge ahead with I’m so excited and humbled that I get to be a part of it. It’s huge in the impact it will make on youth aging out of foster care in Arizona.

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Congruence and Confluence – Continuity of Collaboration

Random Searches for Intelligence

I look for congruence and confluence, similarities across fields of experience/study that seem coherent. I’m still in process. 😉 I feel bereft of understanding at times, meaning the ability to relate it simply, even with what I know. I love that quote from Einstein about being able to explain things simply. I’ll make an attempt, at least and I appreciate the question.

congruence and confluenceIn 1989, at 31, I was introduced to the Multi-plane Awareness Technique developed by William Swygard in the 1950s. It’s based on 12 planes of consciousness/dimensions, beginning with the 3rd and moving up to and through the 12th. The 12 are associated with the physical body’s capacity, though there are more beyond it. In 2018, at 61, I was introduced to the Triadic Dimensional-Distinction Vortical Paradigm of Drs. Close and Neppe (published in 2010), which presents the notion of consciousness, time and space being tethered across 9 dimensions, with more dimensions beyond.

It seems that these planes might be associated with traditional planes of consciousness, though I get the sense they are somehow integral in the holistic picture; planes and dimensions, like space and time, have consistency. We tend to quibble over boundaries and definitions. That being said, there seems to be a kind of ‘bandwidth’ or frequency range on each and a level of cosmic consciousness associated with it, including a body of some form and not necessarily human. We learn the basics of harmony in body and, upon transcendence, carry on elsewhere when we are ready, the result of the symbiosis in the work of self-actualization and self-realization. The latter often takes lifetimes to achieve any notion of congruence and confluence.

Observation and Obfuscation

The observer in me witnessed a series of layers with a thicker spot in between, at least that is how is felt, as I ascended. Integration on each level with the body/consciousness present was part of the process. The request for the body to appear brought a variety of forms as I continued, some even looking ETish, as many would define them, yet they were all a part of me, too. The purpose of the technique was to become aware of and integrate these various bodies through to and including the 12th plane. The 12th turned out to be pure light. I learned later that pretty much everyone experiences the 12th as white light.

From my NDE in 1975, I learned that we were cosmic consciousness condensed into form, by way of the experience of it upon return. I’d exited upon being asked if I was willing to die for what I believed in. Cosmic Consciousness was it, so I exited immediately upon saying, ‘Yes!” I went into the light and, upon asking if there was more, into an indigo space with points of light all around me (individuated consciousness). The ‘voice’ then gave me my marching orders and back I came. I wrote a piece called Messy Antics (searchable) years later.

So I have to assume that the points of light are actually beyond the layer of light (12th plane) that apparently surrounds our thoughtmosphere. That’s another discussion. However, in our thoughtmosphere (I like that term) we experience layers of incarnation. The secret is we ascend at the speed of surrender; seeking our perfected form, fit and function in the world. Now, how does that relate to the dimensional fields of play? Is there congruence and confluence?

I don’t know the full implications, but what I do know is that our capacity to achieve harmony among people and planet is the issue and spans the dimensional framework. Harmony doesn’t mean a blissful utopia, it means we work effectively with all we’ve been given to support life, all life. All the strife we have in the world comes from not doing that. Go figure…

It’s like we’re each a thread in the tapestry of life on Earth, every one of them necessary and perfect in the process of the evolution of a planetary civilization. It isn’t just personal, which is where the first part of the inner work has to be done; it’s collective, we have to learn to work together for the benefit of all. We’ve reached a point in our evolutionary path were access to other dimensions is happening in both directions, self-initiated.

Congruence and Confluence?

These methods of communication are being called ‘contact modalities’ by some, and include a variety of ways in which we interact with intelligences in the thoughtmosphere. I posit that some encounters with seeming ETs are actually discussions with another level of self-existence. That thought alone is mind boggling, so it doesn’t get much traction, yet. It’s at least worth considering, based on the exploration and models I’ve encountered.

