Tag Archives: steven greer




When I first described this type of UFO experiencer in May of 2014, I was surprised to see a controversy result. My description of the so-called “prime contactees” was labeled by some as “elitist.” I was accused of trying to create a popularity contest in which ordinary contactees’ role would be seen as insignificant next to the “supreme status” of the so-called “primes.” Fellow senior contact activists angrily informed me that I was being “divisive.”

Well I certainly didn’t intend to trigger such a controversy. Responding to those offended I wrote a second article with the title “Prime Contactees Are Just the Tip of the Iceberg.” The original controversial blog in an edited form is presented as Part 1 below.

As part of this introduction I should point out that the term “contactee” is in many ways outdated. The “ee” ending suggests a passive role in English, as in “employee” or “payee.” The “er” or “or” endings suggest a more active role as in “worker, soldier, mentor.”

For those who have joined a contact team, or have carried out contact protocols on their own, reaching out to the intelligence behind the UFO phenomenon can involve much mental, physical and most importantly spiritual work. Thus in my view the designation “contact worker” is superior to “contactee.”

In addition contactees historically have focused on the bizarre and often mystifying nature of their contact experiences. In a sense their personal encounters have been the message. This was a fairly constant feature of the UFO clubs during the 1950s that had thousands of members and celebrated the alleged encounters of contactee subculture celebrities like George Adamski and others.

“Contact workers” I imagine in contrast to “contactees” envision their ongoing encounters as part of a worldwide transformation of consciousness that links the flying saucer phenomenon with necessary solutions to the seemingly insurmountable problems that humanity is facing. I am referring to the scourges of war, hunger, racism, and global climate change. So for those of us who are part of what I like to call “The Contact Underground” let’s drop the term “contactee.” Since we are doing a lot of work on this issue, another alternative could be “contact workers.” If this sounds to “old left” the alternative “contact activists” will do just fine as well.


And the potential for creating a new kind of social movement.
Joseph Burkes MD 2015

As the UFO truth movement grows and increasing numbers of young people are excited about the possibilities of encountering intelligent life in the cosmos, the special role of a very select group of UFO experiencers should be examined. In the early 1990s I became an organizer for a number of contact groups. Since then I have observed a small number of remarkable individuals who more or less match the criteria for being what I have termed “prime contactees.”

A “prime contactee” is a UFO experiencer that has some of the following characteristics,

1. Apparent contact with UFO intelligence from childhood or as a young adult that involves special training in consciousness-based communication and the concomitant development of other advanced psychic abilities. This often involves meditation practice as a youth and is typically initiated without any apparent parental or other adult supervision.

2. Repeated sightings of UFOs when other people are present to verify that the “primes” can share their ongoing contact experiences with others.

3. A sense of “mission” involving informing the public of the importance of contact, or playing a supporting role for other contactees who are educating society on this topic. Forming new contact groups or joining existing networks is another manifestation of activities derived from a sense of having a personal mission.

4. In the most advanced “primes,” perhaps people like Dr Steven Greer or the man that I call “Misha” in my reports, they are likely having ongoing mental communication with UFO intelligence. This might even include direct telepathic communication (voice in the head) with the intelligence responsible for flying saucers.

5.This last feature is particularly risky for primes. If the larger society learns of such capabilities, those individuals will be mistakenly labeled as a “kooks” and be subjected to intense ridicule. Their sanity will almost certainly be questioned and forced psychiatric evaluations could also result.

6.More importantly if the primes’ special link to an extraterrestrial intelligence becomes known by the control groups, (those powerful clandestine forces attempting to keep a lid on the UFO situation), in my opinion at a minimum the primes will be subjected to intense surveillance.


In my opinion there is a high probability that private contractors working for the control groups are being recruited from government intelligence services to monitor and even harass high-level contactees. Thus these servants of the status quo probably see the primes as “enemy agents of influence” working for what I like to call “a higher intelligence agency.”

In some very unpleasant instances prime contactees have even been attacked by what might be called “psychotronic” technology. I personally learned of the effects of such attacks on contact activists when I was closely associated with Dr Greer’s Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence during the years 1992 to 1998.

