Tag Archives: Ufology

Ascending at the Speed of Surrender – new book

5.0 out of 5 stars


on April 19, 2023
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There is a new way of being human that is emerging on earth. Zen Benefiel is among those in the vanguard. In plain down-to-earth language he shares his story. It is a story that stretches far beyond our planetary sphere into the cosmos. His encounters with other galactic species, and his role as a liaison for our species, enable him to straddle both worldly and otherworldly dimensional realities.

With a clear sense of mission and purpose, he shares his unique experiences to open our hearts and minds to what lies beyond on truly distant shores. It takes courage to share a story that some might find difficult to comprehend or easy to discount. There is a certain humility that accompanies his accounting of events and experiences that are extraterrestrial and quite extraordinary. Still, it’s clear that he is solidly grounded here on terra firma. I applaud his efforts to work on a global peace initiative to help facilitate our shift to a new world of harmony as our species grows, matures, and expands in consciousness. Read this with an open mind and heart.

Pick up a copy

Ascending at the Speed of Surrender is a book by Zen Benefiel that explores the idea of surrendering to the flow of life in order to reach a higher level of consciousness and spiritual evolution. The book is written from the perspective of someone who has undergone a significant transformation in their own life through the practice of surrendering and allowing themselves to be guided by the universe.

The book begins by discussing the concept of surrender and how it can be misunderstood as a form of weakness. Benefiel explains that surrender is actually a very powerful tool for transformation, as it allows us to let go of our attachments and expectations and open ourselves up to the possibilities that life has to offer. He encourages readers to let go of the need for control and instead trust in the universe to guide them towards their highest good.

The book also explores various spiritual practices and techniques that can aid in the process of surrendering, such as meditation, mindfulness, and gratitude. Benefiel emphasizes the importance of cultivating a sense of inner peace and stillness in order to connect with our higher selves and tap into the wisdom of the universe.

Throughout the book, Benefiel shares personal stories and anecdotes from his own journey of surrender and spiritual growth. He also includes exercises and prompts for readers to reflect on their own experiences and begin incorporating surrender into their daily lives.

Overall, Ascending at the Speed of Surrender offers a compelling and insightful perspective on the power of surrender as a path to spiritual evolution. Benefiel’s writing is clear and engaging, and his personal anecdotes and practical advice make the book accessible and relatable for readers at all stages of their spiritual journey. Whether you’re new to spirituality or a seasoned practitioner, this book is sure to offer valuable insights and inspiration for surrendering to the flow of life and accessing your highest potential.

One World in a New World with Stephen Bassett – Paradigm Research Group

One World in a New World with Stephen Bassett – Paradigm Research Group

Do you believe we’re being visited by UFOs? Steve has been a lobbyist for government disclosure of the UFO presence in our skies around the world. His story doesn’t particularly have a spiritual awakening, though his passion for this topic began as a young boy and continues.

His interest in science and sci-fi, especially with aliens, prompted a deeper exploration into the UFO phenomena. As he matured, even as a teen, he knew the reports of UFOs and interviews of witnesses clearly indicated an extraterrestrial presence. Surprisingly, he’s never had a direct experience with a UFO in his 30+ years of advocating disclosure.

Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man on the moon, was a speaker at an event Zen managed in Phoenix a couple of decades ago. Edgar revealed that on their way to the surface of the moon in the Lunar Excursion Module, a metallic silver cylinder was spiraling around the LEM nearly all way down to the surface. He knew it was nothing from Earth and wondered how long the inhabitants controlling it had been on the Moon.

Considerations and Speculations

Steve goes on to talk about the world-wide phenomena of the disc-shaped craft showing up at ICBM sites and literally shutting off the power to everything. He and many others are still curious as to why they did that. Speculation might lean toward sending a message that they were protecting people of Earth from themselves. We don’t know.

Will our government disclose information about the UFO presence? Steve mentions presidential candidates, advisors and reporters that had chronicled their involvement in over 400 articles written around the world at the time.

Imagine the challenge across agencies in the government that held information, such as the Military Industrial Complex, that were the reason for the ‘truth embargo’ and ‘protectors’ of the nation. Alas, the plans were thwarted as the candidate wasn’t elected.

Steve shares much more of his longstanding investigation and tumultuous journey to bring the UFO mystery to light, from National Press Conferences to Congressional Hearings.

Beyond Being Human Holiday Season Event

Beyond Christmas  –  Cosmic  Consciousness 2021

Click on the graphic to register.

Perhaps the first of its kind, this virtual event is hosted by Beyond Being Human and a host of support personnel. The environment will surely be unique and perhaps unprecedented in the Ufology space. The Making Contact Campus features a variety of virtual environments for experiencers to explore and get to know one another, attend presentations and participate in question and answer sessions with presenters.

Produced by Michael Ney and crew of cohorts that include James Carman, Mark Sims, Captain Ron and Alan Steinfeld, this 8-hour event will be co-hosted by Sinéad Whelehan and Rev. Michael Carter.