There are obvious moral and ethical overtones that one learns over time as well. In our expression as physical beings, would cosmic consciousness not inspire particular behaviors? Ascending the frequency scale is even more strenuous because there are no fetters of the ego allowed. If/when it does show up, the cutting edge humor puts one in their place. Fear also has no place in the upper realms, though experiencers do have to face them. The higher levels of frequencies can get really intense.

It’s also a mechanism for recognizing ‘entities’ who communicate from there. No names or positions are necessary, let alone words, as the frequency warrants the trust. It is impossible for that frequency to be in any way malevolent. Like the Archons of old, they are either benign or beneficent. Of course, all of this is energy, permeating everything and responding to everything we feel and think. Learning how deeply we CAN feel and think is the adventure.

Perhaps the non-linear and non-local moments are the only way to get a taste of what is waiting without blowing circuits and confusing the heck out of everyone around you. I got blown open and had all kinds of questions after my NDE, at 18. Even with wise advice from a psychiatrist that informed me I’d gone through a spiritual awakening and that folks just wouldn’t understand, at 19, I didn’t keep my mouth shut and a serendipitous moment landed me on a psyche ward for a month and a half. Always the one to seize opportunity in chaos or crisis, there were some pretty smart people to talk with there, too.

I took the liberty of creating a couple of versions of the Multi-plane Awareness Technique. It was only given in-person and I don’t know of any other recordings. They are both on Youtube, one with Solfeggio frequencies and one without. I answered your question in a circuitous and perhaps convoluted way, though I hope some sense came through. Maybe you’ll find some congruence and confluence in your journey, too.

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intelligence conveys meaning

Correlating Material – Non-human Intelligence Communication

Non-Human Intelligence Conveys Unimaginable Truths

Intelligence conveys that Ufology has long been plagued by the NHI side of the coin, beyond the nuts and bolts or theIntelligence conveys meaning with Beyond UFOs tangible evidence we tend to seek. The physical evidence is something we can touch. It’s real to us. In more recent years the non-physical is becoming just as important, though the mainstream Ufologists tend to dismiss it.

In the last decade efforts have been made to investigate the experiencer side of the coin. FREE’s surveys and book Beyond UFOs provides a great deal of data, though it is nearly all subjective and contributing authors are still searching to turn theory into reality. We all do, yet how to we manage the information effectively?

Most experiencers have non-physical events, that which we might call ‘multidimensional’ in the sense that a variety of phenomena occur within the consciousness of the individual across a spectrum of worlds. It varies in style and type across what are being called the ‘contact modalities’ in one study, a collection of surveys designed specifically for experiencers. As crude as the survey may be, the data collected indicates much more is happening than Ufology, in general, has been willing to acknowledge.

Whether the details of the surveys are incontrovertible isn’t the point – intelligence conveys meaning. There are enough details and similarities within the ‘experiencer community’ (even though there really isn’t one) that notice needs to be taken. Kaku’s statement about the burden of proof is certainly inconsequential in such matters, but his mention of higher-ordered civilizations might cause us to explore further. What would a Type III civilization behave like toward the lesser evolved?

Further, what about those who are non-corporeal and ever-present be like?

Seth Speaks – Wherefore Art Thou?

Shakespeare certainly delivered esoteric knowledge in his works, perhaps garnered from another world or non-physical consciousness of his time. There are rumors of Francis Bacon and St. Germain that still reverberate in the metaphysical community. Who really knows? The interesting fact is that both are still referenced today. We have a history of ‘spirit’ communication and what has been called ‘channeling’ spanning millennia. Those throughout history have usually been condemned or even killed as a result of human fear and superstition.

Can we still allow fear and superstition to rule our modern world? It seems so, even in light of the scientific advancements of the last half-century or so. The intellect is ahead of the societal trends, though the population is being educated by modern mainstream media. The recent releases of UAP footage is only the beginning of a massive change of awareness. Even in spite of that are the religious superstitions that abound from those who cannot comprehend change, projecting the idea that ETs are demons. That is just nonsense to the rational mind.

In my personal experience, until recently, I’ve not seen much mention of Seth’s information for a long time, a work that came through Jane Roberts decades ago. I did not realize how much of an impact it was for me, settling in the recesses of my memory and mind and trickling out over the decades. Of course channeled material is always a bit suspicious, however, the truth for each individual can be felt beyond those suspicions. This is a rather long listen, but worth the time….