Under certain circumstances the control groups in a less confrontational mode might even attempt to co-op primes with offers of money and access to privileged information available only to “insiders.” This kind of co-opting effort reportedly happened to Dr Greer while attending a UFO conference in the spring of 1992. He shared this information with the CE-5 Initiative Working Group Coordinators, including me, Shari Adamiak and Wayne Peterson. Alas these last two prominent contact workers are now deceased.

Indeed the passing of many of the first generation of North American contact activists is one of the reasons why I am initiating this “The Contact Network History Project.” My hope is to share these narratives with the current and future generations of contact workers. Jeff Becker’s anthology “Paths to Contact” of which I am one of many co-authors has a similar goal. I recommend it to all members of the network.


To be a prime contactee I imagine is a heavy cross to bear. If the special relationship with non-human intelligence is made public, critics will likely deem primes “insane.” On the other hand once their extraordinary ability to attract UFOs is established within the flying saucer subculture, the primes are often turned into celebrities. They are treated as if they are special (which they are in many ways) but unfortunately some may start believing that they are better than everyone else (which they are not!)

So the contact network may need to protect prime contactees, not only from a doubting larger society in which mainstream media will make fun of them, and from the control groups that may try to “neutralize” them, but strangely enough contact activists may need to protect the primes from themselves as well, from an egoism which is reinforced by people’s tendency to engage in hero worship.


This last point is apropos to what I believe happened to the Peruvian based Rama contact group back in the 1990s. Rumors of plagiarism and the use of donations to fund what was characterized as affluent life styles, appears to have played a major role in causing that once vibrant group to implode. According my sources within ranks of this very important organization their numbers were decimated. In fighting among the leadership resulted in much disappointment that turned into bitterness.

Uncontrolled adulation in susceptible individuals might “turn” prime contactees from the altruistic path of serving a nascent “contact movement” to the more selfish position of insisting that their supporters should service them! I am referring to the tendency of contact groups to take on aspects of cults.

“Servicing” the primes might involve giving them large amounts of money, often under questionable circumstances, the granting of sexual favors and in general satisfying their personal needs to feel important and to be the center of attention.

From decades of social cause activism during the 1960s through 80s, I learned that in order for radical reform campaigns to succeed they need to fire up the enthusiasm of the grass roots and not focus on the many strengths while ignoring the weakness of those leading them.


This analysis is offered within the hopeful framework that a benevolent and technologically advanced ET civilization is at this moment interacting with humanity. My hope is that their presence will inspire us to create an Earth civilization based on peace, cooperation and social/economic justice. I believe this is true because such ethical advancements, including the forever banning all war, is in my judgment a precondition for any alien culture to travel across the sea of stars.

In the absence of such radical cultural advancements in an ET civilization, the powerful energy systems required for interplanetary and/or inter-dimensional travel would be applied to create weapons so powerful that their evitable use would destroy the very civilization that created them, thus preventing them from getting very far out into space beyond their star system of origin.


Currently there is much speculation about the possibility that if the advanced propulsion systems that allow flying saucers to operate were downloaded into our technological culture, then tremendous benefits would accrue. If advanced technologies were used for peaceful purposes, then global warming, environmental pollution and even world poverty and hunger might be eliminated.

In the short term our achieving this kind of sweeping political and economic transformation is a big “if.” For such dramatic events to happen, the control groups’ campaign labeled the “UFO truth embargo” in my judgment would have to be self-curtailed or overcome by a stronger force. Such a force I imagine could very well be a skillfully organized and adequately funded future “contact movement.” This would by necessity involve not hundreds of activists worldwide, (my estimate of our current strength) but rather require millions of dedicated participants.

In addition negotiations with the so-called “ETs” to obtain their technology would likely only occur under conditions of world peace. This would be necessary to ensure that advanced technologies would not be used militarily against the alleged “aliens” as well as these technologies being used against ourselves.


This long-term plan to create a contact movement will require the participation of countless activists. As the ranks of contact workers increase, as it appears to be happening now, then I imagine that the importance of those that I call prime contactees will likely decrease.