Special Guests Include:

* Whitley Strieber featuring his books – “Jesus – A New Vision” and “The Afterlife Revolution” & “A New World”
* Celestine Star – https://celestinestar.com/
* Adam Apollo – https://www.adamapollo.com/
* Mary Rodwell – Author of “The New Human” – https://www.alienlady.com
* Lyn Buchanan – in conversation with James Carman
* Kimberly Meredith – Author, Medical Intuitive, Trance Channeler, and Psychic Surgeon
* Debra Guisti & Scott Catamas – Global Peace Tribe and their weekly Saturday Night Alive shows
* Donna D’Ingillo – Institute of Christ Consciousness
* Jerry Anderson – Mystic Monastery
* Karen Swain – channels spiritual knowledge from her guides Blissful Beings
* Charol Messenger – award winning author of many books – channeling Ascended Masters
* Marianna Leah – Sacred Feminine Channel, Intuitive Healer & host on Esoteric Guides NYC
* Joseph Jacques – Co-founder of Harmonic Humanity will be available to talk personally with attendees too.

Along with the Zoom experience comes the virtual world and avatars within the Making Contact Campus and the various places like the Observation Deck, Paul T. Hellyer Auditorium, Experiencer Room and more, though let’s not forget a beach party, too, with DJs and dance tunes.

The virtual experience on The Observation Deck will include:

* viewing the 4 hour zoom event in a theatre with a virtual audience that you can interact with
* additional presentations 2 hours before and another 2 hours after the 4 hour main event.
* personal interaction, and information, with representatives of homeless organizations
* mingling in shared spaces – live conversations
* discussion groups after the main show with special guests
* video viewings in various rooms – good Christmas watching for the whole family

Your curator is also speaking later in the event, on the topic of ‘The Life of an Experiencer’ with a Q&A session afterward for your burning questions. Event costs range from $5 to $10 US, though the payment page is set up in AUD, since the event was created in Australia.

You can register here.

Look forward to seeing some of you there and wishing you all a Happy Holiday Season!

Kosta Makreas – Founder, ET Let’s Talk & The People’s Disclosure Movement

Kosta Makreas – Founder, ET Let’s Talk & The People’s Disclosure Movement

interviewed by your curator, Zen Benefiel for One World in a New World

And now for something completely different… with an invitation to engage Star Family visitors further through ET Let’s Talk.

We’ve been diving deep into the lives of those in the trenches in business, organizational development and systems transformation in a variety of ways. This conversation moves to a whole different world of experience, invitation and planetary advancement.

Kosta Makreas brings a new dimension to the conversations, perhaps in some ways apocalyptic to our audience, from having a professional career in software engineering to interacting with Star People. ET Let’s Talk is a collection of people from around the world, some hosting CE-5 events, that gather for the specific purpose of human initiated contact.

As two Hoosiers reuniting, we launch into some familiar territory for us. Both of us have been active in Ufology for decades, though Kosta has taken a front seat, so to speak, with his efforts to build, organize and support a vast network of folks who want to make contact with Star People, which is their preferred nomenclature according to Kosta.

What may seem odd or peculiar or even scary to some has been lifelong experiences for others. Kosta shares how his interest began as a youth and the challenges he faced growing up in a period when it wasn’t too popular to talk about engaging aliens, let alone calling them Star People. His shares a synchronistic experience his wife had while he was away on a CE-5 week-long campout.

If you haven’t heard the term, CE-5 refers to human initiated contact with Star People. Kosta’s work began with Steven Greer and quickly evolved to developing contact groups around the world on his own. ET Let’s Talk and The People’s Disclosure Movement has been growing for several years now.

Our chat moves into discussing the People’s Disclosure Movement, taking the notion of disclosure and putting it in the hands of the people instead of governments that have not been able to announce their knowledge.

Research and study is always necessary, and Kosta mentions a study that includes over 4,000 accounts from around the world. It was performed by an organization called FREE, under the title of Beyond UFOs – The Science of Consciousness and Contact with Non Human Intelligence.

We discuss Kosta’s work with ET Let’s Talk (https://etletstalk.com) and the numbers of people involved. You might be surprise, though perhaps not.

If your curiosity is sparked, you’ll enjoy the conversation for sure. We only scratch the surface of the work and how it affects those involved. For decades it wasn’t popular to speak up or out about this topic and now folks seem to be flocking toward their own discovery and engagement.

Make sure to check out the description below the video for more information and links.

The Underwhelming UAP Report that Deepens the Mystery

RE: UAP Report Nonsence (all 9 pages)

Shared this because it coincides with the UAP nonsense just released by our illustrious purveyors of preposterous notions… though they may actually be true.

Not hard to predict the cluelessness when history repeats itself in the fractals of contrived information and real absence of actual material.

Communications (originally established in the 1950s) were cut off when the MIC proved to be untrustworthy.

Not sure they are lying, as many believe… the MIC don’t have a clue because they’re going at [it] the wrong way. They see [them] as separate and not a part of the natural world, like us. Truly the point of perspection (inner/outer) cannot see what it has not experienced.

The sense of threat needs to go away in order to see them clearer and understand their technology… hundreds if not thousands of years ahead of our own. How could we possibly know anything without the proper tools to understand?

