Tag Archives: National Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomena

Ufology – veritas numquam perit (truth never perishes)

rand_home_computer“UFOs: What to Do?”

Ufology began in the late 60s when the RAND Corporation (then a leading contractor for the U.S. Air Force) crafted a document that would become the guide for Ufology-related activities of that time, titled ‘UFOs: What to Do?” Rand’s vision of the home computer turned out to be far from the actual events. For years the document was denied, but eventually surfaced and is available in its entirety on the NICAP website. Was it more suitable to the future of Ufology? It begins…

Common sense is the quintessence of the experiences and prejudices of its time. It is a most unreliable advisor when one is confronted with a perfectly new situation. Gustav Naan

UFOs — unidentified flying objects, or flying saucers as they are often called — have been on the mind of the public for at least the last 22 years. For a number of reasons, we know little more about them now than we did at the outset. There exists a great amount of misinformation about the phenomenon not only in the minds of the public, but among educated groups such as scientists as well. It is the purpose of this series of essays to describe various aspects of the phenomenon, make clear my prejudices and the reasons for them, and to suggest a means of proceeding on this interesting and potentially very significant problem.

40 Years Later… votum separatum

Who is Stephen Bassett?

Stephen Bassett is a leading advocate for ending the 65-year government imposed truth embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.  He is a political activist, lobbyist, commentator, the executive director of Paradigm Research Group and the Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee (X-PPAC) and executive producer of the X-Conference.  His work has been covered extensively by national and international media.

In September of 2011 Paradigm Research Group submitted a Disclosure Petition to the White House’s “We the People” project which generated a response from the Obama administration on November 4, 2011.  This response was the first time the executive branch has put a position in writing on the ET issue and is a milestone.  A second Disclosure Petition was submitted on February 23, 2012 designed to draw attention to the Rockefeller Initiative (1993-1996).

Concomitant with these projects is the continuing public awareness work via the PRG website and media appearances coupled with lobbying of the political media to take notice of what is easily the biggest and most important news story in history. Just how deeply involved is the extraterrestrial presence with our world and its people? Are they really living among humans? What do they want? Are they dangerous?

With the nation and world moving into new and troubling territory, Mr. Bassett will continue to work to create a broad based coalition within the extraterrestrial phenomena research/activist community capable of reaching out to the twenty million plus American citizens who are following the politics of disclosure with interest and concern.   The aim is to form a political awareness of sufficient size to meaningfully influence government policies and actions leading up to and following the formal acknowledgment of the extraterrestrial presence.

I have known Stephen for a couple of decades now, with a few personal chats andstephen bassett discussions about Ufology and his unyielding efforts to bring the Disclosure issue to the proper authorities. There are many who have been working toward disclosure, including Dr. Greer, that have brought credible folks together to share their stories. None, however, have been in the limelight in Washington, DC like Mr. Bassett. His work to constantly keep Disclosure (ET and UFO) in the Government’s ears and eyes is nothing short of a lifetime achievement and commitment.

Today concerned citizens have a way of assisting this effort. The recent Citizens Hearings are now on DVD and one of the Paradigm Research Group’s next projects is getting copies into the hands of Representatives and Senators. There is also a film in development about the work and how important it is for our development as a nation and world. Steve and the Paradigm Research Group, as well as many legitimate ufologists campaigning for disclosure, needs your help to keep the pressure on Washington, DC. Grab a copy of the Disclosure Dialogues

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