Creating a new kind of social movement linking UFOs to solutions for the major problems confronting mankind is indeed a very ambitious project. Critics will likely say, “It’s an impossible dream.” My reply is that we will either evolve as a race of intelligent beings or we will destroy our civilization by war and man made environmental catastrophes.

If creating a bright peaceful future both here on Earth and in the cosmos is called “impossible” by the so-called “authorities,” then I have but one thing to say to contact activists, “Be realists: demand the impossible!”

About the author: Dr Burkes volunteered as a Working Group Coordinator for the CE-5 Initiative from 1992 till 1998. He has continued to study the flying saucer phenomenon working with MUFON and the Peruvian contact network now called Rahma. Dr Burkes retired from the Southern California Pemanente Group after thirty years service in 2008. He is a board certified internal medicine physician and is licensed to practice in California.

The State of UFO Investigations Today

What do you think about the state of Ufology today?

Does it meet up to your expectations? Sadly, it falls short for nearly every serious investigator. It falls even shorter for experiencers who wish the topics of discussion to be more focused on real interactions.

What has happened to what once seemed to be a burgeoning field of study for and with folks who’ve had some kind of experience or at least witnessed what has often been termed ‘UFOs’?

Some years ago, in a presentation in England, Bob Dean spoke of the fact that ‘they’ are no longer ‘UFOs’ because we know what they are… visitors in various types of interstellar and perhaps interdimensional craft. Paul Hellyer, retired Canadian Defense Minister, speaks openly about his knowledge from his prior position and current relationships.

Banal Banter

So many today banter about the past; opinions and research that have been so trampled they have lost their appeal to serious folks. You might be one of them. Unfortunately, the attraction to the curious has helped to develop an industry that supports speculators and storytellers as much as real information sharing. In the thirty plus years the author has been involved there have been at least three cycles of activity. Stephen Bassett does his best to keep it real as he continues to lobby for disclosure, but is he involved because it is a lifestyle, passion, or a way to earn a living and travel? Dr. Steven Greer continues to speak about his contact techniques and the familiar message he admits to receiving as well, but is he legit or just playing the crowd?

Each cycle starts with some real information, a new breakthrough or personage that suddenly decides to share their story. Then the attention gets distracted to old information that’s rehashed and then on to some sci-fi encounter that has something to do with a conspiracy. Whether it is a government coverup of interaction with aliens or a secret space program, the process repeats about every 10 to 12 years with new people. We’re due for a new spin. We all oppose deceivers, right?

Money for Nothing

What began in 1991 as the International UFO Congress in Tucson, Arizona has become a business venture. It spawned several others over the years, some doing better than others. They all tend to follow the pattern shared above. The better the marketing and/or story, the more intriguing the conspiracy or mystery, numbers flock and those numbers mean dollars. In loose surveys over the last decade or so, real experiencers and serious folk express the need for discussing the non-human intelligences and communication that reveals a common thread toward learning how to live in harmony with natural law and order, like the universe.

Is there a theme to all the communication including crop circles, experiences of sensory input still needing a language to articulate coherently, telepathic and virtual visitations? There doesn’t seem to be any disagreement with the aforementioned ‘message’ about learning to live together. That is, as people getting along, the entire gamut from planet (its elements) to living creatures with and without ‘consciousness’ or what we express as being sentient. It naturally occurs in the evolution of sentient beings, every planetary civilization capable of star travel has learned it.

Who Goes There?

Believe it or not, there are humans who have learned it as well, nearly every one knows of interdimensional as well as interstellar capabilities. They cut through all the Ufology industry stuff, usually by non-engagement, and look for other ways of more ethically-driven ways to gather. The photo to the right is from Jonas Elrod’s experience during a meditation. The image was captured with special photography.

The events around the world today, as off-center as they are, still bring many folks who don’t know where else to find kindred folk. The names have been changed to protect the innocent and maintain anonymity so employment wouldn’t be jeopardized. It’s no wonder folks are reticent to come forward and risk the scrutiny of ‘ufologists,’ let alone the public.

More recently there have been great efforts by an organization that was endorsed by Dr. Edgar Mitchell as one of his final acts to continue his work in consciousness studies. Through their surveys, which are anonymous, over 4,000 participants have shared their personal experiences. Now we’re getting somewhere with FREE information. The data from these surveys is available and getting some attention. Rey Hernandez heads up the organization. Perhaps it will give folks encouragement to speak more publicly, somewhat anonymously. Rey certainly isn’t shy.