What prompted the revisiting was a dream I had yesterday, where I encountered an individualseth material - intelligence conveys meaning who was to introduce me to a group of ‘others’ who were working in other realms, what most would call ‘ETs.’ Most ‘seasoned’ experiencers have at least semi-regular dreams that we know are more, sometimes completely lucid and fully participating as though we were awake and aware. This was one of those kind of dreams for me.

The setting was a kind of boardwalk type of area with open shops and cafes all around, knowing the ocean was just beyond its boundaries yet still out of sight. I was led to a particular shop that had a mixture of artifacts on shelves and racks of colorful attire arranged on the floor space. Four individuals stood out, in what appeared to be white costumes with darker fabric accents, like you’d see featured on performers or band mates from the 60s TV shows.

There were three male and one female figures. As we approached they were gentle and personable to the extreme, even felt like I should know them from my past somehow. I still have this question of ‘who am I?’ that rolls around in my head during these kinds of events. It’s obvious I’m not ‘just’ human. Intelligence conveys much more. The female, as though she heard my thoughts specifically mentioned the name Seth as an identity closely related to me, though I didn’t quite understand how until listening to this material. It relates to many things I see being discussed in the quest for understanding multidimensional consciousness, space and time today.

To continue in some sort of logical progression..

I guess since first being introduced to it so many years ago, I’ve quested for a visceral understanding, an experience if you will, because of the profound resonance I felt with the material. Be careful what you ask for because it can get very intense. The journey, excruciatingly hilarious at times, has been full of magic and mystery that seems to unfold from within the experience itself and spill out into waking reality. It leaves reference points that eventually connect with others as questions rise to questions and the answers, well, they often leave me feeling inarticulate.

From Grant Cameron via FB… Understanding this will start to explain what is actually behind the UFO intelligence. It also matches with what Josef Ronan’s being said, “The way you see us is defined by you…When we visit your world, we temporarily have a physical body defined in a certain way, but it is not the only form, or our original essence, in our dimension, there is no need for a physical body defined in a particular way as in yours.

“You share the definitions of reality that are given to you, but you are not yet aware of it.” Josef’s words also reflect the understanding of what intelligence conveys and what we might call cosmic consciousness condensed into form, or at least that’s my contribution. We choose how we engage it, always; it is how we create or contribute to the whole. The more we realize those choices are not limited, perhaps we’ll see that the need for fear and repression subsides. What often happens when one begins to explore what Jane (Seth), Josef and others are saying are moments of synchronicity and an elevated sense of joy, when we can acquiesce to the flow of energy.

When we are unable, there is a sense of friction that builds, the mind goes numb and fear takes over, stifling any opportunity for deeper connection with an expanded reality. Most initial experiences with ‘other’ intelligence cause a momentary clenching of the body’s nervous system. The choice to breathe through it and open one’s senses without expectation resolves in truly magnificent events.

Ufologists tend to see things through few lenses, which makes the cross-referencing of material even more critical to the seeker of truth. The latter goes beyond just the truth of Ufology because the ‘field,’ as Lynne McTaggart called it, encompasses our reality, not just a small sliver of it. Viewing data and information though narrow slits might work well for physics, however, our experience of living is so expansive we have just scratched the surface.

Seth’s information, whether we are aware of it or not, has influenced and entire generation of explorers in consciousness and the expanded reality Ufology now has to grapple with in 2020. There is too much information from modern experiencers that warrants consideration and even investigation as to how close these initial communications turn out to be true. We’ve viewed the ability to communicate across boundaries as pseudo-science or even dismissed it entirely for decades, even millennia, yet it persists nonetheless.

Nuts and bolts Ufologists tend to dismiss the esoteric or non-physical and the metaphysical out of hand and/or discredit or disavow those who have a natural ability to move beyond the confines of our material world. We have records of those able to do it throughout history, yet we generally only refer to history. To bring it into the present means we have to admit it is real. How difficult is that for modern explorers who are genuinely seeking better ways to understand the phenomena and the risks involved? Reality sucks sometimes for those who deny it.

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