Space… the final frontier… Well, here’s a crash course on the rectilinear concept. We’ve got to begin to understand where we are in the scheme of things… our reality. Conceive…. consider… conceptualize.

___________________________________ ~ from The New Science (memoirs of Wilbert Smith – Project Magnet)

As a first consideration let us consider what space appears to be to us. We have no doubts about its volumetric nature although we have no senses by which we can observe this condition. We conclude that space is volumetric by the nature of things which we find in it. What would it be like if everything were removed from space? Would we even have space?

Can we conceive of a space structure completely devoid of matter or energy in any form; real empty space? What would such space be like? If we were disembodied entities located in such a space, how could we identify our position or describe where or how we were? What sort of yardstick could we use? These and many more similar questions must be faced squarely by those seeking understanding.

When one has satisfied himself by actually doing it that he can conceive of space with absolutely nothing in it, and is not too terrified of his creation, he is then in a position to take the next step, namely to find his way about in it. An arbitrary decision can be made to refer all concepts to where the investigator conceives himself to be, thereby establishing a point. [This ‘point,’ literally, is critical for the observation of awareness and reality, the I/eye of our being.]

He can next conceive of an adjacent point, thereby establishing a line. By turning in various directions he can establish the concepts of surfaces and volumes. But no matter what he does after that, the investigator cannot add more concepts to the space itself. He therefore concludes that what he instinctively felt soon after he first conceived the empty space, that it was volumetric, and nothing more, is correct.

The foregoing is actually an exercise in mental gymnastics, but as physical exercise is necessary for body-building, so are these exercises necessary for the building of understanding. It is absolutely necessary to satisfy oneself on these points before going on to the next concept.

The next step is to conceive of a way of getting about in this empty space, and to realize that one has done so when the operation is complete. The concept of an adjacent position, or point, is a good approach, and here again the operation becomes one of mental gymnastics, and a lot of manipulation and practice is necessary to get the feel of the situation.

As one gains in understanding of the properties of space, the various geometries become evident, and it becomes increasingly obvious that a wide variety can be made to work, if certain basic parameters are admitted. However, since our concern is primarily with our space and our universe, we will want to select the geometry that best fits our experience.

Ordinary Euclidean or rectilinear geometry is quite familiar and comprehensible to us, and we can understand easily how it can be applied to space as we conceive it. We can understand a sideways, forwards-backwards, up-down concept, or expressed mathematically, and x, y and z axis. Also, we experience no great difficulty in conceiving of these three axes as converging at right angles to a single point and extending outward therefrom to enormous distances. We can even introduce the idea of infinity in any direction as being somewhat beyond the farthest distance in which we have any interest.

In our rectilinear concept we can conceive of such a thing as a straight line, although we might be hard put to define it, since the concept is in itself axiomatic. However, if we understand what a straight line actually is in our concept and we are sure that others with whom we communicate also have the same understanding, we can use it as a real datum point in our appreciation of our universe. This point is of particular significance in what is to follow, as it is one of the few solid anchors we have on which to fasten our understanding. Let us never lose sight of this concept of a straight line, as entirely distinct from the behavior of matter or energy.

Our rectilinear concept at once validates our Euclidean geometry. Furthermore, it removes any limitations which might be imposed on it by either great or small distances. It provides us with a clear-cut framework within which we can think our way about in space. We should satisfy ourselves that this concept actually is a necessary and sufficient condition for this purpose, although we remember that its selection was arbitrary and that other geometries probably would work just as well.

However, since we have made our decision to use the rectilinear concept, we must be prepared to stick to our decision unless and until proved wrong. As a matter of fact, any geometry can be used, and will work within the limiting parameters of its definitions. It is only when extended beyond these limits that corrections become necessary, but even with the corrections the geometry itself does not become invalid, only the things we expect it to do.

Another older resource from an interview with George Van Tassel

What we still have yet to reveal within ourselves is the notion that what has been stated in both scientific and spiritual perspectives, albeit slightly differently, is that all things are connected. We’d be fools to ignore the evidence of experiencers and their awareness that indeed this is so. We consider categorization and nomenclature as a kind of separation into different aspects of reality and yet modern science is proving that this practice is simply folly.

For example, there are many resources that essentially cross-reference the reality of interconnectedness. Neppe and Close posit that consciousness, space and time are tethered across nine dimensions; Mironova (Russian Academenian) offers a dissertation on recent scientific discoveries on the mutations of our specie. William Swygard discovered a method to explore other-dimensional consciousness across nine planes (perhaps a direct experience of the TDVP model of Neppe and Close.

How we explore these realms will determine the revealing of their congruence and continuity with what the ancient calendars have offered regarding the period of time we are currently in, the transition between ages, from the Piscean (patriarchal) to the Aquarian (matriarchal) and another admonition Smith shares from his conversations with ‘people from elsewhere’ – that we ought to direct our questions to Mother Earth. The Gaia Hypothesis has been around for a while now, though we haven’t really considered the implication of being able to communicate directly with her. It’s a concept far too fringy for the fray…