The general sense in this ‘free’ population is that things are progressing toward a beneficial end. Statistically over time the perception of events even changes toward the beneficial. It seems that as consciousness develops, the perception of events can drastically change as the experiencer progresses. Long-term contact tends to result in a vastly different understanding, congruent with the theme above. Hopefully the Ufology industry will recognize folks with integrity and take a chance on elevating the conversation.

Cosmic Comedy

In other areas, still cyclical and spiraling up the experience peak, Grant Cameron speaks and writes on the patterns of contact and the style and type associated with each ’round’ of the cycle. Is his research authentic and objective or putting a new spin on old information? Richard Dolan has become an expert in the history and he expresses an intellectual curiosity toward an optimistic quest of intentions and potential interspecie work. Is their research authentic and objective or just putting a new spin on old information?

Although it’s talked about religiously in some circles, the general public doesn’t seem to understand there have been those living among us for millennia. Even those who do admit the possibility or even reality, they don’t engage it any further. I find that suspect, or maybe a bit fearful of revealing their worst fears of prejudice toward others. Are we really learning how to get along or just hide our deceptive separative notions better?

It seems that the world continues to spiral out of control in our efforts to control our path. Many individuals are awakening to an understanding of holistic systems that permeate our lives. If consciousness evolves and the thoughtmosphere expands, what is the critical mass that would begin to right the ship, ‘our’ relationship that is. The ability to manage machinery with a mixture of galvanic response, psychokinesis and telepathy is just one example of understanding universal law and order, using built-in features of our very nature. It is currently way out of our ability to be disciplined to that degree. We like to argue too much.

Conspiracy theories always have an argumentative nature. Debates run high amongst those who believe in them, real or imagined. They take away from the more pressing need for transforming our way of doing business and educating our children on planet Earth. They give us a way to consider and discern, seeking the sensation within that reveals their truth or not. I hear that a lot from the grapevine, the contact underground that Dr. Joseph Burkes has engaged for a couple of decades.

More internet radio hosts are exploring the grapevine, giving us more information to analyze and discern. Randy Maugans and Chris Holly have been doing their own thing for a while with Off Planet Radio. Inception Radio Network has also done a lot toward contributing to the effort, but we have to use our discernment still; the loudest mouths still get too much time. I’m sure there many more. I’ve got to go to work now…


UFO Abductee, Contactee or Something Else?

Alien.317UFO Abductee, Contactee or something else?

There are many conversations and investigations about UFOs. If you look around the field the vast majority of the attention is on physical phenomena, usually sightings and their investigations. Most of the books are written about rehashes of events. There have been those claiming new discoveries about UFOs or recounting hypnotherapy sessions from supposed abductees and contactees. None of it really has a solid feel to it, just like the interdimensional visitors.

There are some other stories beginning to surface, though, that push the limits of credibility because they are about a much richer engagement. Over the past decades there have been hints of a broader field of interaction. There are claims of humans who find themselves part of a greater experience they find difficult, if not impossible, to explain or understand. Still, the consistency of these claims and similarities of stories tend to indicate that something is indeed surfacing, a gathering of souls with consciousness and intelligence that behavioral scientists and psychologists find fascinating.

Before we explore this any further, we ask that you suspend your belief system for a moment and try to fathom a reality few consider, let alone experience. There have been some authors and researchers who have explored the deeper implications of contactees and experiencers. Some have reported on accounts revealed from hypnosis, like Barbara Lamb, Delores Cannon and Yvonne Smith. Others have taken a more straight forward interview style like Dr. Scott Mandelker, Dr. Steven Greer and Kerry Cassidy / Bill Ryan in previous years. They each have their particular focus and style, but none really look at the depths.

Imagine you are a young person who, for whatever reason, has been adopted early and may or may not be aware of the fact. There is something that stirs within you that just feels different; a sense of being aware of a much greater reality but you are unable to articulate those feelings as a youth. Your dreams are full of other worldly experiences and occasionally there are things that happen around you that, if you called attention to them, would only cause others to discount your observation or deny it even happened.

As you get a little older, you find yourself having ‘dreams’ of seeing yourself leaving your house through a window, a wall or even out the door and rising up into the air into a brightly lit cloud. In the late 50s and early 60s the orange cigar-shaped clouds were the most common. You enter that cloud and next thing you know you are waking up in bed feeling invigorated and you cannot wait to go back. You have no memory of being inside the cloud, but you know it was fun and completely safe from harm. You want to share the experience, but something tells you it wouldn’t be wise. After all, it is just a sensation other than the memory of watching yourself in the process of getting to the cloud.

After a few years the experiences seem to dwindle and stop, but the memory haunts you because there is ‘something’ that happened. You may even notice that your way of thinking is much different than the others your age, being more focused on curious notions about life or why people do what they do. You get along with just about everyone, but there is something that keeps you feeling separate and unable to really connect with others for some reason. It isn’t a bit deal, but you feel like you are missing something as you continue to look for deeper connections in life and relationships.

When you reach the age of accountability in your late teens you begin to question life even more, possibly wondering what your purpose or mission in life may be and your curiosity continues to grow in strength until you almost become obsessive about it. You might even break down and hit your knees, since you’ve been taught that prayer is a way to seek answers beyond human. You want to know what truth is and the desire is so strong you feel like its worth giving up your life in order to find it. After all, that is what most religions teach.

So one day or night you have one of the most profound experiences of your life. There has been a voice that you’ve conversed with your entire life so far and didn’t realize it. This voice all of a sudden makes you aware of its presence, calling you by name and asking if you are willing to die for what you belief in. In a frantic grasp for a solid belief, you realize that a bigger-than-life belief is the only thing that will fit this call… cosmic consciousness or something similar is all you can think of and, in so doing, answer in the affirmative.

Before you know it you are surrounded by White Light, but then quickly move on to a sphere of pin points of light that you recognize as points of consciousness. You don’t know why you recognize them as such, but it just resonates with your very soul. Then you find out these are others just like you and somehow you are to work together to achieve a transformation of your world over time, but in your lifetime. The next thing you know you are back in your body taking a gulp of air you didn’t know you needed and everything becomes real in that instant.

Many years later you begin having interactions with other beings not of this world, seemingly, because they do not look human. There is a certain resonance with them, though, and they feel like what you were seeking so many years ago, a deeper sense of family. You still don’t know how to explain it and you know you’d be insane for sharing these experiences with others because you’ve witnessed how ‘different’ people have been treated by your nuclear family and friends. You are conflicted with your sense of familiarity with these ‘others’ and the notion that you might be mentally unstable, chemically imbalanced or just plain nuts.

You have been able to hold a job and work in the daily travails of earning a living or even raising a family, so the question of sanity gradually dissipates. Still, there is no one to talk with about what is going on inside with some bleed-over outside of you at times. So you start asking questions internally and find that your life begins to change as a result. Others like you begin to show up, asking similar questions and sharing stories quietly so that the ‘public ear’ doesn’t pick up on your obviously questionable notions.

The notions of possibility begin to emerge; that you may indeed be part of something bigger and/or may have your roots in another civilization from across the universe. It seems outlandish and unpopular, yet there is a sense within you that it is indeed possible. You know that if you talk about it that others will distance themselves from you with no remorse. There is something important about it, though, and try as you might there is no one to talk to about it. You know that humans can be barbaric and downright inhumane to their own kind, so you keep your mouth shut and just hope that someday a story emerges that opens the door to sharing your real feelings and thoughts.

Now that you’ve read the above and hopefully allowed your own beliefs and/or suspicions to be set aside for the moment, just give it a little thought. For the sake of this article and the reflection from the field of experiencers, let’s assume this is a reality for some, possibly many. Let’s ask a few intelligent questions about the potential reality:

  • If this happened to you, what would you do?
  • If this happened to a friend or loved one and you found out, how would you respond?
  • If you met someone that had a credible background, performed well professionally and claimed the potential of being connected to an off-planet civilization – what would you think?

Maybe this will begin some conversation. Feel free to reach out offline, too.

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